Not feeling so confident for this one . Anyone else doing this run tomorrow?
W4R1 tomorrow : Not feeling so confident for... - Couch to 5K
W4R1 tomorrow

You'll do great. Weeks 3 and 4 were my absolute favourite. Each new weeks feels a bit scary, but you've put in the work to see it though successfully. Let us know how it goes.

Every new week
Just think what you would say to someone nervous about week three - and apply it to your week four
You have this RGR - I know you do! ☺☺☺☺

I did it yesterday (I'm a 66 year old granny). Like you, i was apprehensive beforehand but I took it steady and it was fine. I was a bit more tired and achy last night but feel fine this morning. Looking forward to f2f going it again tomorrow. Good luck!

You’ll do it. Slow and steady.

You will be fine i bet at the start of every week you felt the same i know i did! So from one granny to another i know you can do this 😊and i can see you running around with your grandchild with a happy glow about you!!! Trust in the program, and yourself, it is brilliant & works. A lot of this running is as much about believing in yourself as the physical running! Just think nearly half way through it! Us young grannies got to set the way for the youngsters😂😂good luck you can do this & enjoy!

I’m preparing to do this run today. Quite nervous about the length of time you run for in this one. Can’t possibly be as bad as wk3 r2 which I completed on Valentines Day and got totally soaked - well that’s what I’m telling myself anyway!
Good luck
Hi Spinno
Did you do the run today ? I am sure it was fine.
I did the run today and tried not to focus on the length of time for each run . I am sure it will get easier for us.
All the best

I'm doing this run today or tomorrow and I'm nervous too. It seems like a huge jump up from week 3. BUT, I've been nervous at the beginning of each week and I've been able to do it. I find the first two runs quite hard, and the last run of each week easier, feeling like I can go further. So maybe it won't be so bad.
I have a bit of a cold though, so not sure I want to brave the freezing temperatures and tackle a new, longer run just yet. But I also worry about leaving too many days in between runs as I'm scared to lose my progress.

I did the run today ToniCR and it was fine . It does seem a jump at the start of the week I agree and the next run will feel less daunting . All the best you can do this too . I will follow your progress RGR
I'm glad your run was good. Gives me hope for mine tomorrow! I find the mental challenge just as hard as the physical challenge.
How was your run? Did it go ok?
I DID! Thanks for checking in. It was really hard, but I went slow (REALLY slow on that last 5 min.) and made it to the end. I usually leave two days rest after my first run because I feel like I need the extra recovery. So my next two runs will be Thursday and Saturday. I don't know about you, but I'm loving this journey.
Hi Toni That’s great . Slow is good... that’s my pace 🙂
Great idea to leave two days after first run . Might need to try that next week.
I did second run today and apart from the wind it went pretty much like last time.
It is a great journey and we are going to achieve this !!
All the best for Thursday , that will be my run day too 🙂