So I did my first 'recovery run' on Monday.
I was happy with my 20 minutes. Although it was way off my normal pace, I did it. And no pains or niggles since either which is good.
But oh boy, did my legs ache for the next 2 days! I haven't struggled to walk up and down stairs like that since I did wk1 r1.
So, I left a good few days between runs. I did aim to go out on Thursday, but there just far too many people out there enjoying the sun. I have a bit of a phobia about people at the minute!
Friday it was then. And I'm so pleased with my second recovery run. Still at 20 minutes, but a little faster and no aches today. So we're going in the right direction.
I honestly don't know how I'm going to cope in summer though. I started C25K in October and discovered that I love running on cold days in torrential rain. Summer is just going to have to be early morning runs and accept I'll be coming home dripping with sweat rather than dripping with rain.
Onwards and upwards. Good work to all those on the plan. No matter how far through it you are, just remember, no matter how hard you find it or how slow you are, its better than being on the couch. The running bug gets us all in the end
Happy weekend everyone and happy running