So just done week 8 and instead of feeling pleased I feel a bit blah, I took on board the advice and have slowed my pace but I'm still finding the runs hard work! I know it sounds silly but I thought I might be a little less sweaty and red by now! So I have a route that I usually stick to mainly because I don't see many people whilst on it. (Silly I know but I cannot tell you how anxious the thought of people seeing me run makes me!) Any way today I tried a slightly less hilly route which was more on the road rather than in the woods. And you know what? I came so close to walking at the end. I had 5 minutes to go and a hill that is not as steep as the usual one but I was nearly done in by it! I was huffing and puffing like anything! And of course I had forgotten I had to run past a building site, and a load of kids and loads of cars and basically loads of people seeing me look like a total train wreck! I'm not sure what I'm feeling bad about? I mean I kept going even though it felt tough so I should feel chuffed. But like I said I feel a bit blah about it, anyone else felt like this. I think really what may have happened is that this programme has opened my eyes to the possibility of being a runner, and I have little daydreams about running down to the local town etc and not feeling embarrassed by it. But at the moment I'm not there yet and it's going to take a lot of time and practice before I can run for (28 mins at moment) and not be all red and embarrassed by it! Anyway just having a little outburst on here helps. Think family are fed up with me going on about my little runs!!! Thank you for listening.
Wk8 done but feeling blah!: So just done week... - Couch to 5K
Wk8 done but feeling blah!

I think getting red and sweaty is part of the point. That's what makes you fitter and the programme rachets up each week so you do more but it's still hard. Keep going. You are nearly there.

You burst out anytime! That is what we are here for!!!
It is hard, and folk like me, rambling on, who do not give too hoots for anyone or what they think do not help!!! Well done for doing it... for being hot, for being bothered, for puffing and huffing... truly... well done for doing it
So.... slow, slower and slower still... warm up well... could you begin the run by the building site and the folk and cars... warm up walk... then run down the hill...?
You are doing brilliantly.... overcoming it all.... and instead of feeling blah! You should feel whoa!!!!! I (and we I am sure) are so proud of proud
So, rest up, then get out again... and this time I will run with you...
(How do you feel about running with a loopy old lady in purple and black combo ?)
Aww thank you 😊 I'd love to have a purple lady to run with! Honestly this forum is so supportive. My daughter starts school this September and the other half has said he'd like to get back into running (he's done 10ks before) so we can go together. Think it will be good to have someone spurring me on. Part of it is I'm worried about this 5k obstacle course coming up in September. I don't actually know any of the ladies I'm running with and of course think my red face (that is redder than a baboons bits!) will scare them! However I'm told there is lots of mud so if I dip my face in that no-one will ever know my baboon-like hue! Really so silly isn't it. I'm 35 I thought I was over giving two hoots what people thought of me. I will try and be more oldfloss like and just get on with it! X

I graduated mid July and it's still tough, but what the experts say is true as you have better runs and not so great ones. I have tried a few different routes and I don't know whether it's gremlins or what but every time I try a new one it seems much harder even if it is less distance than I have done before. The next time you run that route I am sure it will feel better! As for sweaty and red believe me a wet beetroot has nothing on me. Just keep going you are doing great!

I clearly remember W8 feeling like a slog, with precious little in the way of reward, apart from my first 5k run on R3. It is tough and seems relentless but keep pushing through. You can't build to W9 and graduation without doing W8!
A lot of your post is about your embarrassment, about running past children and builders...............but no mention of how they reacted to you..........did they even notice you, or is there a degree of irrational paranoia at work here? What are you embarrassed about?
Forget about other people. You are doing this for you. You should hold your head up and be proud of your achievements. You are a runner and any other runner will acknowledge that. Okay, you are just a beginner, but your efforts are hard won and I doubt very much that any of the kids or builders, if they did notice you at all, would not be impressed...........most of them are unlikely to be able to do what you can do.
So when you run down town, very soon, please promise me you will hold your head up. Most people will be in awe of you. You are amazing. Believe it.
It absolutely is an irrational paronoia!!! Only dogs seem to notice and start barking or trying to join in! People have their own stuff to do and don't really care! I think I felt so so chuffed when I did the 20min run that I thought I'd feel as chuffed with each other week. And I do but I guess it's not as much of a surprise that I can do it if you know what I mean?!
But yeah irrational paranoia probably stops more people than you realise. I think it can be a bit of a vicious cycle for overweight people and exercise. I know people aren't actually laughing at me but you can't help thinking they will!
Oh and I will go for a run down the town, I'm even going to stop in the snazzy coffee shop afterwards in my workout gear like the yummy mummies I'm in awe of! Just all in good time, slow and steady.
Thank you, the support on here is lovely.

I remember feeling blah at that stage too, I've never been a breakfast eater, and used to swim on empty, but I find if I do that with running I get the opposite of the runners high. Blah is a good description. Could that be your problem? Do you need to eat a bit more before a run?
You could be right. I was busy getting my daughter ready that I had a bitty lunch of a baby bel and half an apple and (naughty I know) a Rocky bar! I find it hard to know what eat actually. I would normally run in the morning and have a little fruit and water before I leave, then eat more when I get back, I very rarely go out after lunch but tbh would normally eat a sandwich or salad or something. I did an evening run once after dinner but felt so sick I've stuck to mornings ever since! Didn't even occur to me that I had a rubbish lunch today!
Thank you 😊

If those people are anything like I was up until I started this program then they will be thinking 'good for you girl' and then be annoyed with themselves that they are not doing it.
Be proud.
Make a point of running past that building site every day and let them see the difference.

Is the 5k obstacle race you refer to a Pretty Muddy race? If so, don't worry about it at all. I've done it and it's a doddle (and I suspect I've got maybe 20 years on you!). The obstacles are easy - but they're great fun! - and they give you a chance to catch your breath before you go onto the next bit of running. I'm usually the colour of beetroot when I run, but I kept a fairly normal colour during that race (first and only time!). Actually, my profile pic is me at the Pretty Muddy race (can't remember if it's a before or after pic though ....).
Anyhoo, keep doing whatever you're doing - you're doing BRILLIANTLY!
It's a back to the trenches course. I've had several people say that the running isn't the bit that you have to worry about as there are queues etc. But when I signed up I was clueless so fixated on the 5k part and set my self the goal of doing the couch to 5k app and to be able to run 5k. Which is what I'm doing, it may not end up helping me as much as I'd thought but at least it makes me feel better! 😊
Thank you for your kind words. 😊

I think in a couple of weeks you really won't care what other people think! Sooo many people have posted on here that they choose a time of day and/or place so that no one sees them running that it's something at the beginning you'll find most of us dwell on. I graduated in May and I currently run 5km or 6km at a push and no matter what the weather is I am as red as you (my husband cracked up when he first saw me) I'm sure!! But I just don't care anymore - I now start out at a local park and then I run along the main road at about 7.30am in the morning with all the commuters driving past me, I hold my head up high because even though I am running very very slowly, I am RUNNING!!!! Keep the faith and keep running, you are so nearly there 😊

I get red and sweaty more now than I ever did! I love to sweat it clears out the toxins in your body and oh after that red dies down you have a lovely “healthy glow” ! Keep going !!
I think you are doing amazing running outside and with hills and for 28 mins non stop. Its a huge achievement and if you are feeling blah today, we are all still very proud of you 😊