So London Marathon today for the runners and W2R1 for undersigned couch potato. I may not have beaten a 33 year old record but I beat a 48 year old brain into submission. I can run 90 seconds without being too out of breath but my shins hurt. Is it weight or bad technique because I have good running shoes that were fitted after gait analysis a few years back? (needless to say they have not been used much..).
Mo: 2 hours, 6 mins Me: 90 seconds: So London... - Couch to 5K
Mo: 2 hours, 6 mins Me: 90 seconds

Well done! Soon you’ll hit that 30 minute mark 💪🏽

Well done!
Each new week is a bit more challenging. I am dreading my next run.
I can't advise on the cause, but using a roller or self massaging could alleviate the strain.
Thank you, I will try that

The title of your post made me laugh out loud!! Hey, you never know, you might be a London marathon runner one day But in the meantime... Well done for your 90 seconds! I'm week 2 as well with aching shins

I used to get bad shin splints when I did the first of the longer runs. Wow, it seems mad that 3 minutes used to feel a long time to run!!
I think that I was heel striking (heel contacting the ground first) in the early days, which I have been told causes shin splints. Your feet should hit the ground under your torso rather than in front of you. I'm sure there's more expert advice on here if you do a search.
Thank you 🙏

Advice from the pinned post
Runners are drama queens, in that what to a non runner is an annoying pulled muscle, is for the runner, a full blown injury. You have to listen to your body and take care not to exacerbate injuries by continuing to strain them. New runners are particularly prone to shin splints and calf strains and Achilles tendon strains, which can often be rectified by the correct footwear, slowing down, shortening stride and also by judicious use of a foam roller, an innocent looking, fiendish weapon for the masochistic runner to use to ease strained muscles by self inflicted massage. They hurt like hell, but do an amazing job……
Good luck
Thank you 🙏