What the heck is going on???: Another crap run... - Couch to 5K

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What the heck is going on???

Mummycav profile image
145 Replies

Another crap run...I didn’t even manage 20 mins before I stopped...I’ve had more crap runs than good ones since I graduated...should I just stick some music on and practice running for 30 mins until I manage it every time??? Don’t bother with podcasts??? Oh well, I suppose I’ll suss it...🙄...should I start the whole C25k programme again?? Help!!!!

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Mummycav profile image
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145 Replies
Martin_Rose profile image

Hey, you know you can run for 30 minutes, are you setting off too fast? are you in the right frame of mind for a run, keep positive please mate, I think this happens to us all at some point.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Martin_Rose

I’ve just had the ‘stamina’ C25k+ app playing...I just couldn’t get into it at all...I wasn’t enjoying it, I was wishing it away & it just seemed like a chore...I haven’t run since Monday...& I have to run 3 times a week or I feel like I’m letting myself down...but I want 3 good runs a week not 1 good run & 2 crap runs which seems to be happening at the moment...I don’t understand it...

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Stamina is a very tough poscast MummyCav...I've only ever done it twice...

Stepping stones, a 30 min run with your own music or the speed podcast.

Ive just joined mapmyrun and have my own music playing and a lady interrupts every 0.5k to tell me my distance and pace and time...its lovely. So maybe use that and try doing 3k 4k and 4.5k and eventually a 5k run.😊xx

Rockette profile image
Rockette in reply to Mummycav

I'd keep away from that ,I could never get on with it either . If I was you ,I'd take p nice steady jog no headphones ,Take in the scenery and don't put a time on it . Keep doing that . That's my two peneth worth . Good luck

astrozombie profile image
astrozombieGraduate in reply to Mummycav

One thing I learned from long walks with big hills was if I am on my own planning a walk or maybe re-walking for familiarity or maybe adding an extra 2 miles Into an existing walk. An area I know well I was scheduled to lead this walk and wasn't in the mood to go and practice, but you can't let people down, so I went and headphones in and with one eye on the time I set off and this walk ends with a nice steep hill to finish the 10 miles. I got halfway up this steep hill and collapsed with a stitch and when I looked back I was stressed therefore I was walking too quickly and I wasn't in the right frame of mind. The following week as I was the head of a group the pace was slower so still a huff and puff to get up the hill but everyone did. I think we underestimate the effect our mindset can have. I have experienced this a few times and normally on long-ish walks that I feel I know too well.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to astrozombie

Ain’t that the flippin truth??!! Wrong frame of mind = pants run/walk...but we’re still out there, doing our thing...& we wouldn’t be anywhere else, would we??? 😉

astrozombie profile image
astrozombieGraduate in reply to Mummycav


Big_D profile image
Big_D in reply to astrozombie

Thanks for that. Your insights have helped me understand myself better, also the significant effect of mindset ...

astrozombie profile image
astrozombieGraduate in reply to Big_D

Cool. I think mindset is key especially if you are going long distances. I remember taking significant time off due to illness of a family member and my first walk back was 10 miles with a slow pace of 4 hours but after 2 hours and having just climbed a steep hill I thought I had had it but when you are in a group in an area you don't know so well the only option is to keep going and guess what the leader was on his first walk so when we went up another steep hill before realising he had gone the wrong way I had to bite my tongue walking back but we've all been there so it is only good manners to say don't worry but I did it and if I ever get to the longer distances without breaks running I expect there will be a similar feeling. We'll see as I am a long way yet but probably why I am a walker first I am not in a hurry.

misswobble profile image

Don't worry. Things get worse before they get better. Keep plugging away 💪 !

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

Just seems to be worse all the time at the moment...😩

Ah im sure they are not as bad as you think! Are you comparing them on Strava/MapMyRun to see whats different? You could be going to fast? Different time of day? Cant be arsed...(i know that feeling!).

Your still getting out, 20 mins is better than 0 mins!!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Thanks Scott...I’m not on strava...I forgot to put map my run on so I just had my Fitbit on...so I do t know how much I ran & how much of it was a walk...I just know I couldn’t flippin run for the whole time I was supposed to...grrrrr...I’m just cross with myself...I wasn’t out of breath, nothing was hurting, I just couldn’t get into it at all...I was supposed to run earlier on this morning so maybe it’s coz it’s not my usual time of day to run...but if you can run for 30 minutes surely it doesn’t matter whether it piggin 8am or 7pm???

in reply to Mummycav

You should make a point of mapping them at the mo, especially if you feel like they are not going as well as previously. i imagine there is a very simple explanation.

Plus, there is a massive difference in running at 7am, and running at 8am....namely being, that no way would i drag my arse out of bed to run at 7am! :-)

Spinning_22 profile image
Spinning_22Graduate in reply to Mummycav

I’ve found that time of day can make a difference, especially if I’ve been at work and I’m running in the evening.

When I started C25K it was in the school holidays and I’d run in the lovely summer mornings

However, if I’ve had to run in the evenings, I usually find it harder, even more so after work!

Since graduation I’ve only done 2 30 min runs, each at the weekend. I’ve found motivation really hard just to get out so you’re doing well! I’ve did 1st post graduation run with just music, the next I took MJ too!

I’ve found it’s better to just run rather than thinking, I’ve got to meet a certain goal. I aim for 30 mins and lately it’s been very slow! However any run is better than no run.

It’s really now a time for consolidation, building up stamina rather than how far you go or even how fast. I’m sure MJ says something like that.

Instead of being cross with yourself be proud of yourself! You’re doing 2 runs a week which is better than no runs!

Polly2810 profile image

Now now! you know you don’t start it all again!! F**k it bucket and move on! At least you can run!! I’m going mad! Bloody knee still not right. Yes maybe just put your tunes on and get out there? Listen to yourself..only managed 20 minutes...three months ago 20 mins would have been an impossibility!!! Just keep on plodding, every minute is strengthening your running legs! Chin-up another day Sunday...I may try a little jog on treadmill see how it feels?

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Polly2810

Think I’ll try that Polly...just stick some music on & run...I think because I’ve got an app on if I don’t complete it I feel useless..whereas if I don’t really have a target I won’t be so disappointed with myself??? Does that make sense??? 🤔🤔🤔

Polly2810 profile image
Polly2810Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Yep total sense, just run and enjoy every minute you can do..so what if it’s only 20 or less..I know I will have to go back to about 10 to test the knee properly. It’s all about getting it there...you don’t need an app to tell you what to do now you are doing this for you..you are a graduate, you can just run!!! 😜 give it a go see how you get on. Says she sat on her bum on the couch!! 🤣

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Polly2810

Lol...enjoy the rest!!!! xx

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Mummycav

This part of the discussion with Mummycav makes me wonder if it'd help if you decided WHERE you were going to run (that is, from what point to what point) and maybe that would help -- instead of how LONG you feel you have to run? So when I run, I have several places where I can run the required amount, and then I pick one and go run....

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Yes, LiisaM ...I’ve been thinking up new routes so running from home, up the main road & instead of turning round, I can turn left & up the MASSIVE hill (which I will walk) then run/walk where it flattens out (take a photo as the view from up there is amazing!!) then run down the ‘mad mile’ ...down through the woods, through the ford & Home....it’s about 7kms but if I walk part of it I’ll be ok...I’m quite looking forward to it...might give it a go in the morning...

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Mummycav

My choices of where to run are running at my YMCA if it is going to be dark before I finish, running along XYZ path if the wind will not blow car exhaust at me all the way, running along a level path if my muscles can't take hills, running along a hilly path if I want a challenge, running along a shady path to avoid hot son, or running along a sunny path if I need a spot of sun. So in my neighborhood, I pick and choose and I seldom choose the same running path two days in a row. I am always looking for a new path to run, and I know there are new ones to find. I have to drive out to a path because where I am, we have too many dogs that might bite and too many cars that might hit a runner! Happy running, MC! I'm sure you'll find your way!

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to LiisaM

whoops--hot "sun"

nikkiwabit profile image
nikkiwabitGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Personally also running gone bad since graduation but I feel I am lacking a target (admit life stuff not helping and swimming gone off too!). Maybe map a run and try for a certain distance 3 times a week instead?

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to nikkiwabit

Yes...I’m gonna take all this advice on board & def mix it up...I’m already thinking up new routes, with some hills incorporated so I can walk up them with maybe a bit of running to build up my stamina gradually...just gonna download a new playlist & maybe get out there first thing tomorrow 😉

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Polly2810

Your poor knee...hope it’s better soon so you can get back out there xx

misswobble profile image

You'll be fine. You just have to press on, push through and emerge all glowy

You'll do it ! Dogged determination! Dig in!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

I will...but I want to do it NOW!!!!!! X

Polly2810 profile image
Polly2810Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Patience now!! As misswobble says all good things 😜

misswobble profile image

Ah. All good things Cav ..... 💪👍😃🏃‍♀️✔️

Decker profile image

I had a hard time with the stepping stones podcast after 5k. Only did it once. Yeah, maybe put in your fave tunes and just run to them. The most important thing is to keep the habit up and run through this time. Press on as Misswobble says.

Mummycav profile image

I’m surprised you lot can run at all with me LEANING on you all 3 times a week!!! Lol 🙄

Martin_Rose profile image
Martin_RoseGraduate in reply to Mummycav


Martin_Rose profile image

I felt like that the other week, I just did 2 runs a week, really slowly, it made me enjoy running again.

CarolineLou71 profile image

Hey, you’re doing great - keep posting! I have had to make myself take over a week off because I came down with a virus and know from previous experience that running will just make the recovery process longer. Being away from running has felt like the longest week of my life!! Just when we’d barely got out of the starter’s gate too 🙄 I went to one running training session and one boot camp, supplementary to my individual running , but being careful to keep an eye on weekly mileage increase, so felt I’d given it all the careful consideration and then this bug struck (you can tell I thankfully don’t often get sick and have zero patience with it!!). If I had tried to get back to running too soon, I know I would have had disappointing runs and discouraged myself completely.

All I’m waffling on for is to say that I love reading your real progress beyond c25k (the good & the ‘learning’ experiences) and know that there’s so much more to this ‘lark’ than just the obvious things that hold us back. Be encouraged that every single run counts and you’re inspiring someone, even if you have a sorry time on occasion to do that - here’s to the next fab run you get out for x

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to CarolineLou71

Thank you xx

SC1472 profile image

Mummycav the only really thing that matters is that you are off the couch and actually doing exercise. Don't be hard on yourself about stopping - I find myself stopping for a walk for no particular reason but I then start running again and I then go on to cover 6-7k (depending on where and when I am running).

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SC1472

Really?? I thought running was just running?? That’s why I’m getting so disappointed...I just feel at a bit of a loss x

nikkiwabit profile image
nikkiwabitGraduate in reply to SC1472

That is very encouraging thank you.

IgaT profile image

Forget about apps and programs. For 1-2 weeks make your goal to go out 3x a week to run and the most important task: ENJOY your runs. Run for 10min if during 11th min you'll feel it's not enjoyable, walk a little and then just run again. Doesn't matter how many walk breaks you will have. Enjoy your surroundings, enjoy freedom, enjoy every minute you can run. Remember week 1 of the programme? This is how far you've gotten!!! If 5-10min run is just kind of warm up tryin to get the flow, then it's great. Not so long time ago 60 seconds were demanding.

I'm still / again on week 6, somehow cannot cross this week 7 border. Life or lazyness is coming in the way every time :( so 20 minutes is still big for me ;)

Good luck and keep posting how the runs are going for you.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IgaT

I will, I don’t want to post when it’s all hearts & flowers...coz sometimes it rain & weeds!!! X

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Life - ups & downs.

Post it all - good & bad, sunny & rainy, easy & hard.

We are all here, reading, listening, cheering up, kicking asses - all you need ;)

You know what I think, I already told you!

It's really early post graduation. Just run nice and slow. Enjoy the music and the scenery. Run 3 times a week. Maybe mix it up distance/speed. You are a novice runner, just building a habit. Why are you giving yourself such a hard time?

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to

I've just said the same thing except I used a lot more words 🙂

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

I know...I’m going to just consolidate..& take on board a tip from everyone, like picking flowers, thank you x

Irishprincess profile image

I agree with IgaT just forget the podcasts and just get out there and run for pure joy. I didn't get on with the podcasts at all, some people do, some people don't.

Get into a habit of runnng 3 times a week but sometimes it might be for 20 minutes. This is absolutely fine, it's still building your runnng legs and it all counts.

Change your route, get in the car and drive somewhere else, play different music, run "naked" without music and just revel in the fact you can run. Mix it up.

Just think what your pre C25K Mummycav would say to you. Probably something along the lines of " you can run?!!!"

Keep the faith, practice maketh the runner 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Totally agree.. I used the same words when I posted after Graduation Irishprincess runs for Pure Joy!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Thankyou...my pre C25k would be gobsmacked at me running for 20/30 mins...I think we forget that sometimes x

sus1eb profile image

Hey, I've got exactly the same thing going on. I haven't run 30 mins since I graduated too! I can't run in the morning, I don't do mornings so I find 6pm for me works, it's just about dark (I live abroad) as I've been active during the day and have had 2 meals, that seems to give me more energy.

I'm not beating myself up about I, I've decided any run is better than no run, so I have set up my old Ibiza dance club classics lol, If I can only manage 20 mins then I walk for just about a min to take a breather and then carry on. I'm just plodding on, I never set out to be a marathon runner just a new form of exercise at my late stage of life. Enjoy it, don't think about it too much, it was only a few weeks ago you could only do a minute at a time.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to sus1eb

I’m glad I’m not the only one..it’s bizarre, like someone’s flicked a switch off!!! X

sus1eb profile image
sus1eb in reply to Mummycav

I think with me it’s a mental thing but I seem to run better if I just go and run, walk briefly if I have to and stop when my legs can’t carry on! I use map my run then it tells me how far and time etc. If I have a timer ticking down saying 10 mins left I find it takes forever and I’m constantly clock watching waiting to hear the “1 min remaining”

I know I seem to be doing a different C25K to everyone else (ZenlabsC25K) so after you graduate it just says run 5k and it’s a 30 min countdown being told when you’re halfway. There don’t seem to be any podcasts.

I’m sure we’ll get there in the end?!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to sus1eb

I hope so...my runs are going to vary so much over the next few weeks!!!

Kimchoc08 profile image

Oh no, not those pesky running gremlins again!! They really are a pain in the a*** aren't they and they need a right good kicking!!

Have you tried listening to the C25K Week 9 runs again as it might be that you're missing someone telling you how far you've run and how far you've got left to run?

Fingers crossed that the gremlins 👾 do one soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Kimchoc08

Kimchoc08 ...your runs sound fantastic since graduation...that’s what I long for...xx

Kimchoc08 profile image
Kimchoc08Graduate in reply to Mummycav

And I'm sure those runs are just around the corner for you xx

Virginia60 profile image

Did you have a plan for when you graduated? My final run has had to be put off a few days because my daughter was rushed into hospital Wednesday afternoon so body and mind been elsewhere! At the moment my plan after graduation is to keep on doing 3 runs a week of about 5k and when I can doing a Parkrun as one of the runs and doing this for a few weeks. At the moment I am not bothered about doing any longer runs but that might change! Why don't you just go back to running with music for 30ish minutes and see how far you can go and enjoy it. That might get your running mojo back without pressure of the app xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Virginia60

I didn’t have a plan, think that’s partly the problem...

MarkyD profile image

MC, don't let it get you down. You graduated, but maybe you're moving on too fast?

For the next week, run with C25K podcast, and repeat week 7 - that's 25 minutes. You'll manage that OK, no problems.

Then run the next week with week 9 podcast - that's 30 minutes and you've done that successfully already.

Then for the rest of the year, run 30 minutes, either with the C25K w9 podcast, or one of the C25K apps and your own music. There's no rush, you don't need to get faster or further, just consolidate your running, 30 minutes and whatever distance that is for you. Early December, build in a week when you let yourself run just 20 minutes once or twice.

But don't try anything new... no speed or stamina, or B210K podcasts. Just simple, easy (!!), at-your-own-pace 30 minute runs. If you get bored, try a different route, but still 30 minutes. Before long, you'll be able to go out for a 30 minute run without thinking about it. That's the time to think about your next steps. But for the rest of 2017, consolidation, consolidation, consolidation.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to MarkyD

Great advice MarkyD😊...x

Polly2810 profile image
Polly2810Graduate in reply to MarkyD

Good advice...I like the sound of that...will follow that route when my knee is ready!!

Wannabefit19 profile image
Wannabefit19Graduate in reply to MarkyD

Great great advice ... as a new graduate I take all of that on board too ... so many great responses Mummycav109 .... what a fantastic running family across the nations this forum provides

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Wannabefit19

I know Wannabefit19 ...so much support!! Who’d have thought anyone would be interested in lil ol me??!!! Such lovely people xx

Gillma profile image
GillmaGraduate in reply to MarkyD

Useful reply to a useful statement of frustration (thanks both - makes me feel less lonely). Only thing I would add is that I am finding week 6 of C25k quite useful as a restarting point. I am also toying with the idea of adapting c25k podcasts in some way to cope with the empty space after graduation (I tried Sami Murphy but she didn't quite do it for me - ended up walking to Radio 4!). Anyway, I haven't worked out the adaptation yet. Eg, something like, repeating week 1 as week 10 (but longer), etc, until we get to week 18!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Gillma

You are never alone Gillma , not on here....this is proof!!!! I think I forget that myself sometimes too...that we’re all running together xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to MarkyD

That is good advice MarkyD ...I might go back to Week 7 & practice again...thankyou

sjs1969 profile image

Stay positive and don't be so hard on yourself - a run is another run banked! Different approaches work for different people but I've learned that I prefer just having my music on, then I'm not clock-watching.

Are you able to vary your route? I keep on adding in new paths to the first section of my run so that I've run for longer before I head for the more familiar route of the second section, and that means that it doesn't get stale and boring.

Whatever you do, don't start over - you're a runner and there's no going back now! 😄

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to sjs1969

Thankyou sjs1969 ...on the good runs I think “yes, I am a runner” ..then on the bad runs I think “mmmmm, maybe you’re not built for running???” I’m going to drive somewhere completely different for my next run...that was actually my plan this morning but it got scuppered...so it was the park...again...& when I’m having a bad run, it’s easy for me to slope off Home 🙄

mrrun profile image

Once I graduated I stopped using anything and simply went by 10% rule in my own time, on my terms.

I got to 10K and now I’m doing the same. Third run every week will be a long one and one day I will start to 10% it until I hit 21K, if I don’t fall apart in pieces by then.

What I plan is music, and where to run, just to keep it fresh. I change parks, and routes, as well as times. Music changes every time I run too.

Yesterday I ran 10K but it wasn’t easy so I slowed right down. I suppose I didn’t get much rest the night before. At 6K I questioned myself, nearly stopped but that spurred me on and I finished the distance. Was it nice and beautiful? Nope, but sometimes we need to win ugly.

My advice? Do NOT drop motivation. Ever. And keep it fresh and interesting. And if that’s not possible sometimes, just go and do it all the same.

The alternative would be to accept defeat and go back to couch. Imagine that horror? Me neither ;)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to mrrun

"Win ugly" - I like that.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mrrun

Flipping heck...going back to the couch & never running again fills me with dread...I just want to be a good runner...

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Mummycav

What's a good runner? I have no idea. We all do what we can and how we can. My running style has no grace and I will never, ever, run like a world class competitor. I still believe I'm alright though ;)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mrrun

You are...you are amazing 😉

lardofale profile image

You're still getting out there though mate. Perhaps a little phase of gentle jogs/runs with no podcasts/apps. Let your feet take you wherever they want, at your own pace, with your own music or thoughts for company. Consolidation runs for as long as you think you need them and maybe try other stuff as and when, remember running is for life not just for a few giddy weeks in 2017!

I haven't seen anything lately about dodgy geezers hiding in bushes or cops chasing people about, perhaps you need that danger element to get you going?! ;0)

Keep at it, we've got your back!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to lardofale

Lol...that run with the helicopter was def my favourite!!! Maybe zombierun might be an idea??!!! 🤔

ejvcruns profile image
ejvcrunsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

I'm all over the zombie app like white on rice. It's fun! Get past the intro mission (which is a bit strange) and the rest is nice & easy & interesting. I haven't been scared yet because I never turn on the zombie chases.

Biggirlplodder profile image

I’m exactly the same 😕

Babs24 profile image

Ha! Going through EXACTLY the same thing! I figured it's because I don't have the target of graduating now, and I need to just get into the frame of mind of doing this for myself.

I have managed to keep up the three times a week routine since graduating a couple of weeks ago, but find myself having an inner conversation with myself the night before and the morning of. It's too cold, it's too hot, it might rain, I don't have to do this......

So - first of all I told myself no-one would do this for me.

Then that I HAD to get into the habit of thinking about exercise first - not IF I could fit it into my day.

Then that I did (oh yes you do) enjoy it once you got out there.

Then - and this I found to be the clincher - just be easy on yourself. If I have to slow down, or walk a bit - then do it. If you give yourself permission, then more often than not you don't need to.

And Lee Mack got me out of bed this morning - thank goodness for Desert Island Discs. Just the right length and interesting, with music.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Babs24

Glad I’m not alone Babs24 ...just need to shake up my runs I think x

Fishypieface profile image

Expect you are overwhelmed with advice now!! I had a lot of crap runs after graduating I think it's a common thing. It's only my own pig headedness and the weird love of doing it in a twisted kind of way that kept me on track. I just turned up, got on with it and repeat, even though it wasn't floating my boat at the time of doing it, I loved it at all other times. Eventually it DOES get better, easier, nicer etc. You've just gotta ride out the storm. Try and think of wonderful ways of doing that - post on here for suggestions, will give you a laugh at the same time. You're a runner now you just have to work out what's right for you. For me, I don't need any tech telling me stuff except for Sarah chiming in. Distraction is the key - new route, new music, making up stories, putting the world to rights, deciding how to spend your lottery win... you know, important real life stuff :) x

Wannabefit19 profile image

Hey you ..... your doing great , stop putting so much pressure on yourself ... your awesome already ..... ❤️. put some banging tracks on and switch on strava or map my run free app to see which you like ... if you only do 20 instead of 30 I bet your going faster but don’t realise it . The one Jan-now-runs describes sounds great letting you know how your doing

I’m just consolidating and decided not to focus on speed distance etc but for now just run ...was going to try C25K+ bu reading a few people’s posts I think I’m going to wait .

Put the bad ones ( not that 20 mins run and nothing hurting is bad ) and focus on the ones that gave you a buzz .. take it from us you are brilliant and do NOT need to start again xxxx 😘😘

ejvcruns profile image

Yep. Me too - a few bad runs. But better today.

Why am I doing this? I ask myself. And right in front of me: my mom, sick with dementia, a horrible incurable illness. Exercise and other healthy choices reduces the chance by about 35% (good for the heart, good for the head). Yep, motivates me right out. Think about WHY and go easy on yourself. My aim: a long-term, healthy, sustainable lifestyle - because YOLO :-) (you only live once)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to ejvcruns

😘 massive hug to you ejvcruns ...my friend went into a hospice yesterday & I was thinking of her whilst out running today thinking “Helen would give anything to do this”

Your lovely Mum will be so glad & proud of you honey xxxxx

ejvcruns profile image
ejvcrunsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Sorry to hear about Helen, mummycav. Indeed we are privileged.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to ejvcruns


Wannabefit19 profile image
Wannabefit19Graduate in reply to Mummycav

WHAT a reason to live a healthy lifestyle .. Helen I’m sure is proud of you

As you know mummycav109 my friend died of cancer recently and she said lots of poignant things along her journey to me ... all heartbreaking ... but here are some which motivate me

1 do anything you can to stay healthy ( so I’m running )

2 live your life to the full ( I always try my best )

3 look after my girls for me and be there with them when they have our grandchildren - ( her daughter my son married) ( 😪😪😪 I do this with love honour and pride )

4 never complain about silly thinks ( if I begin to, I correct myself and think what would caroline say)

Yes indeed your mum would be proud ejvcruns .

My run tonight definitely not as good as last one .... but phone died half way round no music ,no strava prompts of time keeping ..

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Wannabefit19

You are such a good friend Wannabefit19 ...Helen is sleeping most of the time now but when I saw her on Monday in my dayglo pink running attire, her eyes lit up & she commented on how well I looked...my heart melted for her...if & when I do a lengthy run & I need sponsors I will be doing the run for her xx

Wannabefit19 profile image
Wannabefit19Graduate in reply to Mummycav

My heart goes out to you and Helen .. love that you made her smile in your pink attire hahahaha ... keep strong and yes we will both run for our dear and lovely friends when we are ready .. in the meantime be kind to yourself ❤️❤️

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to Mummycav

I am so sorry to hear this. How lucky we are, truly. xxx

Sadie-runs profile image

Mummycav. You will get through this. I agree with lots of folk on here - sounds like you have been too hard on yourself. If I was you I'd ditch the podcasts (sh*t music anyway), put some tunes on you love and go for a 20-25 min slow jog. You need to get back to your happy place. Forget goals, or improving on speed, time etc. Run slowly and run regularly and run for the joy of it. Run because you can and don't judge. If you need to pause for a walk, then pause. Then run again.


Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Thankyou Sadie-runs ....I’m gonna go feral and run naked!! Xx

Martin_Rose profile image
Martin_RoseGraduate in reply to Mummycav

What! Where will this be? 🤣🤣🤣

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Martin_Rose


Oldfloss profile image

Naughty you!!! Stop with this negativity.

You are awesome. You know that !

So... just run... with whatever you like on music wise or nothing. Have you run naked ..I cannot remember.. just run, because you can....try it... :)

Maybe a short run.. say fifteen minutes a bit faster...do some intervals.. make sure you do a lovely relaxed 30 minute always in there too... take a run day just for walking too instead if you feel like it... you will not lose what you have gained and the good runs will still be there and waiting...

I tried so, so many different things.. many of them quite silly...but all great fun :) I do agree with Irishprincess .. she is right.. I called them my runs for Pure Joy :)

This is your continuing journey.. you do it your way. You have nothing to prove, but you do want to move on... so, just ease up, be kind to yourself, relax a bit and enjoy.

Love this quote...

" I am a runner, because I run. Not because I run fast, not because I run far. I am a runner, simply because I run! "

That is you.

Big hug x

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you Oldfloss ...I hope you’re not disappointed in me? I’m trying, I really am...just need to remember to take my running family out with me every run xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Never... never, ever, ever... !!! You just do it... your way :) xxx

Duddles profile image

You will get there. My first run after graduation this week I just could not get into it. After five minutes, I was just thinking "What's the point?" and I gave up after a mile. I put a post on it here called 'Motivation' and the answers helped me. Later that night I went for a 5k Walk in 35 minutes just to get my exercise head back on, which helped.

But what really helped is that I have joined the Couch to 5k Club on Strava - where about 100 or so people on this forum are listed. Your runs go onto that list and show how much you have done each week, and where you are in the list. I notice that a lot of people are just going out for 1 mile runs - and building up the miles that way. So I am learning here is no need to do 3.2 miles every time you run.

So today I stuck with it and ran 5k - just to get my name a little higher up the list! I find you need a reason to put yourself through the agony/exhaustion, and that Strava Club is doing it for me.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Duddles

I like this idea...how do I do this??? 😉

Duddles profile image
DuddlesGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Join Strava if you have not already done so. Free - don't go for the paid Premium version yet. Then on the top bar click on 'Explore' and below that you will see "Clubs" Search in the search box there for Couch to 5k and you will see the green logo for that - click on that and join, and there you are. Someone else may have a simpler more direct link.

I suddenly realised that not all graduates are attempting 5k every time, but often just a mile regularly or other short distances - though some are doing big distances. I suppose that comes later.

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to Duddles

Great advice and very interesting! Thanks, I'll be joining you lot too I think!

Cornet-Carolyn profile image

Don't be hard on yourself you know you can do it, you are a runner 🏃‍♀️

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cornet-Carolyn

I really really want to think so x

Jeani profile image

Mummycav -just run!- 5 minutes, 30 minutes- doesn't matter! Go somewhere you haven't before and enjoy looking around at your surroundings. Have fun! There are no rules ...

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jeani

Thank you....I’ve decided that every run next week will be in a different place 😉

Debbie698 profile image

Oh dear. Maybe change your route to a brand new one? Keep the podcasts on? Tell yourself you haven't graduated yet? Just keep at it and you will soon be back to normal. If I was to go on my own again now I would get a bit bored but since the runs have become longer my hubby comes with me - do you go on your own mummycav109?🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Debbie698

Yes, I’m on my own...I’ve been invited to a running club in my town but I darent go I think they’ll see me as a burden at the back!! 🤔

Debbie698 profile image
Debbie698 in reply to Mummycav

Yes I think I would feel that but we are both probably wrong - GO👌

I'm having the same problem mummycav. 😢 but 20mins is still 20mins, it's better than nothing.

I'm away for the week and have given running a rest, I hope it's better when I get back. My thoughts are with you.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

It is...you’re right...20 mins is 20 mins....I’m just going to work at it slowly

mzye007 profile image

I’ve been having similar problems. First 3 postgrad runs were fine then haven’t managed 30 mins for the last 3 runs. Hard not to get discouraged but trying to focus on keeping the habit and that a bad run is still better than no run at all. Keep the faith mummycav. I’m going to go back to Mr Smooth for my next run tomorrow 😊

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mzye007

Yes, I might do the same mzye007 ...go back to maybe week 7...

GingerBohemian profile image

I’m not bothering with podcasts since graduation. I just put on my music and go for 5km. Don’t care if I do it in 40 minutes or 42.

Sometimes even stop and take a photo of something.

I do 2x5km and 1x5.5km each week and will stick with that for a couple of months to just slowly build up the stamina.

When I feel that I am doing that too easy I’ll start doing 2x5.5 and 1x6.

I think maybe you are ‘trying to hard’ to like it.

Just go out and do it with no cause or reason.

I even stop and take a photo of something.

Just enjoy it for the sake of enjoying it as opposed to achieving some goal.

ste6422 profile image

When I was doing the same canal run I knew what time I should reach each point and knew how far was left to go, I dont know why but i didn't complete the time, something told me "stop, you've done enough" I hated myself for stopping so I changed my route, I run round Sefton Park now and feel I can go longer and further, maybe a new or different route would help

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to ste6422

That exactly what I’m going to do...never in the same place...there’s so many places to explore!!

mamajane profile image

I graduated about the same time as you and I've had exactly the same issues. I think I lost the incentive as I'd proved to myself that I could run for 30 mins. I now use MapMyRun and set myself a distance goal over the 30 mins instead. It's hard but I have a goal to achieve again. Sometimes I walk for a minute in the middle of it but I'm out moving for 30 mins and not in front of the tv. Like you, I'm determined to keep going. I'm sure (and hope) it will get easier.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mamajane

That’s it..once you’ve run for 30 mins you’ve cracked it...but I thought, from then on, I’d be able to run every run for 30 minutes & that I’d be trying to get my distance up to 5k in those 30 minutes gradually, the furthest I’ve got is 4.6k...instead of working on my distance now I seem to have to go back to working on my time again!!! Jeez....who’d have thought running would be so complicated?!! Lol

Suzang profile image

I went through a similar phase when I graduated. In the end I figured out it was because I needed something to motivate me to want to run for a reasonable time / distance so I signed up to do a virtual run. It was the 5k prosecco run which I had to do at some point in October. So I had a goal but with not quite the same pressure of a set date in October. That helped me focus to go out and push myself a bit. I did the run fine in early october but since then I've noticed my running 3 times a week is slipping to two or one so I think I need to sign up for something else to keep me motivated.

I also noticed that during training if I don't have an actual route planned and stick to it I tend to do shorter runs as I lose momentum.

Hope this helps a bit with your running

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Suzang

Sounds like the virtual run was a good incentive for you...so yes, that might be something to sign up for again for you??

Everyone’s advice is helping Suzang ...thank you...

EuanR profile image

Once I graduated I stopped the podcasts, made my own playlist. Songs that suited my pace of running and just listen to that when I out now.

Still have the odd crap run for whatever reason but don't let it get you down. Sh!t happens as they say.

I've had a crap run then next time out set a new personal best. Maybe miss a run if you don't feel like it. It's no problem unless you start missing regularly and your fitness suffers.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to EuanR

I’m def going to take everyone’s advice on board & mix it up a bit...different music & never the same route...thanks EuanR

RebeccaSK profile image

Now, now Mummycav ! You know I had a torrid time building up and immediately after graduation and I completely believe it was because of the expectations I placed upon myself. I remember Oldfloss saying to me that I should start running for me - I should do what I wanted to do. I did. I would do a 5k run/walk. When I felt like a little bit of walking then I'd have a little bit of walking and I enjoyed my runs more because of it. Perhaps - and only a suggestion - you should do what I have done. Give yourself a break. Do whatever running you feel like doing. After a while, if you're like me, you'll start to enjoy it more and then you'll actually want to progress and push yourself further. I'm at a stage now where I don't give up when it feels like I'm about to die (because, obviously, I'm not about to die at all) because I want to carry on. That was definitely missing for a while. I'd have arguments with my gremlins and more often than not, the gremlins would win. Now, for some reason, I'm able to kick those gremlins into touch. It's because my state of mind has changed. I went on holiday, did absolutely no running for two weeks and came back raring to go and get back into it. I found my running club and started to get to know people at Parkrun. Most of the time, even at running club, I'm running on my own but around others and the support and encouragement does drive you on. How would you feel about taking a week out? You won't lose your fitness in a week but your legs will get a nice rest!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to RebeccaSK

Thanks RebeccaSK ...yes, I do know you were the same but I read your posts now & im amazed, you’re so driven!! I want that too!!! I think, maybe because I’m doing podcasts & the run is 25/30 mins, if I stop, I’ve cheated so the best thing for me would be to just put my music on & just run...for as long as I can...then walk...and so on...is that what you mean?? I am def going to give this a go...thank you...a this advice is priceless...it comes as a surprise when you expect something & it doesn’t quite work out!!! 🙄

RebeccaSK profile image
RebeccaSKGraduate in reply to Mummycav

It was two months between graduating and finding this drive and enthusiasm. I never stopped running or wanting to run - but I didn't feel like I was achieving anything or progressing at all other than maintaining some of the fitness I'd achieved. I'm not knocking the podcasts at all but perhaps you need to not put yourself under the pressure of constantly pushing yourself forwards...

We all have those runs. Mine was today. Keep going.

Pc59 profile image

Good advice! From everyone!I remember being the same after my 1st graduation (on second now😂) i think i thought if I could run 30mins then a 5k that was it i could carry on for as long as i wanted😊if only!! I think you have to find a routine 3 times a week that suits you maybe just 1 long run 1 where you do a variety of speeds & one to include hills so that it builds stamina 😊everyone has goid & bad runs for me i missed the structure of c25k😊this time il be happy running any distance 3 times a week😂. Keep going though you are still a runner!!! 🏃🏃👍

Geord68 profile image

Read all of this and absorbed all the good advice. Post graduation I decided to ditch the timer and will run from point A to point B and not worry about times, If I have to walk some of the course so be it, I’m not trying to impress anyone I’m doing this because I want to.

Chin up Cav I’m sure you’ll come out stronger from this.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Geord68

Thanks Geord68 ...there’s some fantastic advice out there, this forum is brilliant because of the mixed abilities & experiences..but most of all, everyone is willing everyone on, running along with each other & caring when it’s just not going right...running for me is just what I’ll do 😉

swisstony4 profile image

Maybe sack off the podcast for a bit, whack some of your favourite tunes on instead and just run to your own beat, rather than thinking about what the podcast says to do.

I am sure it’s just a blip and you will be back to normal soon, just need to get over the hump. Bit of PMA will help too.

quirkybee profile image

Hey lovely

Right, I'll be honest with you and this is coming from a new runner. I have only read a few comments, but personally I think you're trying to rush ahead too fast. I don't mean with running itself, but I feel you may be trying too hard to get further with your running, ie speed, time, etc, moreso since your graduation.

You have done so, so, so well and when I read your posts, you sound very much like me in ways. I think you are trying too hard, I felt like that a couple of weeks ago and why.....? Because we enjoy it and we just want to improve on what we have achieved so far.

I haven't run for couple of weeks, because it is impossible for me to do it sometimes. Do I feel guilty? Yes I do, but after a while of beating myself up over it, I've learnt to think that I will run next when I can.

Also, when I ran last, I really wanted to be quicker, but I simply can't do it at the moment. My idea was to keep doing 5ks, (which I intend to do), but I kept thinking that I should not stop, just to run it without a break. I keep talking to myself by saying don't stop, keep going, but really there is no hard or fast rule. We've done the C25K with its walking and running times and I think that you (and I) should go back to one of the weeks where it was to run for 10 minutes and do that 3x week. Then maybe alternate it. This is what I am going to do. I'm not running a 5k race, so why beat myself up over it. If I'm trying to beat the time, it's only myself that I'm competing with.

This is why, like you've said, you felt you weren't enjoying the one podcast and this is the last feeling you want to experience, as it will put you off. You've come so far remember and what you do from graduation is just to keep practicing. Run slower and take deep breaths I really find that has helped me when I did my park run a couple of weeks ago. I was beginning to feel complacent with it, but I reminded myself that I actually love the running and I need to revert to basics for a short while and then build on it, so that's what I'm going to do.

Now I know you said you like or must run for 3x week and this is your choice, so continue with it, but you know you don't have to don't push yourself too hard, just find a nice route, get a plan in mind and if that works, then your 3x week will be so fun to look forward to.

I'm going to try the shorter run, with a minute or two of walking in between. I don't want it be a chore, I want it to be fun and with a structure in place, then it should start to be fun.

Ignore duration for now and pace, it's not important as such right now. Get your focus in place. I'll do it too and we can share our experiences. If you like, lol 😂

If we lived closer, I'd run with you, we'd be a right pair I bet, red faced and laughing. You can do it Bev. I've got 200% confidence in you, you just need a focus and rethink of the runs.

Thinking of you lovely xx 🤗👍

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to quirkybee

I would love that...imagine the giggles we’d have?!! Is the world ready for that??!! Everyone has spurred me on & I just need to mix it all up & stop with the targets, just run for runnings sake....I love it, you know I do...like you do...thank you so much for believing in me...we will share experiences....thank you Beth, I’m feeling an urge to run right now!! Thank you....you are a fantastic inspiration to me xxx

SuzyKK profile image

I have found runs since graduating go up & down... some days I feel great, but often, I feel like I just can't do it... but after a few months of feeling really awful, I have realised a run is a run... & even if the runs aren't what I think they 'should' be, they are runs... I AM a runner... & maybe for now the running isn't progressing much, but as long as I'm getting our there on a regular basis, 2 to 3 times a week... well for now that is going to be enough. I do think that sometimes it is really easy to hear what others are doing & how they are progressing & compare oneself negatively... but we are all different. Give yourself a break & be happy!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SuzyKK

Thank you SuzyKK ....this is exactly why I’m not bothered about posting when I have a bad run...it’s normal, but it’s quite lonely when all you hear about is good runs....I’ll hold my hands up & say actually, it’s not all hearts & flowers for everybody after graduation....hopefully , for the majority it is but I think we expect too much of ourselves afterwards & when it doesn’t happen it feels like something’s gone wrong when actually, it’s all gone right but we need to keep it that way...it’s a fantastic feeling running, but we’re all learning, even after graduation, just need to remember that, we don’t all learn the same way or at the same rate x

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Good point MummyCav. I will put my hands up that although I graduated in Nov 2015 my first non stop 5k outside was only in Aug this year.

My usual run was 30 mins covering about 4.3k and I was perfectly happy with that.

There really is no competition on here...all running is good running.😊xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

That’s about mine Bluebirdrunner ...when I can keep running for 30 mins I cover 4.6kms...how did you feel after graduation? X

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Well, I think Im older than you MummyCav, I was 55 when I started c25k and I took my time doing the program so about seven months til I graduated. I only found this forum when I was on week 8...

Then so surprised and amazed that I could run for 30 mins I just kept doing that and posting after every run for motivation. I did use the stepping stones podcast and Week 9 and my own music...but did 30 mins every time. I felt like I had invested too much time and effort to get this distance to let things slip. I discovered that I was not a quitter and that running was fun.

This forum played a huge part in this.

I think I consolidated for about four months and have no desire to do 5k in 30 mins nor would be able to.

I did that 5k in August this year and since then have been able to run for longer. Im now doing a 10k plan, but have months of 30 min runs behind me...

Sorry for the long ramble, but hope its helpful to you.


Tricky2836 profile image

Oi come here I need to kick your butt... your amazing mate you know that and will do what you need to do xx

quirkybee profile image

Thanks lovely, yeh, just focus on plain old running abd if it means 20 mins then walk for 2 mins, so be it, build it up slowly. You know you can do 30 mins, so that's the biggest bonus ever, some days we slack a little and others we do great. It's a run and just a run and should be done with a free, yet positive mind. I'm with you all the way xx 😊

Fatpuffin profile image

Have really enjoyed reading all these responses as, like you, I had a horrible suspicion I was the only one finding post-grad runs such a challenge. Seems I was wrong! For me the dark cold evenings after work are definitely not helping. Doing c25k in the lovely summer months seems like a long-ago dream! But am inspired now to keep plodding on. Thanks.

25kdown profile image

you ran for 20 minutes, thats not a crap run thats 20 minutes you wouldnt have done had you been sitting on your arse so give yourself credit. keep at it some days are good some are bad, sometimes we hoover the house properly sometimes we just do the bits that show, anythings better than nothing.

Sorry, you're had too many replies for me to read through them all before replying!

I too have struggled since graduation but what I am trying to do is just consolidate the 30 minutes. Have struggled both with motivation and Gremlins telling me to stop! However, I have managed to grit my teeth and keep going. Hardly the enjoyment I was hoping for but we CAN do this! Let's not waste all that hard work we put in to get here.

I have found Strava really motivating and the use of my own music ( bit of Pete Tong!) keeps me distracted from those pesky Gremlins. Keep going Mummycav. Good luck :-)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Thank you..I know, everyone is being so kind & helpful...I went out this morning with the intention of a good run...it was a good run but so mixed up!! I’m going to put a better post on later when I get chance to sit down (not on the couch though!!!!) 😉

Moogy profile image

I went through a phase like that too after graduating. I was trying to do too much too soon and running became a real chore. I think when you read other people's posts about doing Parkruns in fantastic times it can get you down a bit. Eventually I ended up with a calf injury and it has taken me twelve weeks to get back to running for 30 minutes again. This time round though I'm really enjoying running at an easy pace. Have you tried eating a small snack about 10 or 15 minutes before running? Ive recently found that eating a handful of raisins or half a banana really boosts my energy levels.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Moogy

Yes, for such distances all you need is half (full for 10K) banana and a glass of water to energise. Or a hard boiled egg, whichever you fancy. I learned that here when l started and it works for me alright.

Steak comes later ;)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mrrun

Really mrrun ....oooo, steak....or pie, seeing as I’m a Yorkshire lass😂😂😂

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Hey! Nothing wrong with either :)

Well, for as long as l burn it all when running, which l do ;)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Moogy

I will def try that Moogy ....every little helps!

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