........are ok. They are to be expected. Tonight’s run for me....an hour after my Chinese takeaway, was not easy let me tell you....it took nearly 2k for my body to get to an ‘ok’ place....I had a VERY FLEETING thought that maybe I should re-do the C25k programme....from the beginning....but then after 2k those thoughts disappeared...I needed a wee...my trainers did not feel like they were ‘kissing’ the pavement, they felt like they were landing like a water filled ball...but I didn’t feel like I was having a bad time....I’m out here running...who’d have thought it??!! The anniversary of me starting C25k is in may & I am still amazed that I can run, no matter how far or how long...yes, I would LOVE to run 10k but I’m concentrating on 5-7k at the moment coz that’s more realistic for me....honestly, when I was running tonight I smiled to myself that I am actually doing this....& that I’ve found a new bunch of friends who know exactly where I’m coming from with every post...I want to encourage everyone to keep running, no matter what, whether it’s friends laughing at your new found hobby, or those inner demons telling you that you are not able to do this running thing....don’t listen to them....listen to your body, listen to you heart...remember why you started this & know that we are all behind you 100% & have been where you are...stay strong & remember how good it feels when you complete a run....it doesn’t have to take you 9 weeks, it takes as long as is best for you....but it’s better than being on the couch, come on....keep going...you can do it, I promise
Tough runs...: ........are ok. They are to be... - Couch to 5K
Tough runs...

I Just love your posts , you certainly know how to sum up thing that are happening on this forum , I for one wish I had your talent 😊

One of the joys of having run for a while is that the “bad” runs get to you less, I think. I had a shocker yesterday morning - 5k with moments of “aaaagh I should just stop and walk” followed by pep talks to myself “keep going keep going keep going”. It was tough. I don’t think I particularly enjoyed one minute of that run! Week before, 6k was a breeze and I was leaping around like a child! It just doesn’t make sense! So, with that in mind, I just accept that some runs will be meh. In the past, a bad run would send me whirling into a spiral of self-doubt. 😱 Ha ha! Not now.
Thanks for sharing, lovely MC. I think it’s important to show that we all have “bad” runs, no matter where we are in our running journeys - and to show they are no biggie. Even a “bad” run will do you good. We just have to keep chasing those joyful runs. 😀
Sadie-runs xxx
Absolutely...& if I’m out on a ‘bad’ run...I just do my best, even if it means walking for half a min or whatever...this would’ve really made me disheartened at one time, but it doesn’t now because I know that they have to happen x
Funny you should say that, cos I had a lightbulb moment this week. I was out on a long run, and after about 3k I had to stop and walk a bit. I walked for about 30 seconds and then got back to the run again. Did this a couple of times, but ended up running 6k. Felt great. Now, before this I would never have dreamed of stopping for walk breaks...would have felt like a failure! Stupid! Why did I have this counterproductive self-imposed rule?! Stopping for a wee break means I can run farther! Doh! I suppose the key is to know when to push on and when to be kind to yourself and take a break... 😀 xxx

Needed to read that this week so thank you! Very close family members have been gossiping about me lately saying they don’t know where this “fitness thing” has come from, why do I bother with the gym, and I only run “cos her husband runs!” It upset me a bit. I’m not hurting anyone by being out there. Yes, my husband runs. He has ANOTHER half marathon this weekend, but I don’t do it because of him or even for him. He’s massively supportive of me and has been out with me a few times. I know it’s jealousy from anyone else, so yesterday I ran 3 miles and enjoyed every second of it, singing away to myself with the sun on my face.
Thank you Mummycav 😘
Very close family member 🙄
How do you know they are gossiping about you ? 🤔
Which family member has told you ?
Maybe you should ask them what there problem is 👍🏻
Like you said your not hurting anyone , obviously there comment's are hurting you 😳
It's times like this I am glad I don't have a big family
My mum and sister 😳 My daughter was in the next room and heard them so told me. Bothered me at first but not for long. Doing this for me, nobody else!

Like you say Bev, just keep on doing it and listen to your heart and body. We get good and bad days and nothing can change that. You're doing brilliantly well. I started in June 17, so a couple of months till my anniversary. Just wish I could afford the time to run more often.
I really envy those who don't work full time, yet still those people have other events etc in their life and still manage to run. I just can't physically seem to squeeze it in. Hopeful again for this weekend as its just me and the pups. So I might nip out for an hour and see what happens, lol 😁😁

Great post as ever... folk can take real inspiration from this...we sometimes find it difficult to see the bigger picture
Go you !

Well said 🙂

How can anyone NOT succeed with you on their side?!! Great post MC as always. It is all too easy to give up and it takes determination to carry on at times. But as we know, with everyone on this forum routing for us when the going gets rough, anything is possible xx
Well said! Yes it's a struggle sometimes but all worth it 😀

That is such an encouraging post and well done on your achievement. Great advice too Thank you

Well you said it all. Brilliant post as usual Mummycav. Anyone reading that will be inspired to keep running - including me. xx 👍😀

Those tough runs make the good ones even sweeter xx