I was supposed to do run2 tomorrow but with heavy snow this morning I just couldn't resist it!!
Less than 5 minutes into my run my phone died due to the cold. I paused, put my phone and earphones into the pocket on my bum to keep warm and momentarily decided to go home.
But then I told off the 99% of my mind, telling myself I'd run to the point I got to in 30 mins on Tuesday and see how I did.
So I ran. With no distractions in an almost totally and completely silent empty park; no music to keep me going, the air white with swirling snow, no dogs or walkers or other runners and totally blank snow paths at my feet. I don't think I've ever felt so happy running...it was simply me, the park and the elements...
I ran until I reached the point (just over 3km) and decided to keep going, aiming for the goal I'd settled on for next week...the exit gate of the park.
And I only bloody did it
When I got home I plotted the route...3.86km or 2.4miles...no idea how long it took though as I then wandered another mile or so home via aldi.
Also I have never noticed the elevation before!!
I may run without music again...
Seems I am a runner after all...a cross country, hill running, snow crunching (if terribly slow moving) runner