I had my worst run yesterday, despite running in the snow the last time. You couldn't even call it a run as I couldn't even manage 14 minutes, halfway. I just felt so heavy . I carried on walking energetically but it made me feel depressed. I have booked for a 5k run next weekend . How am I going to manage? Any advice very much appreciated.
Week 8 Run!: I had my worst run yesterday... - Couch to 5K
Week 8 Run!

The snow run may have zapped you a tad more than you thought... Don't feel down..it happens sometimes... Just rest up with some stretches etc.. and then head out again... go as slowly as your legs tell you too.. do not try to push yourself..
Just relax into the run and find your happy pace.
The Park run? Walk if needs be...no one will mind at all or walk/run; just take it very slowly... as one of your Week 9 runs
Ah, that was me last week, with the first run in week 8. You might have seen my whinge. Just the same as you, legs like lead and couldn't even manage 15 minutes. And that was with alternating running and walking. The good news is that I repeated the run two days ago and it was fine. I think it was probably one of those breakthrough runs where your body refuses and then leaps forward. Didn't half knock my confidence at the time though. It left me temporarily feeling I was stuck and would never be able to run for 28 minutes. I bet next time will be fine for you too.

Thank you . That's really encouraging. My head wasn't thinking the right way either. I was telling myself pride came before a fall. I am running again tomorrow. I am planning to run every other day rather than 3 times in a week . I hope that will help .
I think we have to remember we are still getting there. We've achieved a huge amount in a short space if time, but our bodies are still adapting to running and sometimes maybe need a bit longer to rest up. I try to run every other day too, but sometimes I need an extra day. Good luck with next time. I bet it will be really good.

I've got W8R1 tomorrow (NYE) and I'm sure Xmas and the festive season has nobbled a few of us, I'm not 100% either. I don't think it's so much to do with the booze and nibbles as the general "fug" that occurs before the NY sweeps it all away? I'm not going to beat myself up too much if tomorrow's run is a bit of a struggle and disappointment. We will see...but not looking forward to those cheeky extra 3 mins I can tell you. Look at it another way, if someone had told us way back in W2 that we'd attempt to add a whole 3 minutes between runs W7R3 and W8 we wouldn't have believed it!
The extra minutes don't seem much longer ,,☺️

You will be just fine for your 5km. Some runs never seem to get started right, even 3+ years on I still get those. They don't feel right, you never properly settle into them, you take more walk breaks than you want, the speed doesn't feel great. But it's a temporary blip, and not worth over-analyzing. Could be your sleep, what you ate, fighting a bug, started too fast, difficult conditions - anything. On the plus side the next run will be better. After a particularly frustrating run I like to set myself up for maximum success with my most pleasant flat (or downhill) route. And I go super slow and put on my best tunes. You may want to try this as well, but you'll be fine on your normal route as well.
Now onto the 5km. Is this an event? You'll be great. People can always seem to do a little more at races versus running on their own. It's very exciting. Just start off really really slow as the speedy people have a way of pulling you along. Don't fret if you have to walk for bits. I often do better because I get so excited and run fast. In fact, I usually sneak in a walk break before the finish because I love to sprint to the end. And consider taking an extra rest day off before you race. It gives me a little extra pep in my step.
Happy running. You're doing great.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. My daughter who has run a marathon and is still doing regular runs also suggested that I just follow some of Laura's suggestions eg doing the energetic 5 minute walk and alternating walking and running. It's a formal run in Battersea Park. My first run of this sort! It will make a change for people to be cheering me instead of the other way round!I still can't believe I'm doing this.
I love bringing Laura along for runs and races. I really enjoy her encouragement. Or I'll run for a solid block to my own tunes, then put an early C25k week on for the remainder of the race. When I don't bring her, I give myself as many walk breaks as I want, but only for a minute before I try running again. It's a system that I've worked out over the years and it works for me both physically and psychologically. Some days I can run a full 10km route no walking, other days I'm taking a little break in the first 5 minutes. It's all good stuff, the most important thing is to keep getting out there. Is your daughter running with you? Sounds like it'll be a great time, I hope you give us a post-race report.