Amazingly I completed this run this evening with two small children whizzing off on a scooter and a bike, no music ,( in order to hear small children fall off scooter/bike) and slight concern about my sore back that I pulled yesterday. The distractions must have worked as I barely noticed the hills today. Even had to run again after 5 mins cool down to catch up with the kids! Here's hoping I manage the hilly 5 minutes next week.
W3R2 with added distractions: Amazingly I... - Couch to 5K
W3R2 with added distractions

Hills are hard. I didn't want to stop the program so carried on when I went abroad for 4 weeks. Didn't have much choice of where to run and sometimes there were hills. There are none where I live. I hate hills. I'm rubbish at them.
Well done you. You'll be flying on the flat.

You will manage them..... ever heard the saying, " Never perform with children or animals"? They are fast!!
Yeah and they didn't bother waiting for their old mum " why are you sweating, I'm not hot?" They sweetly enquired.....😁
Yes.. when I taught.. if any small miscreants were haring around the play yard.. I never attempted to catch them...I just waited for them to tire..or it started to rain

Can actually envisage that!

Marvellous- what determination to go out with mini trainers - bet they loved it too! 😃

Great work, bet the little ones loved playing around with their runner Mum. Enjoy!