Hey, so I started the programme at the start of March, and after taking 2 weeks out with an ankle injury, I have made it to week 5! I'm amazed at how it's possible to go from running 60 seconds and feeling out of breath, to now completing 5 mins a few times in a row!
However, looking forwards-it seems as though there are some very big time jumps over this week...I thought it would be a lot more gradual...maybe a week working up to 8-10 mins, then 15 etc....didn't think that it would go straight from running for 5 mins last Sunday, to running 20 by this Sunday! Is this jump really as big as it seems??
W5R1 on Tuesday was good, doing the 2x8 mins of W5R2 tonight, but then to go straight to 20?? I'd have thought my head would convince me around 6/7mins that that's nearly done-not only half way through! Any advice for ignoring brain gremlins?ha!
EDIT: Tuesday (5r1) was great, Thursday (5r2) felt ok, although was ready for a break at 6-7mins but persevered. Sunday ran home from church (w5r3) so it was the big 20mins in a row...slowed my pace down to 6-7mins/km and made it through!! Lots of self doubt-but all for no reason!! It turns out my BODY knew what to do, and the challenge was ALL IN MY HEAD!! Thanks for advice!!!