Advice for nervous week one countdown please! - Couch to 5K

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Advice for nervous week one countdown please!

Jadevh91 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm currently in the process of getting my trainers and running gear this week. It's my birthday and anniversary week so I'm away and out for a few evenings so I am planning on starting next Monday.

I used to have a job as a support worker where I was constantly out walking every day but since September I've had an office job and rarely walk at all. I'm 5ft 11 and a size 22 in clothes so I'm a big bird and I'm just really nervous.

I was wondering if anyone had some good first week tips? Especially for a chunky monkey like me. My biggest fear really is people watching me and laughing. Sad but true. Thank you in advance for any tips you can give me!

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Jadevh91 profile image
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13 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Main tip is don't be nervous.

You can only fail this programme by going permanently back to the couch.

The guide to the plan is essential reading and full of tips

Enjoy your journey.

rolysmate profile image

Ok just take it nice and slow, when it's time to run just take it slow slow slow and do not worry about people watching or laughing as to be honest most people are that busy going about their own lives they don't really see you and the few that do will I'm sure be full of admiration/envy for the fact that you've had the nerve to actually do something that they wish they could and you are feeling something that many of us on this site have felt.

Just remember slow and steady and you WILL be fine

We have all been in your position. Not many people get off the couch and feel confident or comfortable to run and be seen by others. But you’ve made the decision to start the program so that’s a huge positive.

Get some headphones and some of your favourite tunes playing and then just go for it.

Concentrate on your running and forget everybody else, you can do this!!

P.s. I graduated two weeks ago and still conscious about what people may think of my running style, but I’m running sub 30 minute 5k runs, so I must be doing something right 😂.

Bridget007 profile image

Welcome! 😃 I used to worry about people seeing me and used to just run inside the woods. Then having slipped on about a million tree roots (well maybe not that many) I thought so what if people see me and emerged out into the rest of the park! I have seen loads of people and firstly I didn’t really look at them but now I do and most people say hello or good morning/afternoon and I puff a greeting back! You will be fine don’t let what other people may or may not think put you off your stride. Good luck and enjoy your week of celebrations 😀😀

stpehlittle profile image

You know, firstly, the kind of person that would laugh at someone's body type has likely got very little of interest to be said about themselves, and their average boring minds are just lapping up whatever ideas magazines and tv chooses to sell to them. They're not the kind of losers whose opinions you need to worry about. Ever.

Second, I don't think that happens as much as we all think it will. I think it's pretty rare. For real. You're another person out for a run. That's what people see.

Third, but most important, you're beautiful, and you're a person in this world that has every business being out and about, taking up space and enjoying it. This is your world and you belong in it. Go for a run in it. It's yours!

You're on this journey for yourself. You're the only person whose opinion of you matters. Please be kind to yourself. You're pretty wonderful and I hope you'll get yourself out there so we can all run along with you ❤️️☀️

Lillybeth30mins profile image
Lillybeth30minsGraduate in reply to stpehlittle

My fave reply I’ve read today!!... fabulous! And v.inspiring

Liz x

Jay66UK profile image

Good luck. Most people are to wrapped in themselves to worry about us running. A decent sports bra will help you avoid pain and perhaps some of the unwanted “banter” that people find so funny to lob.

Oldfloss profile image

Welcome you ! Check this post out...lots of useful advice there:)

Slow, steady, keep posting and enjoy... we will be right here with you.

Self confidence.... is the best outfit... rock it and own it:)

Flaraflarkin profile image

Start this programme, promise you that your self confidence and belief in yourself will soar! It will be challenging but that's where the achievement buzz comes in! Headphones on, feel good tunes and you'll be off! Enjoy! 🤗

Razouski profile image

Get headphones on and use the NHS C25K podcasts or the app. If using the app you can play your own choice of music too.

Definitely get fitted with a really ultra high impact sports bra, which will hold things in place.

Most people don’t really notice us runners apart from other C25Kers who are just pleased to see someone else out having ago instead of resting on the couch. And everyone in this forum will be with you in spirit.

You can do this..!

Don’t forget to come back and tell us how it goes. 👍🏽

mfamilias profile image

In six months' time, you can either be running regularly, losing weight and feeling confident, or you can still be worrying about the opinion of people you neither know nor care about... Get those trainers, and get started :)

Pink-Floyd profile image

I’m big as well. I’ve reached an age though where I don’t really care what other people think. Remember that no-one is really that interested in you however daft you think you look. Focus on how good you will feel after each session -because you will do.

janclifford profile image

I used to wait until it was dark to run so no one saw me- I’m now at the end of week 6 and have found other runners and dog walkers etc are very friendly and supportive. No more trying to hide for me 😀

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