I had a horrible feeling that the pain in my knee/leg whilst away on my walking holiday in Yorkshire was more than just a niggle. Went for a 5k run this morning and I'm sure I was running with a bit of a limp π’ Have now googled the pain on the outside of me knee and down my leg from hip to shin and it's exactly the description for ITB. Now I recall I pushed myself to do a 7km a couple of days before I went away and towards the end of the run i started feeling a tightness down my leg. I've done a search on here but I'm sure I've read more people refer to ITB than the search has thrown up so any advice lovely forum people would be appreciated.
Iliotobial band πͺ - advice please: I had a... - Couch to 5K
Iliotobial band πͺ - advice please

Go and get it checked by someone who knows. A Sports Physio would be my choice..

Sorry to hear you are struggling with this. I have had a tight IT band in past and it responded really well to some simple stretches, so have a Google. If these don't help and it doesn't settle then I would get a physio to check you over just to make sure it isn't something else. Maybe others will have more advice but good luck in getting it sorted. π

Thanks Sandra, not sure if I feel better or worse now I know what it actually is. I'll google some more, so far it just seems to say RICE - my first stint on the IC πͺ
The injury couch is not a fun place to be for anyone, I agree but my tight IT band disappeared really quickly with the exercises and has never been a problem since so try to stay positive. We all have time on the injury couch from time to time, even when more experienced. I did my first half marathon in the spring and remember feeling inivincible at the time (!) but have had a summer stuck on the injury couch due to a back related issue. I am better now but had to work hard to get my fitness back as sciatica left me with nerve damage in my leg for a while. It has been a real slog but I am back loving my trails again and my pace is returning. See it more as a 'stumble' in the journey - you will soon be back out there. Good luck!π
I was feeling quite down, especially as it was hurting just when we were doing walks at the weekend but I think possibly a trip to the gp to get referred to sports physio if it doesn't improve. Thank you for taking the time to reply, I'll try and keep positive π
I had that a few years ago, before I was running. I saw a physio and she told me why it was happening and not just stretches to cure it but other ones to correct the cause. It's never come back, which was a worry when I started running. So go to a physio if you can because the Google searches won't tell you if there is an underlying cause that needs fixing.
Don't take painkillers and carry on. I made that mistake and could barely walk at all the next day.

I get a tight ITB from stiff hips so I use a foam roller. However that advice was following assessment by my sports osteopath. So as others have said get it properly assessed as we are all different π

I have got a foam roller, might try something gentle to see if it helps. Thanks

It's early days for your running so you can expect niggles, many of which disappear as your body strengthens. I had knee woes early on which disappeared as I worked my way through the programme
I hope your knee is ok and is nothing to worry about. If it doesn't get better you will have to see the doc