App says I'm smashing it, I certainly feel smashed, hope the legs cope with 3 x 5 minute runs in week 5!! Holiday in 2 weeks, does anyone take a break or run on holiday too?
Week 4 run 3: App says I'm smashing it, I... - Couch to 5K
Week 4 run 3

I continue to run, workout, brush my teeth, eat meals and so on regardless of whetehr i am at home, on holiday or or whatever.
I am also going on holiday soon. Looking forward to running in different surroundings. May not be so happy if it's very hilly but hoping for some lovely runs near the sea.

Slow down Best to get there, un-smashed
If you are taking it slow and steady you will find it just follows on... Holiday running is great! new routes, and new things to see!
In Week 5, go even slower to enjoy your holiday all the more

We take our run gear 😃
Well done on Week 4 , loads of people say it's a make or break Week, so you are doing really well. Oldfloss has a phrase 'kissing the ground' (with your feet I hasten to add). Keep light, keep slow and you'll smash Week 5 too.