W6R3 - Large GnT and a bar of Fruit and Nut ... - Couch to 5K

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W6R3 - Large GnT and a bar of Fruit and Nut ...

Christene profile image
39 Replies

Pull up a chair, and I’ll tell you where it all went wrong, as these things so often do … 😉

Utilising the experience led advice offered by my friends from this very community, I tested out some route planning software, so very much different from my Garmin route planner for my SatNav that has guided my bike across thousands and thousands of miles of continental Europe, anyway, my chosen weapon was the Sports Route Planner at mapometer.com Easy to use, and it has the ability to help you plan your routes on the map, the satellite view, or on the actual Ordinance Survey Map … great, what could possibly go wrong ….

How on earth can a piece of software interpret a footpath, one that I know well, that leads across a field near me, as a dead end … it wouldn’t blooming well go down the path … ☹ a bit of jiggery pokery and some IT magic that I can’t tell you about because it would dissolve the mystique behind IT support … and I was up and running, (sorry 😐), well not yet anyway. My run was planned for early evening, still got stuff to do … unfortunately, it was man stuff, clearing out the garage and cleaning my bike …

Right, jobs done, time for a shower and try out this great pink nail polish that I picked up in the pharmacy … 😉

The designated hour for my run was fast approaching, nails done, and most importantly, dry … on with my gear, the pink was chosen to match my new running top, black and pink … just tying my laces … what the heck is that noise … it was absolutely tipping it down, there was no way I was going to run in that lot … oh no thank you maam … In a bit of quandry now, what a to do … there was nothing else for it, I would run tomorrow, Sunday. Off with my gear and on with my jeans and a shirt … well, I’m like a cat on a hot tin roof aren’t I, at first I thought it was my Restless Legs kicking, a bit early but its not unique, but no, it wasn’t that, I so wanted to run today, I was bloomin well going to, I packed my bag and jumped in the car …. We’re off to the gym … I didn’t want to do the long run there, but, hey ho, needs must …

Got to the gym, it was still bucketing it down … got signed in, through the barriers and into the changing rooms, stripped off, I don’t know what the guy on the next bench was more shocked with, my pink nails or my pink knickers … lol, I just kept going, emptied my bag … where the hell was my running top – on the back of the sofa, where I left it … damn, this third run is tough to complete … 😐

I got dressed, again, and thought, that’s it, Sunday is run day now, and I nipped into ASDA for some bits, and a new jumper, as you do, I actually went in looking for a shirt … 😉 So I got home, resigned to the fact that I would not be completing Week 6 tonight, saw my shirt on the back of the sofa,, saw the clock said 6:45, quick maths, Gym shuts at 8:00, I can be there for 7:00, plenty of time … I was off again …. More determined than ever before … The girl on the desk was real surprised to see me again, and complimented me on my determination …

Quick change, all the gear this time … phone, headset, we’re off ….

The walk was just the walk … blah blah blah Michael, yadder yadder yadder … can we start now … he said to start slow and make it to the finish … 7.8km/h and 2% incline, it was my normal run, I can do this … five minutes in, hardly felt a thing, not sure what was on TV, Incredible Hulk I think, no sound, but it helped pass the time, REM belting out in my headset … 10 minutes, 12.5 minutes, what’s that, a bead of perspiration …. Arrrgggghhh I know that once that starts, there is no end to it … still, 15 minutes gone, have a little wipe, 20 minutes down … Night Swimming on the iPod … Michael says we are doing great, and I think he’s right, my pace hasn’t changed and we are now approaching the last 60 seconds …. And Michael says, you are doing great, why not up the pace and finish on a high!!!! … two clicks on the speed … 8.0km/h that’s it, no more ….

That’s it, 25 minutes, I have actually run for 25 minutes solid. What, did you think I wasn’t going to do it … ☹ I’d had enough let downs in the day, I was definitely finishing Week 6 and moving on … I got the warm down walk out of the way, just in time to collect my stuff and depart. I’ll have to drive home in my sweaty gear … but what do I care …

I did it, this running program means a lot to me, and I’ve put a lot of effort into it. Its thanks to the guidance and support, from you people, right here in this C25K community that has helped my through. Helped me through the running, and given me the confidence to carry on, its not all been plain sailing, there have been some tough times in the gym, but you were there, right there with me. You also helped me at a time when I really, really, needed some strength to carry on, coming out to you, as Christene, was a massive step for me. One that I wouldn’t have been able to take if I wasn’t sure of the supportive, caring, safe environment that you have built here. The C25K community sewed a seed in me, and when I checked the community database, there were no other communities for people like myself, people with Gender Identity issues. Well, I resolved that shortfall, I spoke with HealthUnlocked and the NHS Choices people and with their help I have created a new community healthunlocked.com/genderid... its a little short on membership just now, in fact there is only one member, me, but hopefully that will change shortly. NHS Choices are planning an advertising campaign using my story, the story of Christene as the basis of the campaign. The hard work starts now, getting the word out, and that’s where you people can help, yet again. If you are aware of a person who is struggling with their gender, their inner person, point them in our direction, hopefully we can emulate C25K and build a safe environment where people can come and express themselves, and between us, we can get the help and advice that we seek. If I can help just one person, my short time on this planet will be validated …

Thank you for reading, and …. ROLL ON WEEK 7 😊

Christene x

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Christene profile image
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39 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well done on getting out for your run and completing it. Also welcome to the family of forums that are Healthunlocked. It never ceases to amaze me the different paths that learning to run can take us and the new avenues that become available. I wish you every success with your new forum. I am sure you will help many people

Your link hasent come up so I've put it here as well


Admin to admin my only advice to you is keep running, there will be days when you think you haven't got time but a good run will clear your head and you will come back to your forum refreshed.

Good luck Rfc x.

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Thanks RFC, your advice has always been good, and I see no reason to depart from it now ...

Will have a look at that link, might be because of a cut and paste issue ...

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Ha! Well done Christene...you got me😁...

I was expecting to read that after all that...you hadn't quite pulled it out of the bag and nailed it....BUT YOU DID😊😊😊😊

25 MINUTES all done and dusted....you definitely have this now.. .

Great that you have started a new community group and I really hope this takes off. In the meantime please keep us up to date with your progress...you're not sneaking onto that podium without a celebratory whoop from us....😊

Keep going onwards and upwards😊xx

SaskAlliecat profile image

Well done on getting your run done, despite every obstacle sitting in your way. Congrats on starting your new forum. How very exciting; I'm sure you'll have members in no time and will be as wonderfully supportive as this one 🙂

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Bloody nora, I thought my posts were long...!!!!!!! 😂

Well done for your sheer, unwavering determination and kicking W6 into touch. You forgot to mention (or did I doze off at that point), that you are officially a RUNNER..!! 🤗

Then you turned into a bit of a wetty (figuratively speaking) and I nearly lost it too 😭 ... enough of that..!!

Well done, really, really bloody well done, not only the running achievement, but for leading the way with a new community and platform for gender identity. I'm sure it will help so many people.

As for nail polish... when the time comes when you don't have to keep removing it, go for gel... you'll never look back..!!

Enjoy your (not you're 😂) fruit and nut bar and GnT - well deserved. 😘

IannodaTruffe profile image

Great post.

Just goes to show what determination and focus can achieve...........both in the gym and with the new forum.

Here's wishing you all the best for both!

AnnieW55 profile image

That's some determination!!

I can't/don't do nail varnish so you have my admiration on that alone 😀

Congratulations on all that you've achieved. I'm sure the new forum will be a great success.

Shelby1973 profile image

Fruit and nut 🥜 only my favorite u wanna share 😀 xx

siobhp profile image

Well done for your determination in every way! I was also expecting to read of some disaster that finally stopped the run, but no! You got there. 😀 Great run, great nail varnish (I'm hopeless with nail varnish) and your new forum sounds a really wonderful initiative. It's fantastic that you are able to help others, I find it very inspiring reading your posts and I look forward to hearing more about your runs towards the podium and how your forum grows.

Mummycav profile image

Brilliant...inspiring...brave....determined....strong...fabulous....with pink nails & pink knickers!!! Love it!!! Well done Christene ...well done on everything...!!!!

icklegui profile image

abso-effing-lutely brilliant. The suspense... the determination... the pants... the run... and the new forum!

<hands over some more virtual chocolate>


Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toicklegui

Love it ... thank you ...


Cornet-Carolyn profile image

Another brilliant post and another fabulous run. Well done on getting that one done and your determination 👏

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toCornet-Carolyn

Thanks Carolyn, it was a right comedy of errors, didn't. We'd too much to join the dots on that one ... GnT went down well ... 🍸

Sandraj39 profile image

Well done on your run Christene - a very amusing read! Really good also, to read about the strength you have gained from our little community here. I agree - it is a very special place and I really hope your new forum can offer a similar place for those with gender identities issues to come together and support each other. Really good luck with that and of course, with Week 7 too! 🙂

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toSandraj39

Thanks Sandra, it really wrote itself, I just padded it out a little, it's truly how things happened, out on W7R1 tomorrow evening...😬

Polly2810 profile image

What a great post!!! What an amazing person!! I really hope your community helps others....well done on the run too!! Respect! 👍🏻

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toPolly2810

Thanks Polly, I'm really just trying to be me, supported by you and my other C25K friends... 😘

Polly2810 profile image
Polly2810Graduate in reply toChristene

Well we’re all here for you!! Be yourself and proud!!

Sandyscroll profile image

You're doing great on so many levels! And what an amazing story! I'm sure your new community will grow as it gets better known, and I'm sure you will help many others. As for that run, I think I'd have given up. Such persistence deserves to succeed. I still haven't come to terms with running beside roads, and I'm terrified of using a treadmill, just in case I make an idiot of myself and fall off!

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toSandyscroll

I very nearly fell off early on in the program, failed to keep a straight line and stepped onto the side rail .... very nearly showed the dark side of the moon to a busy gym ....

Its the road for me now, well at least some of the time ... I do enjoy the gym atmosphere, but the longer runs are going to be boring .... my 5k run last weekend showed me that ... what a difference it makes with moving scenery ...

Thank you, and everyone here, for your support on my physical and emotional journey ... xxx

Fishypieface profile image

You are doing brilliant things both on and off the treadmill. More power to you, we are firmly behind you every step of the way! :)

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toFishypieface

p.s. GnT and fruit and nut.... utter heaven!!

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toFishypieface

Thank you, its the support like that that has powered me to this point in both of my journeys. A few more runs, and maybe I'll have that graduate badge too ....

Thanks for being there ... xxx

poppypug profile image

Fantastic Christene !

You've got guts and determination in buckets ! :-)

Here's wishing you all the very best in your new venture with your new forum .

Ah you gotta love a bit of nail polish . I always co-ordinate my nails with my tops when I'm taking part in events . It's become a bit of a ritual now for me :-)

Great post ! :-) xxx

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply topoppypug

Thank you so much, I hope I can emulate, in part at least, the fantastic community that is here in C25K.

Mmm, love having my nails done ... work tomorrow though, drab day, at least for now ...


IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply topoppypug

Hi Pops, it is a great pleasure to see you here. Hoping you are well.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply toIannodaTruffe

Hello Tim ! :-)

Why, thank you kind Sir . Hope you’re doing okay xxx

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply topoppypug

I am doing just fine, thanks, apart from not sleeping well, which knocks on to everything else.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply toIannodaTruffe

I sympathise , I have been suffering from insomnia for months . It sucks all the life out of you .

Hope you find something that works for you xxx

ejvcruns profile image

right on sister! You're on training wheels now -- it's straight running from here on out -- time to experiment with new routes, maybe a new app, and get yourself feeling in control of your running. Lots of people lose motivation after week 9 so make sure you use the next three weeks to get yourself a sustainable structure.

I hope your new forum also attracts some great people (and no trolls!). Good on you for starting it.

ju-ju- profile image

I think your new forum will be a much needed place for people to seek support and Healthunlocked is the perfect place. I wish you well on this new adventure as well as your running adventure... well done on your run, you are so close to finishing now 😎

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toju-ju-

Thanks Ju, the first objective is in sight for the running, graduate C25K.

The GenderIdentity community is coming along nicely too ...

Thanks for your support and guidance along both of my journeys.


Virginia60 profile image

Well done you persevering when all obstacles seemed in your way to run that night. . Loved the post and good luck with the new forum. I am sure you will be a tremendous mentor on there with your determination and great humour xx

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toVirginia60

Thanks Virginia60 I'm very exited, about my running, and the new project ... special times. :-)

Glitzfrau profile image

Fabulous story... you are West Yorkshire inspiration! Congratulations on the run and the glam nails and the journey x

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toGlitzfrau

Thank you so much, its the support and encouragement from this group that has enabled me to progress as I have ... W8R1 out of the way today ... !!!

Boltonbelle profile image

Love this story xx I'm a newbie just into week 2 so long way to go but this story certainly spurred me in 👍

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply toBoltonbelle

Thank you, you will get lots of support and encouragement from the people on this community, share your story, tell us your news as you 'knock off' the runs ...

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