Woke up early (the blooming clocks change) and it was a beautiful clear crisp blue sky sunny morning perfect for a run! Took my furry boy for a warm up walk round the block and then dropped him home, sorted MapMyRun out and off I went. Didn’t even make it to 1K, was absolutely gasping for breath. I had taken puffs of my inhaler before I went out but the cold air just hit me hard. I stopped and started walking and when I had recovered enough started running again. I was going quite slowly today but still after quite a short distance couldn’t breathe. Was so disappointed. Carried on walking and trying to do a little run but really it wasn’t happening. Altered my route, popped back home few puffs of inhaler got the dog and went back out and finished the 5K. It was such a beautiful morning I wanted to be outside. So not sure when to try running again tomorrow or Wednesday and what to do about running in the cold air? What does anyone else do that gets affected like this. Don’t want to have to spend all winter on a treadmill! Suggestions appreciated xx
Oh dear not a good run!: Woke up early (the... - Couch to 5K
Oh dear not a good run!

Buff... wear a buff.. they are brilliant ..pulled up over the nose.. tucked well in to stop draughts and drips..I even tuck mine in my thermal hat.. winter wear also .... Ullyrunner ..one of the lovely ladies on the forum advised me to get one when I was Graduation.. I think of her every time I wear it!
I suffer from sinus issues and cold air through the nostrils makes me gasp! You will find one really useful I feel. I have three.. one for best.. so much better than a scarf!
Well done you for getting out there too, despite the chill
Thanks for that I will look that up on amazon. Walking no matter how fast is fine but as soon as I try to run even slowly gasping! Thank goodness for this forum there is always someone to help! x
Poor you, it's so frustrating when the cold affects your lungs. Oldfloss is right about the buff. Try starting your run off at a really slow pace to let your lungs get used to it. Maybe for the first ten minutes (the toxic ten), then see if you can get up to your normal comfortable pace after that.
It might be worth taking your inhaler with you so that you don't have to pop home for it.
Good luck for the next run.

You see, I think your average pace is rather good! Well done for persevering; at least you were out there. Not far from me, either!

Where about are you? Such a beautiful day but at least I managed a walk. Will take the inhaler tomorrow or Wednesday and try again! x

Mmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔....I found myself very out of breath the other day & that’s when I gave myself extra warm up time...walking & running but if you tried that then I’d try what Oldfloss says....I’ll give a buff a try too...hope it works for you x