I am so happy right now! I just went out for a run, it was tough and I am exhausted but it was totally worth waiting 8 or so weeks for! I’ve had injured leg, knee then calf. I wanted to get back to it so many times but every time I tried my knee hurt for ages and then my calf would seize up or I’d catch a cold, get a chest and ear infection or the weather would be too cold. The physio suggested walking for a while and building up to a run. I’ve done a few one minute jogs whilst out walking to build it up. This morning I went for it - muddy lanes, puddles and it was cold but I loved it!!!! Obviously I will have to show some patience and wait a day or two to run again. Don’t ever give up whilst waiting on the IC - patience, realism and resilience are the key to getting back to it! Good luck to all those on the IC - nothing is impossible! 🤩
First run back after injuries - yippee! - Couch to 5K
First run back after injuries - yippee!

Well done for taking the time to recover before getting back out there. It is so frustrating, and the temptation is to try to rush it. I've had a chest infection which stopped me running for four weeks, then injured my knee getting a gait analysis just before Christmas (treadmill was stopped suddenly and I jolted my knee). So I feel your pain, and hope to fully share your joy soon.
Hey Bobdbob. Thanks for your comment.
I am not a fan of treadmills as I fell from one and got a lovely burn. Still have the scar.
In time you will be able to share in the joy. No point in rushing back and then still not being recovered and having to take longer out like me!
I hope that it doesn’t take long to get you back to where you need to be.

Yay! I am so happy for you! And well done on being so patient and careful. i am sure you will be back up to full form again in no time.
Your post was well timed for me to read, so thank you so much. I injured my hamstring a month ago, and having rested I have tried two tentative runs since. Both times resulted in a dull ache, so am resting again as I don't want to make it worse. Am desperate to run again, and there is a scared small part of me that is worried I will never run again. 🙁 But you have given me hope! For now I will walk and do strengthening exercises until I am healed. "Patience, realism, and resilience." I like that.
Happy running to you!
Sadie-runs 😘
Ah Sadie-runs I know the feeling of disappointment so well. I have been very frustrated, at times very low - I even went swimming a couple of times (which I hate!) I was also scared to try again - especially when it hurt the first few times I tried. My physio was very clear - no running if it hurt and even then lots of stretches and walking before attempting 1km. She also told me to stick with 1km for a while.
Keep your focus and walk. Every walk takes you closer to a run. Good luck with your recovery.
Thank you lovely Ange, such wise words. And funny - I have been thinking of going swimming, which I hate!
I think I am building up a fear of running - in case it hurts and I make it worse. I will keep walking, and maybe try a little jog now and then to test the waters as it were. Am considering visiting a physio now too. Willing to try anything in order to get back out there safely!
Thank you so much for your kind reply. x
Ah Sadie-runs your time will come!
Although I hate swimming it did help me as I was very frustrated and wanted to move. The water allowed me to do that without my knee hurting so maybe give it a go.
I also had that fear. It took me ages to pluck up the courage after the injury, and it didn’t help that it still hurt when I did try. Ice helped a lot with the pain and then one day I realised I was able to move about without pain from playing a game of tag with my godsons in the park. I still was a bit scared to actually run but I did a few interval type run/walks and it all seemed ok.
Anyway - let me know how you get on x
It is a great and very opportune post isn't it... you will get there Sadie-runs ...check back posts and see how many folk have had so long a time off and still got back on track.. There is always an element of,"will I be able to run or not" as you set out..but you will!!
This post is going to help a lot of folk
Oh Sadie, you will run again. Maybe see a physio for advice?? I didn't try running ( after a calf strain) until I could walk briskly for over 30 mins pain free. When I started I did a short run/ walk pattern to check carefully if I was ok.
You will be back in those running shoes 😃
Thanks darling Elfe. I am going to make an appointment next week. Lucky fit me I live very close to the Crystal Palace group of sports physios. They work with runners all the time. Run/walk is also a very good suggestion! I am not in any real pain, but feels twingey, like it's just not going away.
Hope your running is all back on track and lovely! x
Hmmm, I know that twingy feeling- it made me very nervous of being back on the IC. I did brisk walking until the twinge was gone and then did a trial run of W1R1. All was well so I built up the minutes slowly. I may have been more cautious than necessary but it worked for me.
Looking forward to seeing you back in your shoes when you are ready.😃
Come on Sadie-runs. You are always so positive and helpful to others, I hope that you can keep the faith that you will run again. It seems really cruel when you had achieved so much, but I am sure you will be out there again soon. I know nothing, but wonder whether a sports physio consult would be in order?
Thanks Helen. 😘 It does seem cruel, especially as I feel I have been so careful with my running. 🙁 I was running 5ks, too! But you, the good news is that despite my fears, I have not lost my love of this running lark, and somewhere in my heart I know I will get through this and run again. Injury has not put me off! Just made me a little sad and frustrated, which is to be expected, right? Thank you for your kind words, they really really do help. 😘
I’m ready for a jog out when you are Sadie
Hey Sadie. Hope you are feeling a little brighter today. X
Hey Ange! Thank you, I am a bit. It really helped "talking" to you yesterday, so thank you for that. 😘 Had a nice long walk with my boyfriend today, and my hamstring is also feeling much better. Not long until get to try out a wee run I think.
How are you feeling? Planning another run soon?
Sadie-runs xx
Well done ... you're an inspiration to other sufferers.
Good luck and happy running!

Go easy and slow, walk at first sign of anything unusual (you will know the symptoms), rest up properly and stick to the strengthening exercises that your physio gave you.
I trust that you've done gait analysis and the shoes are proper?
Best of luck!
Mrrun. Thank you for your sound advice - it is the advice I have been following for a few weeks.
I did have a gait analysis done and bought proper shoes (I’m on my 2nd pair now!) I have been running since April and graduated only to hurt my knee the following week. Tough times! I have decided to take it super slow this time and have had a go at week 1 today, it was quite easy but I’m going to stick with it.

Great to see this post, you!!!
And, so helpful for the very many folk who are making slow returns after seasonal illness or injury!
Reading this, and I do know how very sensible you have been x... folk will see that a comeback is possible...
It is lovely to know that you were out there muddy puddles and all, getting back on track.. wonderful to have you back with us

Oh welcome back - I'm also building back up after a shorter injury- it's a wonderful feeling to get going again. 😀

I needed to read this Congratulations on your come back, and thank you for the encouragement it gives me on my own return trail