Please can anyone help with tips to relieve calf/shin pain?? I ran through it & completed the run but it's so annoying as the rest of me is coping really well! No pain between runs, I stretch well before & after, leave 2 rest days if they're really bad, wear compression sleeves, have properly fitting/gait analysed trainers...& Im deffo not running too fast, believe me!! Has anyone suffered initially & then found they eased...(she asked hopefully!) thank you x
Wk3 Run2 done!: Please can anyone help with tips... - Couch to 5K
Wk3 Run2 done!

Yes first time round i did too my second time & same run as you & also try and stretch plenty before & after run but i also have a long soak in the bath after a run! I think once our bodies get used to running more it eases from what I remember 😊 stick to the program as it works but nothing wrong with taking an extra days rest if you need it. If it doesn't get any better maybe check with a sports physio. Happy running 😊

I've just done W5R2 and my calf muscles still give me what for. Shins were a problem for the first 3 weeks, but they are ok now. Compression tights have helped. Good stretching before and after. A nice warm bath does help and my massage stick is my best friend..!!
I think it just takes time for the body to adjust. If, like me, you're a complete novice at this thing they call 'running' then your body, too, is probably screaming "Holy cr@p, what's going on"...??? 😱
Well done for achieving W3R2, you're doing great. Keep taking it slowly and I'm sure things will settle down 😊

Are you a bouncy runner? Advice from my ap says that if someone sees just your head over a hedge they shouldn’t be able to tell if you are running or walking. My calf/shins hurt when my run gets too bouncy...usually when I’ve upped my pace and before I settle into a comfortable smooth stride at the new speed.
Have you tried using a foam roller on them? It might help ease them. Also I love Tiger Balm for aching muscles (after you've). However there should be a government health warning attached as the smell may preclude you from having any friends. 😂😂😂
You are all amazing - I am genuinely blown away by the support and encouragement on here. Thank you! I wonder if my 'slow' is still too fast & heavy so next run, I'm going for 'smooth' Neysa! Love the idea of a massage stick too so will have a look. Thanks again x

If you are stretching properly , and your shoes are fine..then really try to land lightly...kissing the ground with your feet is what i call it
We do, when we begin running to tend to thump down a little...concentration I think
It is hard, but it does work if you can master the light landing... I use it still within my runs and make a conscious effort to slow down and lighten up.
Then after the run, a really good stretching regime and a hot shower and massage, roller stick too, is great for those calves
Well done you..I hope this sorts

All of the above....its a love hate relationship with those foam rollers mind you. Also, are you running on hard ground? If so try a grass route if you can.