I've swerved a bullet it would seem! I've always known I have a collapsed arch on my left foot - the result of two broken metatarsals five years ago. What I hadn't entirely appreciated was the impact my weak core and unstable pelvis was having on my knees. I need to address that - because one thing's for sure, I'm not giving up running! The good news is that going to see my sports injury lady as soon as I got a bit of pain has enabled her to sort things out, tape up my knee and, it would see, get rid of the pain and stiffness. Obviously I won't be running until I'm sure it's ok - but I just wanted to reiterate to people that it's bad to ignore pain and that running alone isn't necessarily good. So I'll be doing some cross training, lots of squats and lunges to build up strength and lots of clam exercises! It's no coincidence that this has happened since I stopped doing any exercise other than running!!!!
I'll suffer the pain so that you don't have to... - Couch to 5K
I'll suffer the pain so that you don't have to.....
Glad you posted this as my hip giving me a wee problem then that effects my knee so exercises it is tonight!! Sports physio suggested bridge for glutes , squats! So im on it!!😊hope you recover soon😊
I'm so glad I didn't ignore it. Kerry (my sports injury lady) put me through a lot of poses and positions to try and work out exactly where the problem is. She eliminated the worst things first but did not mince her words - if I'd ignored the problem then I would have ended up with those really bad things. She's given me permission to do some flat running as soon as I feel able - as early as this weekend hopefully. I just want to reiterate to people that tiredness and aching are to be expected when you start running but pain is not! Good luck - get on with those squats!