Rant alert (not suitable for those of a nervou... - Couch to 5K

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Rant alert (not suitable for those of a nervous disposition)

Sadie-runs profile image
60 Replies

Today was a run day, and for the first time ever, I struggled to get up to the alarm. I felt so sleepy, drugged almost, and the bed was so warm and cosy. But got up I did, albeit grumbling, and telling myself that coffee would pep me up. Drank coffee grumpily looking out the window. Snow still here, and even the birds looked cold and fed up. Maybe a run would get rid of the grumps, I said to myself (though in my heart of hearts I didn't think it would, I was right).

Got dressed in running gear, still with a face like thunder on me. Activated Zombies, Run and MapMyRun, and again, for the first time ever, I had serious doubts that I could do more than 1km in this mood. Luckily the streets to the park were ice-free, and I set off at a steady trot. Felt meh. Not awful at this point, just meh. I felt tired. And it was absolutely freezing cold. I wasn't wearing enough layers and not yet warm.

I entered the park (yes, you guessed it, grumpily) and set off across the grass, across a soft layer of snow. Had a brief 2 minutes when it felt good to be striding out over snowy grass, but it was not to last, oh no. The first hill p*ssed me off royally. My right hip niggled and was a tiny bit sore, and the old injury-panic set in; I have had soreness in this hip before. This is when the anger took over from the grumpiness (but I suppose was nice to have a break from the grumps). "This is not fair! I run gently, I never overdo it, I think my form is good, I have been working on core and glute strength diligently. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, HIP, JUST WHAT!??! [Internal dialogue] At that point I had to tell myself in no uncertain terms to "STOP IT!" "STOP THIS NONSENSE". And grumpily carried on. Breathing got so laboured at the next hill, for the first time ever, I had to stop for a 1 minute recovery walk. Never done that before, but had to stop – slowing down did not cut it, and I almost felt like I was having an asthma attack. Over the brow of the hill and i managed a light jog to 5k and home. Key in door, still fuming. Had a hot, angry shower and managed to drag my tired sorry ar*e into work.

Possibly the worst run of my life; possible I might be coming down with a cold / have PMS / onset of menopause. Fingers crossed the next run is nicer. If only I can get out of this funk.

Sorry for such a negative post, but you know, it feels good to get it off my chest. Thank you.

Yours grumpily,

Sadie-runs (in a grump)

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Sadie-runs profile image
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60 Replies
TedG profile image

Personally....I’d have stayed in bed! 😴😊

Not sure if I should say ‘Well Done” in case you get the hump 😊

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to TedG

Thanks Ted. :-) Not sure it is humanly possible to get more humpy than I currently am! And yep, most out of character for me to say this, but I really should have stayed in bed. I was my own worst enemy today. x

Dt_RiyazKhan_Hyd profile image

Sadie-runs! Well written! enjoyed reading... maybe you could complile all this into a Super-hit blog some day and make money out of it... :)

Something like Brigette Jones Diary!!

Look after your injury, don't overstrain. This is the only body you got for life.

Eat lesser, eat lighter to reduce calories load.

All the best

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Dt_RiyazKhan_Hyd

Thanks Dt. I do like to write, even grumpily!

I am normally a happy runner, so this morning was a real surprise (and not of the nice variety.) Hip not so bad now; gentle stretches helping.

Millsie-J profile image

Go you Sadie, despite the weather and the gremlins you did it! Those tough runs are those that count most!

Have a good day xxxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Thanks Millsie. I feel terrible for such a negative post, but the point is (as you pointed out!) is that I still did it. :-)

I only really regret the runs I do not do. x

Whatsapp profile image

Well done. You got out of a warm cosy bed to brave the snow and ice and ran when you could have easily given-up. You showed you mental toughness and determination today.

You will be rewarded with a better run. But this is the one you should be most proud of, not just because it was tough - but because you were tougher!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Whatsapp

Now, this is a lovely slant on the whole sorry affair, thank you! You are right of course. Running has definitely toughened me up!

IgaT profile image

Today is such a grumpy, uneay day.

Huge well done to go out there and do it regardless. Take care of your hip - happy that stretches helped.

Those hard runs show that you are made of steel, with high discipline. Remember to rest. Maybe take an extra one to reset your mindset. And remember that PB are made in winter when everybody else are in beds ;)


Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to IgaT

Thanks Iga. 💕 I am actually on my way home from work now (early) as I feel a bit flu-y. Which could explain the grumps. 🤒 I am definitely going to rest up...x

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Thumb ok for resting!

I hope the illness will just pass next to you. I wish you speedy recovery. Keep yourself warm and hydrated.

Hey you! Can’t write much now coz I’m at work, but don’t let the gremlins get you down! You are an awesome runner, I know you are, you can already do this. You’ve had a learning run and that’s just fine :) I’m sure you’ll do just great next time, look after yourself, ok?

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Thanks Neil. x And today’s lesson was “don’t run when grumpy”. Though actually, it can sometimes lift you out of a bad mood, right? I think I am getting poorly. Which could explain this morning’s fiasco!

in reply to Sadie-runs

Poorlyness is never good :( I hope you recover soon. And actually you're right, the odd grump now and then can lift you out of a bad mood.

Personally I tend to find grumpy running helps the grumpiness. Sounds to me like maybe something else was going on, probably illness as you say, because otherwise I suspect it would have sorted you out.

Anyway, hope you feel better soon, and your next run is better! I'm out tomorrow hopefully, looking forward to that :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Yeah, a run usually evens out a bad mood, so this was definitely the virus. 🙁 I probably brought it on myself by running through the blizzard on Sat morning. Will I never learn?! Sigh. Resting at home today.

Have a lovely run tomorrow, Neil! 😀🏃‍♀️

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Oh dear. Poor you! Poor work colleagues! 🤣😂

But you got round, you did it. 💪👊

I hope for your sake the next is a good one (as funny as it was for me I know how that feels) 😉😊

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yep, I took it out on them too. 😂 But on my way home now and straight to bed - am not well! 🤕 The next run has GOT to be better than this one! 😀

Do you feel better after getting that off your chest? If you do at least it’s not all bad 🙂

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Thanks Steve. 😀 It did help, to be honest! I try to remain positive in all my posts, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to share the bad runs too. I still love running, that’s how I was able to still get out this morning despite awful outcome!

in reply to Sadie-runs

You go girl, even on a bad day you are 100 times more motivated and enthusiastic than me.


notoutofbreath profile image
notoutofbreathGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

I think in a way it's more important to share the bad than just the happy, happy joy ones.. :)

Irish-John profile image

Some runs are like that. I avoid the blahs by reminding myself this is a "sport" and not a "religious requirement".

In other words, a "blah" run might leave me feeling like hell but I don't have to go there 😂

Viral throat infection here. Doc says about three weeks until I will be breathing properly again. Bummer as I am just back at the 5k mark.

On the other hand - nearly forty years of smoking and it is not throat cancer :)

The ups and downs - ups good in life, downs good in running :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Irish-John

Oh sorry to hear that you are sick, John. Especially as you were just getting back into your stride. I think I may be coming down with something, hence awful run. At least I am hoping that was it! Rest up - that’s what I am going to do - and roll on spring/summer! x

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

I sincerely hope you are not getting this virus that's apparently reenacting the Great Fire of London in my trachea.

If a Werewolf came into my room right now and ripped my throat out I'd thank him!

( Hopefully he would understand sign language 😂)

Yep, it sucks to be sidelined but at least I have running again to look forward to - would be worse to be sick but not a whole lot to be well for anyway ☺

Jocomoso profile image

poor you... I feel your pain, but a bad run is better than none... ! i have a niggly right hip too and sometimes (not often) it behaves and then more often than not it doesn't! and ive come back from many runs recently with a face like a wet weekend and I dont have any good excuses as I live and run in spain! and so we don't have the same horrid weather or early nights... toss that nasty run away ... you will get them again but not often the more you persevere x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Jocomoso

Thank you for replying, Jocomoso. If this hip malarkey persists I am going to see a sports physio/running doctor. It is not super painful (is yours?), just annoying, and always the fear it will worsen.

Ah, running in Spain! I am very jealous!

*run tossed, flights booked!*

Sadie-runs x

Jocomoso profile image

Yeah not super painful just annoying and intrusive! Actually it's a horrible day today here, very cold for Spain and about to rain, and I still haven't been out yet for my first of three runs this week... Still waiting for the hubby to come home hope he won't be too much longer or else I will go off the idea! Keep up the good work XX

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Well done for running this morning Sadie, I hope you are ok...After reading your post I went straight out to my run, I had no excuse! So thank you for the inspiration...😊xx

Hope the grumps have worn off...

**I see that you are poorly and gone home sick..😯so that explains the tough run...Rest up and get well soon.xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Yay! Glad my attack of the grumps got you out running, Jan! I imagine a few people unexpectedly went running this morning when they saw my grumpy face coming at them. 😀

And thank you. Feeling quite off so resting up now. It does explain a lot. 🤒 xxx

mrrun profile image

Yep. Some are like that. Can't choose them. Anger is good sometimes, though. Good cure against meh situations.

I'm nearly done with my 21K quest, still taking it easy, not pushing, waiting for the sun to shine, grass go green, birds sing gloriously, etc etc., but I've had some bad ones in the cold, some near injury mehs due to ice but I ploughed on. At times through anger. The one which even animals understand so they cross the road to avoid you.

You will be fine & wishing you all the best!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to mrrun

Thanks mrrun. This one was a right doozy, but now I have calmed down somewhat, I am not writing myself off completely. I suspect I am fighting off a virus; also suspect my rage is down to being absolutely fecked off with winter now. 😡 This too will pass.

I am so impressed with your 21k quest and your zen like attitude! Good work. I could learn a lot from you!

Thank you for the good wishes!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

It's taken me more than it should to understand many things, including weather and its power. I figured out how to run comfortably (to an extent) in adverse conditions but tbh, this winter is overstaying its welcome. I knew back in late November what's ahead, but, cooome ooon, it's the other part of March here ;)

Anyways, it cannot last, won't stop us, will make us more experienced (l felt colder last winter), and there will be nothing else but song'n'dance from now on ;)

Elfe5 profile image

Oh Sadie, bless you- sending the biggest anti - grump hug ever. 😄

Hope you’re feeling a bit better now than first thing this morning. As Irishprincess would say - you are a runner, this is just a blip. Hope you feel much, much better very, very soon! Xx 😘

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Elfe5

Just saw you’re not well - snuggle up & rest. Get well soon. Xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Thanks dear Elfe. I am feeling a bit sheepish about my post now. SO grumpy; SO not helpful for any new runners. 🙁 But in other news, suspect Awfulness of Run was due to impending illness. I have just slept for 1.5 hours, that horrible heavy eeek-I-am-not-well kind of sleep! Thank you for the hug. xx

GoogleMe profile image

Oh bless! Have a hug!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Thank you, appreciated. 🤒 x

Oldfloss profile image

Go you... a real attack of the Grumplies..but you were out there squishing those gremlins...defying the beastly weather...and succeeding!

But.. you could be coning down with more than the grumplies.. so, hopefully, now you are home..listen to your body, cuddle up, and take care of you...you did well to get out there... now, time to rest up and recover.. big hug xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks dear Flossie. x Looking back (this morning feels like a lifetime ago), I am actually amazed I managed 5k. Never knew I could be so bloody minded before I took up this running lark! Resting up now...no running again until am 100%. xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image

Oh thank you Sadie for this! That was my crap run from yesterday. I had a post composed in my head (with a really great title 😜) but ended up not taking the time to actually post it. For me, it feels like the running gods or Mother Nature is just out to get me (ridiculous I know). My internal thermostat is messed up right now and I am getting over a bug, but suspect some of my crankiness/whoa is me may be hormonal in nature, pfffft. Not making me feel any better. This too shall pass, right?!? Some day there will be beautiful flowers, fluttering butterflies, chirping birds and green grass.......

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

Aw Sask, sorry you had a meh run too. Well, something has been out to get us pffffft! I just wish I could put it down to one bad thing but the heavens of crapness collided for me today. Pffft x 10.

Yes, this too shall pass. Bring on spring, more stable hormones and no more flipping winter bugs! Big hug to you Sask dear. 😘

JoP61 profile image

Hmmmm. Well I am totally in sympathy with you. Did my W8R1 yesterday and felt great. Today I am Mrs Glum of Glumshire for no apparent reason. 🙁☹

So the fact that you went out feeling so grumpy earns you a big fat hoorah in my opinion. Hope you are not too poorly, and recover soon. Keep posting and running. 🙂👍

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to JoP61

Thanks Jo. Or should that be Mrs Glum of Glumshire? 😂 That made me laugh! But seriously, I do hope your mood lifts soon, dear. Normally a run cheers me right up so I was very discombobulated by the whole thing this morning!

You are close to graduating - keep up the good work! 😘

JoP61 profile image
JoP61Graduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Yes I think I should change my username to Mrs Glum at the moment. Don't quite understand why I feel so s**t today. Am going to try a run tomorrow to fling off those gremlins. Hope you also get back to feeling better very soon.

Thanks for the best wishes. I am gobsmacked to have got to Week 8. Let's hope my glumness doesn't sabotage progress! Here's to happy running. 😀👍

DebJogsOn profile image

There should be a 'don't like' button. Not at all like you to be grumpy about the running Sadie. And even a bit of a grim 5k before work is something to feel good about.

Still we all have off days and may be this was one of those. Totally get your injury funk though - the slightest niggle from my knee and I'm convinced my running days are over.

Tomorrow (or at least the day after that if you're observing your rest days) is another day and a completely different run and we're all looking forward to a bit more of Spring - just think of those lovely new running shorts you've told us about 😊.

Hoping to hear of happier runs soon.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to DebJogsOn

It’s the shorts that are keeping me going, Debs, honestly! I have to get he chance to wear them, have been plucking up courage since August 2017. 😀 And thank you...I am normally a cheery sort of chap when it comes to running, this has to have been a freak incident! Sigh. Rest, and warmer days to come should sort me out. And of course you are right - banging out a 5k before work is something to be proud of, grumpy or not. I truly need to see that. 🏃‍♀️😂💪

notoutofbreath profile image

"onset of menopause" >> I'm sorry, I have to stop laughing about how that's just tossed in there with the rest of it before I can do a proper reply :D :D :D

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to notoutofbreath

Tossing it all into the mix, noobs (Short for Not Out Of Breath! Brilliant!) clutching at straws, but it has to be one of those things, right? Have been blaming grumpiness on early onset menopause for years now...😂

notoutofbreath profile image
notoutofbreathGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

You're the first one sharp enough to spot the acronym! [bows to your superior intellect] :) (To be fair it was for the actual name more than anything else, as I was not planning to eternally be a Noob... but seemed to slip under folks' radar anyways! :D )

Mummycav profile image

Ooooo....now that is a grumpy run!!! This isn’t like you Sadie-runs ....I think you’re def coming down with summet...I bet Snow White was missing one of her crew today?! He was sat on your shoulder wasn’t he??!!!! We all need some sunshine...all these cold runs are making us reluctant to leave the coziness of our homes!!! At least you ran through & you managed it without tripping over your bottom lip!!! Ha ha...next time out will be better for you I’m sure...sometimes runs are flipping hard & not always enjoyable...I hope your hip feels ok xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Yes, I was the Incredible Hulk yesterday. Normally mild mannered Bruce Banner, yesterday I mutated into a ball of green rage. :-)

Thanks MummyC. Hip fine today, and resting at home to fight off this bug. I am feeling much more philosophical now. At least I ran 5k, and my legs will have benefitted from it. xxx

Fishypieface profile image

Blimey what a foul run. I would've offered to come with you, but I think you might have lamped me half way round!! But you did it in spite of everything going against you. 'A hot, angry shower' had me in stitches.

So sorry you are now poorly but that seems to make sense for it all. Anything fluey can get into your joints and make everything ache. Rest up and be kind to yourself, get well soon, safe in the knowledge your next run's got to be better than that x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

God, wasn't it ever! And lamp you?! My dear FPF? Never!

I am now laughing at myself, truth be told. Over-react much?! Moi?! Staying at home today to nurse this lovely virus. Thanks for your kind words, Fishy.

Sadie-runs x

notoutofbreath profile image

OK, I've not had the joy of running with b******d parts of my body yet (no, toenails don't count), I do look forward to that joy though. Instead I just wince and "Eeek, hip, pretty fundamental part of the body. Don't mess that up". So can't really comment on that. On the rest though. Prepare for my usual short and to the point response... :D

Stop. Being. So. Hard. On. Yourself. :) At this point you've worked out why (You're full of the delightful bleurgh) the run was so sucky (and it was indeed sucky. Woman, c'mon, breathing is pretty damn fundamental. Don't beat yourself up over having a 1 MINUTE walk?! ;) ). That you managed a "light jog to 5k and home" after that, rather than "Hello, taxi? Can't breath" is testament to some grit. So as you said yourself, only regret the runs you don't do. Equally, sometimes when your body is screaming "Screw this", consider rather than it being a Gremlin, that it might mean it and so don't feel bad about not completely overcoming it.

From the post and your replies, you keep apologising for the grumpy and mention you're worried about it putting new runners off/negativity. 1) You earned the grumpy 2) if it puts them off, they've got bloody short memories given your post 9 days ago 3) I kind of think the inverse. If all I read was super positive things when I was dragging my arse through things, I'd be so much more de-motivated. Seeing the human in those who are trying to help you, well you go back to them. You believe them more for a start. Plus you then know "It's not me. It's not always smooth sailing. Thank God".

You are a wonderfully supportive, positive person on here. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have to *always be* positive cheerleading Sadie. :) It's not a healthy mindset and puts undue pressure on a person. There was nothing to apologise for. I'm probably waaaay off course here, so forgive me if so! :O Purely say that as I've had a lot of people very close to me suffer from depression (insert obvious joke here about the common denominator), so I guess I get oversensitive when people are apologising for being less than perfect [slinks away sheepishly to the over-analysing couch].

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to notoutofbreath

Hmmm. No, I think you might be waaaay on course here, noob. I guess I am too hard on myself. I have, in the past, always been a quitter and never really stuck at anything. In terms of fight or flight, I am a flyer! I think I find it hard to gauge whether the struggle is my inner demons, or my poor body telling me something is up, and that I need to stop / rest / give myself a good talking to. I am definitely a fighter when it comes to running, and love it so much that it hasn't been an effort to stick with it.

I do hope that despite its whininess, my post helps some people. I mean, this was a one off, we all have bad runs, and sometimes you got to shrug your shoulders and toss it out of your mind. I will be doing that, I promise. Just as soon as I have kicked this bloody virus out of my body!

So, Dr Noobs, your diagnosis is right, and I thank you for holding a mirror up to me! I appreciate the time you took to write this concise report :-) and you have made me feel better, so thank you. x

misswobble profile image

I have only run in anger once! That was just after my husband had told me that what I was doing “wasn’t running” I was so irate I ran really hard and crocked my ankle on a steep bank. I subsequently named it the Hill of Death. That ankle took ages to heal!

I’ve not run in a temper since 😁

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to misswobble

Eeeks! And how dare he say that to you! I was only angry when my hip decided to grumble; rest of the time it was more of a light grump. Still not good, mind. And had an angry shower, which was most invigorating. :-) I really have learned that I shouldn't run when I feel a bit poorly. Whilst a run can sort out the worse PMS, it cannot deal with a virus! x

misswobble profile image

I was in a proper temper I can tell you. Steam coming out my ears job. I was so mad I cried. I didn’t let him see though 😏

It was when he caught me in my running gear. Til that point I’d kept it secret because I knew he would take the pee 🤨

Anyway, don’t get mad - get even! is my motto 😁😁 She who laughs last ...... Hell hath no fury than a Wobble scorned ☹️

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to misswobble

And you did bloomin’ well have the last laugh! I don’t suppose he has run a marathon and several half marathons, right?! x

misswobble profile image

He ran a half marathon many years ago but never ran after that

He’s ok now I’ve done a marathon! 🤨. He’ll be there on Saturday. I hope 🤞

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