Gender Identity | HealthUnlocked

Gender Identity

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Lil intro/hi

Hay I'm k, trans ftm, 19 from UK. I decided to take a massive step when I turne...

are you out there?

Note to self, wherever you may be. Do we get the guy? I’ve struggled a lot wi...

saying hello 👋

Hi, I’m new here and would like to find a community of people I can chat with. I...

Sea stories

" I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky .. " and prefe...
Sailor_Girl profile image

Hi I'm new here

Hi I'm afab but always knew I was different somehow, although it took me at leas...
ToyIla profile image


I know who I am and how I identify but it's hard to put into words or label as n...
Meow3 profile image

I had done 2 SRS and don’t take HRT

Hi everyone, I born biological Male identified as female at age 28, I underwent ...

Hey, it's great to be here!

I'll quickly introduce myself, I'm Sugold, I'm trans-male from Switzerland. I ha...
Sugold profile image

Hello - asked to introduce myself.

Hi, my name's Amanda. I'm fifty-three years old and started to transition six y...
crystaltips42 profile image

New and ready

I've never felt or looked masculine and felt more comfortable dressed as a girl/...
Sissytoni profile image


Hi! I'm Mo (they/them pronouns), a non binary ADHDer who's been out since sophmo...

The Desirability Dilemma

Hi, I’ll introduce myself in another post but this is on my mind right now so I’...

I’m a trans guy and I don’t know what to do with myself

Hi there, my name is Joe and I I’m a trans guy. I’m 16 so still love with paren...
Yoyojoe624 profile image

testosterone blocker and pregnancy

Hi i am 32 Trans going from male to female and me and my GF want to have a baby....
TransGirl profile image

Am I a lesbian ?

Today I was shopping for bikinis as I am going on a pool and spa holiday soon I ...
Hidden profile image


Hi, just thought i'd introduce myself here. Im dfab and i have BRCA1+ . nonbinar...

MH and Trans

So im like wondering if i should just stop taking my Venlafaxine 🤔🤔. Yeah i kn...

Just to say Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

Struggling to sleep so just joined 😱 In fact struggling is my norm. Have gender...


Hi everyone, I’m so confused. In 2016 I was in a relationship that wasn’t health...
jjroe223 profile image


I’m female and identify to basically everyone as pansexual and gender fluid and ...
Exister profile image

Ugh today

I wake up feeling like someone holding me down or like my blankets have gotten a...
Moviegirl1986 profile image

Trans girl notdoing so good

Ive been in bed for over a week, unable to sleep unable to get up, only bc im mo...
Moviegirl1986 profile image

Transgender going from Male to Female Testosterone Blocker and other info

My TG Doctor Fiona Bishop (Transgender Specialist) has drop my Testosterone Bloc...
TransGirl profile image


Hi, I'm new here, and it's nice that this community on this website exists. I'...
obelisk1 profile image

Hi everyone.

Hi, my name is Jack. I'm trans ftm. I'm out to everyone in my life but something...
Jackp16 profile image

Hi I am a lesbian

My parents won’t accept me if I came out, they want me straight and to marry a m...
Herherher profile image

I need help

Hi, my name is Cole. I'm new to this group but I really need help. My family ...

Ever have one of those days ...

Had a phone call from my Dr today, he’s decided he’s not going to support me by ...
Christene profile image

She'll never accept me

My mother is gay and can't accept that her child is Trans. How f'd up is that.
RayGiles profile image

I feel trapped

I came out to my gf not long after we started talking and she says she accepts m...
RayGiles profile image
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