Well failed at the first hurdle. I just couldn't carry on. Got as far as 4 runs (2 left to go) I think and felt so sick and hot I had to stop. This is supposed to be for everyone. What is wrong with me, I'm only 9 stone and in good health, but it was still too much for me. I guess on the positive side it's still more exercise than I have had in 30+ years! Didn't enjoy it at all though. Feel so deflated.
Failed at the first hurdle: Well failed at the... - Couch to 5K
Failed at the first hurdle

Don't feel deflated, this isn't easy, and we are at different levels, just take it slow and steady, as lots of people on here will tell you, its about the time you spend running/jogging, not the distance you cover. So, have a day off, and have another go ... you can do this, and when you get started again you will have a renewed determination ...
I look forward to reading your post that says you have done it ...

Nothing wrong with you! You aren't the first to need more than one try at the first day, and you won't be the last. It's more than fine to need a practice run at any point (or many points!) in the programme. It is one size fits most because it's stretchy and no-one is counting how many goes you need at each run.
When I first started exercising, I started with yoga, and my teacher didn't understand why I was doing some basic poses wrong. I was literally too weak to do them right! Just took a bit of practice.
By the way... how long were you trying to run? It should be 8 x 60 second runs on the first week...just checking you haven't skipped ahead by accident...
Take a rest day or two and if you feel up to it, try again! You're asking your body to do a type of exercise it hasn't done, it's naturally difficult.

You can! You can! Honestly. You haven't failed. Just slow down. If you think you are being slow now - just slow down a bit more. Slow and steady as a very wise person on here told me when I first started.
Have your day off, then have another go.
If you have to repeat a week - that's fine. I did week 7 twice.
And any problems - do as you have done and ask the question on here. You will get loads of encouragement and good advice. Good Luck! You can do it!

Go as slow as you need to, which may be very slow.
You build stamina by running slowly.
You are no different from anyone else and you can do this.
Have a rest day and try again. Repeat any run that you don't complete, and when completed move on.
In a few weeks time you will run for thirty minutes non stop...........just believe it.
Keep us posted.

Ah yes - slow slow slow - you are learning to run and making your body undergo all the required changes, which are many, it's a high impact exercise. Any speed can come later. Don't try to run before you can...run very slowly!

No, no, you haven't failed at the first hurdle - that's getting off the sofa in the first place! Really great work on starting this programme and yes, you can do this! 🙂 Plus, there's no such thing as failure on c25k, just practice runs.
I'm guessing that the 4 runs you did are more runs than you've done in a while and so, like anything new, they will seem hard. I'm being honest when I say that I found that first run harder than the first 30min run I did this morning and I'm not alone - you'll build up such stamina and strength that you won't recognise yourself! Slowness is the key, as everyone else has said, so don't think it's about running a race, as Michael Johnson says at some point, it's a nice light jog! So please don't lose heart, rest well and let us know how it goes. 🙂

Rome wasn't built in a day, neither are running legs. It takes time and patience but it's so worth doing. The fab thing is about this programme is that it's far better to do it slowly. Those who go at it hammer and tongs invariably fall by the wayside
So come on. Regroup and go again. Smile on your face and go. We'll be with you !
Definitely haven’t failed!! You got out there and achieved each one of those first 60 second runs. Now, were you running 100m race style or taking it slower? It could be that you went out too fast. Have you got any sort of tracker such as a Fitbit or even a free version of a health app such as Runkeeper or Strava? They can track your run and show your pace. It may be worth downloading one to record your next session.
‘They’ day you should be able to talk whilst in a run interval. I can only talk to myself in my head though as breathing is my main focus 😂 get out there for day 2 and you’ll smash it!

You got off that couch and you did 4 runs .... that's great !!
As you say more than you've done in 30 years .....stick with it !
Best advice ever ,keep it slow and steady and in a few weeks time you will look back in amazement at how much you have progressed 👍
I have had every doubt /lack of belief and even anxiety but 5 months on and managing ,even enjoying parkrun 🏃♀️
You can do it 🏃♀️🏃♀️
Keep going, just having a go is success, and you will build up to it in the time you need to take. I'm a newbie too and have found reading other peoples stories really helpful, especially the ones who didn't think they could do it, or had to repeat sections...those runners give me hope.
keep going, when you can for the time you can, hugs.

Slow down!! It’s. Its not a race it is a journey!!

You got out there and started that is not a failure, one minor hiccup, have a day or two rest and try again. As has been said by many experienced runners on here slow and steady gets you there. My guess is you tried to run too fast as I did to start with. As soon as I went on this forum and took their advice of slowing right down I felt an improvement. I have two more runs to do before I graduate and I have been using this app since about May time. I have repeated weeks, had trips away that I kept active but didnt count as runs so I have taken far longer than the 9 weeks but I am now just 2 runs away from graduation and if I can do it anyone can! Just chalk it up to experience and carry on.
If it's any consolation I did week 1 three times before progressing to week 2. Just embarked on week 3. Just do it at your own pace like I did and you will get there. I slowed right down which helped me a lot. You'll do it I'm sure

Hey verymaturestudent ....there’s no such word as that on here...I’m the soap queen & will be round to wash your mouth out with soap & water!!!
You are learning...we’re all still learning...you’re building up your stamina, strength & running legs...try not to feel like this (says she who’s had so many virtual kicks up the butt over the last couple of months) bag the minutes you ran & the extra stamina you now have & take it out with you when you have another go at this one...this was just a practice...and practice makes perfect...start off very slow & very steady until you find your comfortable pace...looking forward to your next post 💪🏻🏃🏼♀️👍🏻😉
You should have seen me! I thought I was going to DIE!!! This programme is designed for us! You CAN do it. I was so embarrassed if anyone saw me running because I was so rubbish, that I found somewhere where I was unlikely to see anyone, and ran in secret! Seriously! I told myself how rubbish I was and how I was hating it and soon gave up. But I then went back to it, this time determined I would do it. I found if I literally told myself, “comeon Jane! You’ve got this! You can do it!” I amazingly found that I could! No negative thoughts AT ALL! I’m now in Wk5. I’m not even worried now for wk7! Visualise yourself completing the 5k. Please don’t give up, this programme really works!!
I was the same! I thought my lungs were going to explode and after a week or so my knees and calves felt on fire but I carried on and took advice. In fact to start with, probably for the first 6-8 weeks I didnt tell anyone I was doing this and just did laps round my local park! I then ventured out and unknown to me quite a few people I know saw and were very impressed and very flattering saying how I really looked like a runner and looked so happy! If they had seen the first couple of weeks they wouldnt have been saying that!!
Thank you. I don't think the negative undermining thoughts I have are helpful. I'll try to stay positive when I try on Wednesday and if I only complete half of it this week, so be in. Good luck with yours
Perfect! If you need to repeat week one for as long as you need until you feel stronger, then do it! But just don’t get caught in the trap, like I did, of being too scared to move on, “Oh, just one more week before I start lengthening my times...” I ended up stuck their for ages too anxious of going to week 2. But when I did I realised I was stronger and had the ability to run just that little bit further! I was amazed! This really does work so have faith in the programme! Seriously if you’d seen me, you’d shake your head in bewilderment that I didn’t end up being taken off in an ambulance 😂😂

No 'f' words on here please..Many, many of us felt like this.. as IannodaTruffe says... just slow it down and then slow down more.. try to relax
Listen to misswobble too, I quote her advice about running legs all the time.. she really knows what she is talking about!
You didnt fail! You beat me....check my first post, I only managed 2 of the runs. I listened to the advice on here to slow down and slow down some more. Now I just got back from running week 4 run 1...running 2 sets of 5 minutes and 2 sets of 3 minutes. You've done all the right things, you got off the couch and then posted on here when it didn't go quite right. Listen to the advice...you can do this!
Thank you, it's really helpful to hear that if you don't succeed first time then it is still possible. Thanks for your post!

Congratulations. You have just run for four minutes! When was the last time you did that? Next time you'll manage six or even eight minutes! Well done. Focus on your achievement, not beating yourself up because a new thing is difficult. We have all been there. Good luck.
You can’t fail, honestly I thought I would have to carry a difibulator on runs( after doing the first one ) I have excersized on and of my whole life so not totally unfit but I had never run before and boy was it a shock to the system on my first run( how could I be so unfit) but I realised I was trying to go too fast, when Sarah said run,I ran like the devil was behind me. So I slowed right down ( my walk is faster) I read tips about breathing, form ect and concentrated on slow, no injury runs. I’m now on R3W7 having repeated W7 and amazed that I can run for 25mins. Don’t give up, have a rest day,get your head around it, slow it down and get back out there. Your competing with no one but yourself. You can do it. Good luck
If you struggle through it, go back and repeat the last week.
That’s what i’ve been.
Don’t let it get you down too much, just take some a bit longer for some of us xxx
Oh Hun please don’t feel deflated. Think of it as you’ve already achieved your 4 runs and you can do your next two.
If you’re feeling nauseous it could be you’ve started running too soon after eating? Or are you having enough water before setting off? Or maybe slow down your jog?
I’ve been following the C25k basic app and chose Michael Johnson as my mentor - he’s given some fab tips such as....
Don’t jog too fast and imagine there’s you and another runner with a hedge between you both - the other runner shouldn’t know that you’re running or see your head bobbing as this uses up your energy.
Another tip is to take big deep breaths and whilst inhaling try to push your belly out and relax it on exhaling - I’m working on that one!
I’m also looking forward to seeing your post when you’ve done your two runs.

Hi I was really struggling at first and had to do wk1 3 times. The helpful people on here said that was ok but try slowing the runs right down and getting to the end of each session then moving on. They were right! Just done run 2 of wk4 and still running slower than in wk2 but my stamina, breathing etc are all improving. If I can do it you definitely can!
Don't feel bad, just do the next one - I'm on week 2 and it does get easier. I don't know if you can repeat a week but I may have to do that- I'm 70 and have never run much more than for a bus!
Try again, but slower :). I had some one walk past me the other day while I was running but I kept going. You can do it, keep going.
I did the same! I went out next time and did't make it that time either, although I did better than the first time. 3rd attempt I actually managed to complete it properly. I did it twice more, to complete the week, before moving on. For me, the first run was by far the hardest. That was in August. I 'graduated' last Thursday. If you stick with it, the plan really does work. You've made a great start at your own level. It's onwards and upwards from here. ☺👍👏👏👏👏

I only got half way on first run but will try again more slowly and keep doing it until I do it.