Started Couch 2 5k in May, struggled to run for 60 seconds and guess what? Today I did my first parkrun and I wasn't the slowest person! I remain overweight and have some way to go but I am 100 times fitter than I was 3months ago - and today I ran with other people for the first time and didn't feel embarrassed 😊
First Parkrun: Started Couch 2 5k in May... - Couch to 5K
First Parkrun

Brilliant! That's what ParkRun is all about- just getting out there and doing your own thing, no matter if that's 5K in 15 minutes or an hour. No-one's judging you, and I think that's hugely important for those of us are definitely NOT at the 15-minute end of the scale.

You did it and who cares about the time. A run is a run and you did it in your way and on your terms. Brilliantly done, the last tîme I attempted a group run the ambulance asked me if I needed their help... and no I am not joking.
So well done. And keep going.

Yay! I did my first one this morning too!! 😁

Absolutely fabulous...well done you!!!!!!

Thats a good point - being able to run with others and not feel embarassed. I don't know about you but I did the couch to 5 k on my own running around the village streets so parkrun amongst so many people was quite different.