Note to self... just because a hill doesn't look very steep on google maps does not mean it isn't steep in real life! π«
So i manage both of the three minute runs but the last minute if my first run was on a moderate incline... the hardest part of the run, just as I was struggling and the road started to incline! Ooops BUT i completed the 3 minutes and was very proud...
But then I turned the corner and was faced with a huge and very steep hill. So i didn't have time to fully recover before the next 90s run. I ended up having to walk it. Fortunately, by the time the next 3 minute run rolled round, i was on the straight and ready to run again. I completed this one easier than the last and felt like I had acomplished the most challenging part.
After my 3 min cool down walk, i tagged on a little extra light jogging to compensate for the missed run and then put the rest down to experience. I'm still very pleased with what I accomplished today and feel that, had my route not challenged me so much, it was well within my grasp!
Hope everyone else is going well xx