Hi Everyone, I will be travelling next week and as of now seems the only place to run will be the beach! Now this will be week 8 week for me. Any tips for beach running ? It maybe I can find a treadmill if not.
Running on the beach tips: Hi Everyone, I will... - Couch to 5K
Running on the beach tips

Hi Jan, when I did C25k, I was always running on the beach. People used to tell me it was harder but I didn’t know. Later on I did run on dirt, concrete path and road and I find it a touch easier.
My advice would be, check the angle. Depending on the type of beach, you may run lopsided so do the return the same way if you can so your other side gets lopsided 😂 or do like me and look for a nice flat hard beach.

As nhs2015 says, flat..and as dry as possible.
It is tricky, and surprisingly quite hard.. because, as my physio pointed out to me, after a calf injury, there is always a pull, ( suction) on your calves from the sand..even when fairly dry. I had to stay off the beach until fully healed
So any calf twinges...change the route
Try when the tide is out so you can run the the wet sand than the soft dry sand ...

Is there no promenade where your going just a thought 💭 😊

Run where you can, beach would be nice. If there is a prom be careful, if like many of the spanish proms it is made of those very hard ceramic tiles, this will be very very hard on your knees etc. If there is a tarmac bike path alongside the road use it instead.

Sand can be a great surface to run on, but can also be a killer........it all depends on the type of sand. Wet sand is firmer than dry, but too wet and it causes suction as Oldfloss says. Grain size also has a major impact on runnability.
Don't plan a 5k along a beach until you have tried a short run first. Probably most important is to check tide times. Those who are not familiar with the sea forget that the water goes in and out and will not be in the same state at the same time on consecutive days.
Enjoy your beach.

Beach! Beach v dreadmill! Erm, no contest 😁
Go steady and enjoy it 🙂
If you can find a section of beach with firm sand and minimal stones and shells, try a short trial run barefoot.
i walk our dogs on our beach and it can be so different depending on the tides, sometimes nice and hard sometimes bloody hard work, just have to judge it when you get there. i'm quite looking forward to running on the beach soon, when i actually look like i can run and not having a heart attack
Yes I know what you mean re the times of year and different tides etc. I remember this particular beach I am going to in my non running days. Sometimes I could walk the beach in the morning and other times it had to be the evening. I am a morning runner normally so let’s see !!
I'm glad to hear it's harder running on the beach as I was thinking it's just me!