Found my run today much harder, that extra 30 seconds is absolute torture! Feeling a bit like if I can't run 90 seconds, how will I ever be able to run for 30 minutes!?
W2R1: Found my run today much harder, that extra... - Couch to 5K
You will though. Trust in the programme, follow it properly, run slowly and then even slower and in 7 weeks or so we will see you at the graduation gate. 😄
You did it though!😊
You may have read on this forum that we all say..take the running sections nice and slow and steady. Its not sprinting it's teaching yourself to run for slightly longer times. You can do it. Trust the plan, remember that you are building stamina and every run is helping to make you stronger.
Don't think too far ahead..just take each week as it comes. We have all been where you are now.
Keep posting for motivation and advice.
Good luck😊
Slow and steady is the way.... so many of us felt exactly like you....
Yet, we survived and are here to tell the wonderful tales
Follow the programme, take your rest days, supplement with a healthy eating regime and other exercise too.. and you will get there.
As Bluebirdrunner is about discipline and stamina, not speed or distance... trust in the programme, focus on the now, not the next and trust in yourself!
As Edison said..
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.
I astound myself most days
Keep posting please
I think most everyone here felt like that at that stage but slowly and surely you can see how this programme works and you really can manage the next stage each time and if you can't you repeat the last one and then you can...and then suddenly it becomes part of you and you're a graduate...
I literally barely finished day one. I sure as heck did not graduate in nine weeks with 5K - forget those two numbers, they are just a wild-a** estimate by overly enthusiastic slogan writers LOL - and do what I and the rest of us did. We ran slow...and slower still, we took it steady and at our own pace and in our own time. We religiously observed the Rest Days. We leaned on each ohter here on the Forum and while we might have run on our own we never ran alone.
And we kept going out the front door....and having 'practice' days and 'success days'.
And we made it - at least two of us struggle with physical defects that make us the unlikeliest of Runners, but this programme really is inspired and it really does work.
Nowadays 5K is my 'lowest target distance' when I go out. I've done one ten K and am building up to hopefully the thirteen mile mark this year. Not bad for someone who literally had never run more than a hundred yards in all thier 56 years before last June 1st
You got through Week one - you certainly can make it all the way
What they all said.
By progressing.
when I was about 4 we used to go to the post office and I couldn't even see the top of the counter whether I stood on tiptoe or jumped as high as I could. I couldn't iagine what I must be like to be able to see over the edge. Now I have to lean down to write on the counter.
Like everyone is saying, slow and steady. That 30 minutes seems impossible NOW because you're not there yet! The program is made to build you up to that point. I felt the same exact way those first couple of weeks, and now I'm jogging for 8 minutes and gearing up for that 20 minute one. Your biggest obstacle is that mental hurdle, but not your ability! You got this!