What is Your Week? April Week 3.: Well.. we... - Couch to 5K

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What is Your Week? April Week 3.

Oldfloss profile image
91 Replies

Well.. we have had snow, and frost and hail... the weather has certainly challenged many, many of us...maybe, just maybe things may be beginning to brighten up.

I hope so :)

Welcome to the third week of the April, What is your Week?

The idea of, "What is your Week" ?

Every week we are going to put up a post, so you can add in a little post underneath, to say what week you are planning to do this week.

Sample post (feel free to put as much or as little as you like):

“Hi, I'm Oldfloss, and this week, I am doing the dreaded, week 5 run 3... help!, any tips guys? ”

We are growing so much at the moment and we wanted to have a little fun post ,so we can see who is on what week of the programme, and hopefully it will help everyone to feel more included on the forum.

Please remember it doesn't matter if you stay on the same week for a while, that is fine; it is a journey and it really doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be so worth it when you get to the final run.

At the end of the month there will be a Certificate for you to download and keep; just a little memento of the fact you have completed a whole month of the program. Another full month of running for you.

If you have just graduated, this will be a great place to keep you motivated, there is always the Quest on the Bridge to 10k forum as well, for Graduates.

I will add all the names from this week under this post. Every week for the month of April, the names will roll over into another post.

Let's get a good list going so we can support each other.

(Come on you lurkers, you can do it as well. ?)
























Nannalyn 53












Queeny 1969








































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Oldfloss profile image
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91 Replies
Amandana profile image

This week I'm in W4, with R1 under my belt - on the treadmill for the first time so far. It was a lot easier than I'd expected since it was a bump up from W3 and I pushed on and ran until I felt I couldn't any more at the end, knowing I had two days of rest ahead of me and the next would likely be back out on the road and more challenging. My legs feel tired but no aches or pains which is great - I think I'm on my way to becoming a runner! I actually got a little second wind for the first time in the programme so far, and wow is that ever a lovely feeling!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Amandana

All sounding very positive... The legs are building up and you are getting stronger:)

Renidragas profile image

This week I intend to restart Week 7 after a gap. I ran outdoors for the first time this year on Saturday and managed 1km of running in a 5km outing.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Renidragas

Very well done.. good to see you back :)

Tbae profile image

Still consolidating post grad runs.

5k today👍. Grinding it out and trying to defeat the cold.🙈

Obligatory pics on shoes,Thursday👍😂😂😂.

Thanks to walking with labs replies this dinasaur can now do that.👍😂😂😂🦕

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tbae

Well done.. consolidation is the thing... sunnier days beckon and it is going to be warm at the coast this weekend:)

Jb33 profile image

This week I have W8r3 then start W9. I can’t believe I’m now so close to graduating. I’m hoping my Achilles holds out though.

Jay66UK profile image

I’m also coming into this week having done W4R1. Runs 2 and 3 to come then the start of W5. Can’t believe I have got this far.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Yet here you are..keep it steady as you go :)

LiisaM profile image

Dear OF, I slambammed my way thru c2k for the second time following blizzards all winter and never-ending snow shoveling. I did it every other day to speed up the process somewhat. My last run was Stepping Stones, and guess what?! SNOW AGAIN TODAY! Where is spring?! I haven't been very good about doing stretches as prescribed by a PT.... Her prescription was SO intense for this old body! ...and she wanted me to do them EVERY day--with no rest days.... What the heck?!?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Stretches are brilliant.. and a daily routine of stamina and strength exercises is useful:) Well done you... Sunny days are on the way... I am sure they are:)

SnuggleMonster profile image

Hello all, I am looking forward to my w5 r3 tmrw. The past 14 runs have lowered my blood pressure and given me energy and an indication of where my waist should be - BMI still 35 tho! And... Hubby started c25k yesterday 😳😂😂😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SnuggleMonster

But you are getting there...very well done... and hubby too... Yeaeayayaya another one hooked:)

Cwtch2018 profile image

Due to start week 7 😬 if my thighs stop aching that is 🤣ran outside on Saturday as you know and obviously that is tougher than my gentle little treadmill X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cwtch2018

Oh yes...and very different...but so much fun:) Well done you...


try these?

Cwtch2018 profile image
Cwtch2018Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks xxxx

Just started W2R1 on Sunday. Really enjoyed it but got the good old headache afterwards. Hey-ho still powering on!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Well done you...maybe holding yourself a little tensely.. relax and shake out those shoulders:)

in reply to Oldfloss

Yes - you are right I do that! I quite often have to think "release" & bring my shoulders back down from round my ears!

Brewdog profile image

I’m on W6R3. A bit apprehensive about 25 mins but found the two bursts of 10 mins fine in R2 which I did yesterday so hoping I can do it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Brewdog

You will... trust the plan and believe you can do it.. then, you are halfway there:)

furlmouse profile image

Week 6 this week - did R1today and it was NOT good. Found it very hard, and although I completed it, I feel disappointed in myself that it was so pants after W5R3. Sigh.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to furlmouse

This week is just different... try to relax into the runs, they are all about different aspects of our running... you did well :)

Keepcalm-keepsmiling profile image

I’m doing W3R2 tomorrow and looking forward to getting out in the (hopefully) warmer weather 😎. Getting out of bed at 6.15 is the hard bit but once I’m out there I love it 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Keepcalm-keepsmiling

That is the thing..getting out there...very well done you!

Fifitrixiebell profile image

I am a graduate. This week I am continuing my running. I have a regular route that is about 5km/30 min. I will do that one tomorrow. I am also trying a new route and lengthening it until I get it to the 5km/30min. I am longing to shed layers. Want to ditch the hat, gloves and we weather layer. I tried this on Sunday, but it was still a bit too cold, for me. I am a 6amish runner. I plan to go out tomorrow and Thursday and I went out Sunday, so that is my three runs.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fifitrixiebell

A great plan of action there... well done you :)

NicolaD profile image

I'm still here!! Week 5 run 1 this morning. Felt really good afterwards!! Really loving it!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to NicolaD

Very well done... you are doing wonderfully :)

CJDavies profile image

One run left of W2. W2R2 was on Sunday and I literally had to prise my sobbing children of my legs to let me out - you wouldn’t think they go to nursery every day! My almost 4 year old cried-‘ but I want to be awake when you get back!’ I had to laugh- this was in the morning, I don’t know how long she thinks I can run for! Anyway onwards and upwards- really enjoying the fresh air and the sense of accomplishment afterwards.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to CJDavies

Well done... super Mama x

18Windmill profile image

Week 4 run 3 for me on Thursday, then onto dreaded week 5 at the weekend!! Hoping it stays warm!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to 18Windmill

Well done you... and by the way..Week 5 is fine...just different but not to be feared.. slow and steady will do it:)

SuperMouse profile image

This week i'm on Week 7! = Apprehensive! :O

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SuperMouse

Anticipation not apprehension... slow and steady and a lovely relaxed run... enjoy:)

Melo_smiles profile image

Last week didn’t go quite to plan as unfortunately my husband was admitted into hospital on Thursday. Fingers crossed he’ll be coming home tomorrow as he’s been on his best behaviour🤞

This week I’m really looking forward to getting back out there and enjoying some 30min runs. I think I’ll take Sarah with me and replay Wk9 on the app...I still like the time checks and the encouraging “you’re doing really well pet” 😁

I’ve been itching to get back out there since my last run, last Wednesday. But juggling hospital visits and caring for my son it just hasn’t been possible.

Happy running everyone 🏃🏼‍♀️👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Melo_smiles

Oh gosh I hope all is well now.... you will be back out soon and the runs will be waiting... take care x

Melo_smiles profile image
Melo_smilesGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you, when my husband was admitted into hospital the first thing he said was...what about my running!!! He’s also been doing C25K and has just started Wk8 🤦🏼‍♀️ He’ll be back out there slowly once he’s fully recovered and hopefully I’ll be able to run later in the week 🤞 xx

Jullaly profile image

Week 4 run 1 done and runs 2 and 3 to do, Feeling great apart from a niggly ankle .. I only think one run at a time ..possibly one week at a time but never beyond that

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jullaly

That is the way... just move on and do each run as it comes:)

Nenenene profile image

I'm Nene and I ran the first run of week 6 today. It was harder than I anticipated (I foolishly thought that after run 3 of week 5 this would be easier) but I got it done.

I actually felt really happy when I started my run today. It was great and the weather was lovely. A little while later it became hard work, but I still like running, just not every second of it. It really helps that my knees are much less sore now than they were in week four. I just have to remember to pace myself and if I have energy left I'll bump up in the pace for the last couple of minutes and finish strong.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Nenenene

Well done.. relax into these longer runs.. take it steady and let the new running legs find their happy pace:)

Bridget007 profile image

I have done W5R1 today and that means one more run to where I was in January and then hopefully will manage to do W5R3 on Friday 😬

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bridget007

You will do it... steady and slow...it works:)

Birdsong53 profile image

I completed run 2 of week 4 tonight, went well and seemed easier than run 1 although slower. I’ve noticed that my daughter runs on her forefoot and her stride looks effortless whereas I seem somewhat flat-footed. I have had lots of achilles problems in the past and wondered if I need to strengthen my ankles? Also knees feel stiff. Any tips?Think I must be falling apart. 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Birdsong53

Try these...



Just take it slow and steady and try to land lightly... I wore an ankle support when I started, to support an Achilles injury... but only for a while...

Leojon66 profile image
Leojon66 in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks so much for these links, I have one ankle weaker than the other after a sprain many years ago, should be helpful!

lexi6 profile image

Good morning, here anyway, (windy Wellington) Rest day for me today and tomorrow the start of WEEK 9! Can’t quite believe it. Crikey!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to lexi6

The badge is off the shelf :)

ToniCR profile image

I'm doing my second post-graduation week of consolidation. Next week over in Bridge to 10k to begin Ju-ju's 10 is the magic number plan for 10k training. A little nervous about that! I love seeing all the post from everyone here just starting out. I feel excited for people to begin this journey!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to ToniCR

Well done... the Bridge plan is wonderful.. you will love it!

Not2old2run profile image

Hi, well I’m still plodding on with my consolidation aim of running for 5k without any walking breaks. We’re in Wales for a few days with the caravan, did plan on a run this morning but it’s pouring down with rain and very windy, so I’m m hoping it will be better later. On Sunday I had an enjoyable run and managed to do 4.35k before my poor ancient knees said “ no more missis” but after icing, stretching and tea and a modicum of sympathy from my other half I soon recovered.

Hope everyone has a great weeks running.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Not2old2run

Well done you.... Glad your knee is feeling easier too... I hope the weather picks up before we head out there Thursday :)

Madsimmo profile image

So this Week 9 for me and I will be doing R3 on Thursday at around 06:15 🏃🏽‍♀️🙌🏽🎉 Praying for a dry day and no wind as this morning I ran into a headwind for the 1st 15 minutes and then the last 15 was cross winds!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Madsimmo

Oh wow.. so close now... It was windy this morning... I was out at the same time:) Froze my ears off:)

Go you.... nearly there:)

I_Can_I_Will profile image

Completed week 1 on Sunday, then onto W2 R1 last night. Going well, except for near embarrassment of phone dropping on treadmill and seeing it fly across towards steppers at 6.3mph 😵 Fortunately the musclemen were too busy comparing ??? to notice 😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to I_Can_I_Will

Love it.... nothing like making your presence felt... well done:)

Sarakc profile image

Hi! Tomorrow I hope to run 10k ! It will be my final week of Ju- ju’s plan! I know I have already done 10K but I wanted to complete the programme! Had to colour in my chart!!!! Looking like a nice day in Scotland so I’m going to take it nice and slowly and enjoy the scenery! 😀☀️🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sarakc

Sounds glorious... enjoy:)

JaneE71 profile image

Hello! I’m starting W3 tonight.... looking forward to it as looks like sunshine at last in our great outdoors....will take it slowly as expecting running time to increase....🏃‍♀️☀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JaneE71

Well done you:)

RainbowC profile image

I did my third week 9 run last night - although the three haven't all been within a week...! So now I'm starting to think what next. I'm still some way short of 5k, so the next target I think is to increase the distance/time. And I'm pondering whether I should sign up for Ju-ju's 10k plan over on the B210k forum. Not quite sure - I'll maybe give it another week or two before I take the plunge...

For today, I'm feeling glad I ran last night, and hoping it cools down a bit before tomorrow evening, cos I'm not good at running in the warm!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RainbowC

A bit of running just because, its a great idea... and then Ju's plan is amazing:) I have done it twice:)

lexi6 profile image
lexi6Graduate in reply to RainbowC

Congratulations!! That graduate badge really suits you.

NJGam profile image

Just completed the dreaded W5R3 and I’m still alive! The halfway mark was hard, as the lower part of my legs felt quite stiff, so I took the pace down a little and that helped. It was also the first time I’d run in warm weather so I think that contributed to the tiredness but I tried to stick to the shade as much as possible. The worst part was the 18th minute when I had to run past a year 6 pupil from the school I work in. I just smiled, waved and sped up a bit! Proud to have completed it though as it was the run I’ve been dreading. Hard to believe that a few weeks ago I found 90 seconds hard!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to NJGam

Well done... :) The run, like all the others..is just a run:) Take them slowly and steadily and you will be fine:)

alexpie profile image

I run every other day so getting through it really quickly, my next run is W7 R3, ive already downloaded the 5k to 10k app ready for when i graduate

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to alexpie

Keep it slow and steady to Graduation and then after some consolidation of the 30 minute runs.. the work goes on.. :)

alexpie profile image
alexpieGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Im quite comfortable with running every other day, its the only me time i get and i enjoy it

JohnLagrue profile image

Graduated 2 weeks ago and am currently consolidating whilst furthering the time. Currently running 32 mins 3 times a week. Still only at 3.6K mind you, so a long way to go to the ultimate goal of 5K.

I did try Stepping Stones once - disaster! Far far too fast.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JohnLagrue

Well done... slow and slightly faster runs, lots of consolidation of 30 minute runs and you get stronger...new routes too, are helpful:)

The C25K+ podcasts... are challenging, as they are about different disciplines in our running...:)

beardsbn profile image

Just finished week 3 today haven't run for about 20 years hoping I can keep it up as looks daunting next week

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to beardsbn

Slow and steady and you will be amazed..:)

Queeny1969 profile image

Still on week 7 ☹️ Tried running outdoors last Saturday. It was my third run that week which I can’t usually handle. The run was rubbish, couldn’t complete it and I’ve had knee pain all this week. My poor knees just can’t take more than 2 runs a week on a treadmill So feeling a bit fed up and sore. I might go and get gait analysis Saturday to see if new shoes help xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Queeny1969

New shoes may well be the answer... and try these exercises out too...


Try to hang in there and keep us posted please:)

Queeny1969 profile image
Queeny1969Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Many thanks. I’ve been trying the exercises also got some proper running shoes today ! First run tomorrow! Xx

Leojon66 profile image

My weeks start on a Friday, and today I start Week 3! Got to get out early before it gets too hot (amazing as that sounds). Looking forward to it, some trepidation about the longer run, but fairly hopeful that good breathing technique will keep me going.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Leojon66

No need to fear.. slow and steady and just breathe... :)

angdrumm profile image

Hi I am angdrumm and I am just starting out on week one, I didn't quite manage all the 1 minute runs this morning but I did manage at least 30 seconds of each one at a jog and 30 at a fast kind of walk/jog/shuffle lol.

I have never run in my life before as I believed it was harmful to my knees. I am over 50 and suffer from arthritis, however after seeing a program last week with Angela Rippon jogging at her age (she was led to believe the sam as me) I decided to give it a go.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to angdrumm

Slow and steady will take you there... the correct shoes and landing gently... lots of posts about arthritis in the last few weeks too!

Well done :)

Christianne57 profile image

This week I am restarted W1after last weeks close encounter with tarmac.

Did W1R2 today in glorious Spring weather . . . the husband who told me that I was too old to be out running and should be at home knitting booties... has now decided that if he can't beat 'em, then he'll have to join 'em . . . . And started to run with me so I now have an actual running buddy as well as a virtual one

Looking forward to W1R3 on Sunday

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Christianne57

Yeayayyaya... that is great.. go you and him now.... well done!

SammieCh profile image

Hey I’m on week 3 for the second week I just need to nail this run before I go up the jump to week 4, i would have probably given up before but this time I’m determined to do this and although a little frustrated that week 3 is just not there yet I’m not disheartened “slow and steady”

Oldfloss profile image

Slow and steady works..just relax , trust the plan and have confidence in yourself :)

Nollie26 profile image

Week 8 run 1 tomorrow for the second attempt. Last tried on Wednesday on the hottest day of the year after work in stead of 28 mins only achieved about 23 😣.

Still used it as a practice run and will start again tomorrow. Have been dreading the heat thing as I hate that bright red face look. But I suppose I should get used to it. 😳

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Nollie26

Red id the in shade here... beetroot is a particular favourite:) Hydrate well and slow and steady :)

Nollie26 profile image
Nollie26Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Well I did it - beetroot a definite look 👀

Now to settle down and watch all those brave soles doing the marathon go Mo.

slow-farah profile image

Did w5 r3 on Tuesday (I knew it was do-able but felt surprisingly good) and started week 6 at 8am yesterday but still struggled with the heat (I did it though :) ), got w6 r2 tomorrow then no more intervals :/

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to slow-farah

Very well done you... the runs are there to relax into now..let your legs begin to find their happy pace. No need to push them, they know what to do:)

oldwheezer69 profile image

W2R1 today went well, although I was tired afterwards and needed a warm bath for my aching legs! The good news is that my 13 year old son has agreed to do this with me so he did W1R1 today... It will be good to have some company :-)

Oldfloss profile image

Great stuff... well done. Lots of stretches after those runs please. And ho great to have your son running with you... Just do not try to keep up with him... children are speedy:) As a retired teacher.. I know!!

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