I need to get my fat rear end off the sofa. Looking for links and advice. Any help appreciated.
Hi guys, where do I join? : I need to get my... - Couch to 5K
Hi guys, where do I join?
So you already joined .... welcome to the best running club in the world. Look at the pinned posts and the Week 1 posts, you'll find them helpful. Download your podcasts, choose your running coach, kick the sofa (mentally and literally if that helps), put your trainers on, open the door, take a deep breath and just go. Lots of folk 'lurk' first here before going out, as it can help. Let us know how you get on, if it's rough, tough or fantastic, we are here to help.
Thanks Jan. Where do I find podcasts? (What is a podcast)? 😂 no, I'm not joking. Lol
Golden rules -
Take it slowly
Take it slowly,
Take it slowly
And one more - always, always, always take your rest days.
Let us know how you get on
Hi, welcome to the forum.
Do exactly as Jancanrun says and you'll be fine. Taking it slowly is definitely the way forward.
There's plenty of friendly advice and support here so keep reading the posts and keep posting to let us know how you're getting on.
Good luck and happy running!
Welcome!! One more piece of advice . Never use the F word (fail ). There are good runs and practice runs. There is no such thing as a bad run, and an incomplete run is practice. Now get those podcasts and run!!
1st podcast got. Tomorrow is day 1. Should be interesting. Lol. Thanks for the speedy responses. Xxx
So looking forward to tomorrow's report then...
Stick with the podcasts, yes the music is not exactly great but from what you have written, you are like me and using the app requires picking out your own music etc etc. Way too much hassle, just pres play on the podcasts and you and Laura are off! Maybe, a few weeks down the road you will feel different and can change then (although I never did, it was Laura right through to graduation for me). For now, you need it to be as easy as you can to reduce the risk of " nah, I can't be bothered😞"
Good luck with your first run!
Thanks, I feel the word, "run" may be a bit ambitious. Lol
I suspect it'll be more of a "stagger" before collapsing in a breathless heap. Shall be very interesting.
Staggering and breathless. I'll be staggered if you do stagger, and breathless with admiration when it's done...
I consistently describe myself as "gambolling". It's less of a claim than "running", a verb to which I feel I have no rights yet, but way more fun too 😊 And it's meant to be fun, right? (Right.....?.....!?!)
My early progress was best described as a shuffle but that's ok, it's not about speed, distance or looking cool at this stage, it's about teaching your body to maintain the 'running motion' even if you move forward slower than if you were walking🐢🏃🏼♀️😀. It will come if you persist. I started last week in April and now run 5km in just under 30 mins ( after nearly five decades as a confirmed non-runner with asthma!)
Remember "You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great"
Don't psych yourself up or turn the first run into a monster, just grab your trainers, phone and go. Always take your rest days and stay with this forum, for me, it was as important as the podcasts (I love Laura!)
Trust the program, believe in yourself, keep smiling, keep posting😀😀😀🐢🏃🏼♀️
Hello Sillyyak13, join the gang - I couldn't even run through every one of the 60 seconds on the very first day, but stick with it - you'll be amazed at how quickly you get better: I've just done the first run of week 4 and I'm truly impressed with myself! By the way, that's completely allowed on this site - to be smug and proud - not seen as an unwelcome characteristic, but as a genuine response to what we're all managing to achieve!!
Hi and welcome.... You have been given the advice and the links.
Follow the programme, take the rest days, ( more if you need them) exercise on your rest days too.. many folk used the Strength and Flex linked with this programme on their rest days to help build strength and stamina.
Swimming cycling or walking is an option on rest days too!
Listen to your body always... but expect some grumbling from it when you begin! Do not, ever be tempted to miss out sections, and push too hard... some have tried and fallen by the wayside! Keep posting too for great support and encouragement!
So.. the next step.. get out there !!!
I don't have iTunes or apple and can't see an alternative although I will keep searching. Thank you for the advice. Will keep y'all posted. Lol. Not looking fwd to this at all but needs must...
What device are you using?
Android, vodafone ultra 7
Super. You should be able to download it as an app--it's a one-time only download, and it means you can also have music of your choice playing in the background, which I don't think works with podcasts. Go to your normal "I need an app" place and search "Couch to 5k". Add "nhs" if you need to whittle down the results...just look out for the one produced by "One You"/"Public Health England". Good luck!