That's 'we' as in my daughter and I, with the help of so many wonderful people on this forum. 9 weeks to the day from Easter Monday when we started again with W1R1.
We had to go out about 6.30pm this evening and, given the heat, I was nervous this would end up as our first 'practice run'. But no. We did it! Slower than any run in a good while, but we were taking no chances in the 28 degree evening. By the time I got home I was positively leaking!
This has been an amazing experience. I didn't believe I could do W1 let alone get to the end. This belief was further knocked by a knee injury in W2 that set me back 6 weeks. But as so many people told me, this program really does work! My run tonight was in a bright pink t-shirt and patterned leggings - a far cry from the (lumpy) figure trying to hide in a baggy black fleece and black leggings 9 weeks ago (still lumpy though).
I'm really proud of this achievement and talk about it a lot!!!! Two of my friends, independently, have now committed to the program too - does that make me an inspiration? haha
Huge thanks to everyone who has encouraged me along the way - such a great support, so much positivity. Very best of luck to everyone working towards graduation and to anyone lurking, still contemplating whether to start - you can do this too
Whoop! whoop! whoop!!!