Feeling rather chuffed with myself as I complete Run 1 of Week 5. Still gaining stamina which is great. My companion, Aska the Hovawart dog is keeping up with me but missing the chance for sniffing lamp posts and other dogs posteriors as we glide along our special route. Now finding 10.000 steps a day a routine, achievable goal even on days when I'm in the office. All looking good
Up to Week 5 and still going strong: Feeling... - Couch to 5K
Up to Week 5 and still going strong

That’s fantastic. Although I have just finished W3 I have noticed my stamina improving, however, I do feel like Mrs Overall when I run. 😅

Photo of Aska please! 😊
Me too, doing week 5 run 2 tomorrow 👍🏻


You SHOULD be chuffed with yourself - this is a real accomplishment. Yay, you! xo
I’m doing my W1R3 tomorrow I also run with my white Labrador he’s only 7 months! 😊
So, that's the 2nd run of Week 5 behind me. Yippee. I now remember what was holding me back from lengthy running earlier in my life apart from the fitness bit. On longer runs I get bored. Yes, and that's despite the great music on the podcast and Laura's soft, soothing, dreamy voice in my ears. I'll certainly have to overcome the boredom thing. Oh, and tonight I lost my running companion, Aska as we were going round our circuit. But she found me in the end - just as I was plodding along on my way back home. All's well that ends well