I've just completed W7R2 and both this and last week, found the middle run the hardest to complete - maybe its psychological as in you're all geared up for the first run of the new week and really determined to end the week on a high, so the middle one is a bit of a drudge? Just wondered if anyone else felt the same?
is the middle run of the week the hardest? - Couch to 5K
is the middle run of the week the hardest?

I run any time. Don’t let running play mind games with you 😃
Perhaps, for you. Bring your best game to them all and enjoy.
Sorry for this, but for me that would develop into a gremlin.Oh no.
If you have got it, good, I RSPSPE every run and everthing related to C25k and more.
Spent 2-3 years breeding Gremlins trying to run up a hill at the end of a woodland workout, before I joined here and found out about, there was an initial sticky phase? Wondered why I could not do it.
Im sure you are much more resilient,I am very fragile and the first sight of gremlins and I am in attack mode.As Oldfloss says Run for the hills ,gremlins do NOT like running.
Enjoy your mid week and enjoy them all. Your C25k summit is before you and you can reach out and touch it. I do my 7.1 on Saturday, and have to contain myself now from wanting to just go for the summit.
Hope this helps, not really highlighting a concern for you , more myself, so thanks.

I have a new strategy to combat this! I have skipped one run run into the next calendar week. That is, I do run three on Monday, run one of the next week on Wednesday and run two on Friday. The middle run is now the last one of the calendar week and the last run of the week before the weekend, the longest one is now on Mondays after two days rest.
Seems to make it easier for me!
now that sounds like a plan! im sure its all psychological so i'm going to give this a try. thanks Paulubana for the tip.

I’ve often found run 2 of the week to be the toughest, and have put it down to the same theory: run 1 is a new challenge and I’m determined to do it, run 2 I know it’s harder than last week, run 3 I know I’ve done it twice and I can do it again. So now I kind of know that it’s likely to feel grim, but that I can do it anyway.

I had not noticed.. I just run and enjoy