There were certainly times when I didn't think I would be writing this post but today I feel stupidly proud of myself. Finally completed 3 x 30min runs! When I was struggling at week 3 to get past 3 minute runs who would have thought I could even get here - not me for sure. It has taken me about 15 weeks rather than 9 (but who is counting), I am nowhere near 5k in 30mins (but who cares) and I am running slowly (but as a supportive colleague said to me recently I am still running 100 times faster than the person on the couch!).
So what next - Parkrun, then work up to being able to run the whole Parkrun? Who knows but right now I feel I can achieve anything.
Thank you to all you fabulous supportive people. This forum has really helped - I don't think I have ever come across such a positive, helpful supportive group of people. I will definitely stay on here to carry on experiencing that positivity and hopefully I can help others too. This programme really works!