So i have the one we all dread this evening, going to give it my very best shot, any hints or tips from those who have completed it would be greatly appreciated 😁
Week 5 Run 3 tonight!!! OMG: So i have the one... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Run 3 tonight!!! OMG

Yes don't panic take it slow and gently definitely don't go off to fast at the start and believe in the programme and yourself because you can do this.
Congratulations on your progress thus far!
It's funny... no matter what we say, yeah, we probably do all dread it to some degree, but worry not, as anyone who has done W5R3 will tell you, it's just another run in the program, you'll be fine. You ran for 16 minutes last time, with some power walking in the middle too, you can definitely do 20. Trust the programme, it works.
Advice? I'm sure you don't need it really, but especially for this run, pace yourself. As in, slow and steady. Don't be trying to work out what 2/3 of 5k is and trying to acheive it. Just set of really slowly, and go for it. It's a great run for practicing pace management, so start off nice and slow, just try to drag yourself through the first five minutes, the first 5 of any run seems to be hard for me, and the rest will fall in to place, as long as you listen to your body, and slow down if you start to feel tired. You won't need to stop, honest!
You'll let us know how it goes, right?

Yes It might turn out to be a practice run or a success run but a run is a run is a run
There are so many happy miles waiting for you in your future - just relax, enjoy the run and don't make it "all or nothing" because then there is no fun. And if something is not fun what's the real point
Less than 10% graduate on time/with distance so don't get hung up on "schedules"
Best wishes for a satisfactory run Pal

Say to yourself:
(1) Go slow. Keep slow.
(2) After this I am going to be on such a high for the rest of the day/week/month/year/possiblyrestofmylife
(3) If someone as unlikely to as AnneDroid managed it so can I.

My marathon-running friend says the first 5-10 mins are the worst. She’s right- my first ever 5 min run was horrid; I thought I’d never get to 30mins. Now I’m up to 25mins. The first 5: still horrid BUT, truly, the rest is OK as long as I stick to a rhythm. I think it’s easier to keep Going than to do separate chunks. Don’t tell anyone but I think I understand why people get into running... I’m actually beginning to enjoy it! Shhh!

Don't dread it Chris..just know that it is the next run in this tried and tested program so you ARE ready for it.
Be positive, start slowly, think of it as five minute chunks as you do each one.
You may even hit the running zone, where your breathing relaxes. Enjoy the challenge and come back victorious😊x
Good luck..let us know how it goes.

I dreaded W5R3 as well. But I was fine and you will be too. Good luck, hope you enjoy 😁
Good luck with it. Think how chuffed with yourself you're going to feel after!

Slow and steady is the most valuable piece of advice that I can give you. Think tortoise 🐢 and then think snail 🐌 and you’ll achieve!!
Also try thinking about the running equating to song times, eg if I run for 20 mins that’s just 6 songs that I have to listen to. Worked for me!!
Let us know how it goes tonight 😊😊

You will be fine..just believe it
I’m just leaving the house to do that now.. 😬 Will let you know!