I'm doing the Race for Life on Sunday. I went out this morn and was delighted to manage to run 5k. My other run would usually be on Thurs, but I don't know whether to miss that out and save my energy for Sunday, run 5k again or do a shorter run. I don't want to end up knackered for Sunday and want to have as much energy as pos
Advice please!: I'm doing the Race for Life on... - Couch to 5K
Advice please!

If it was me then I would stick with my schedule. You will have two days rest prior to the race for life on Sunday, so you should be fine to crack-on.
I concur. No reason not to run Thursday unless you are feeling unrecovered.

If today was your first 5k then i would suggest only a short run between now and your race . Good luck runner!

I agree with Millsie-J . Go out on Thursday and do a nice short-ish run (maybe 3-4 km) and then just look forward to smashing that race on Sunday. Good luck!

We are all in agreement. Run 30 minutes on Thursday. Then get your lucky shorts/vest/socks/whatever laundered and ready for Sunday.
I spend hours on the evening before a race hunting for my lucky, green socks. I deliberately chose the fluorescent green to make them easier to find in the airing cupboard.

You'll be fine! I ran my first full 5k at race for life last Sun, and felt fab. Prior to that I'd done c25k+ on Weds and Friday.