I'm out of puff.
Found today's run a lot harder mentally, everything about today made me just want to sit down and give up. My first run was during a "nothing" day by today I was in hospital (I'm a student nurse) for half the day and the other half was spent with my S.O who has bipolar and is on a low swing at the moment which is emotionally draining as I hate to see him like that.
To be perfectly honest if it hadn't been for a message from Mark (i don't know how to tag you but thank you!!) I may not have gone out at all. Plus all the many lovely replies on my last post kept me excited so that helped LOADS thanks everyone!!
On my cool down walk back I wrote my other half a message just resolving a few things that were on my mind. At first whilst I was running I felt frustrated because I couldn't "get my head in the game" but I think really I should just take whatever my mind wants to churn up and in that moment it was him. Messaging him helped offload a bit and I think we both feel a lot better for the catch up.
Sooooo that's where I'm at right now! A little stiff and worn out but hoping it's gonna help me sleep as I have my first ever A&E shift tomorrow that I'm bricking it about!
Hope everyone else's day has gone well x