... and I managed it ..... just about!! My goodness, 2.5 minutes seems like forever when you do the first go at it but the second 2.5 minute run was a LITTLE easier, albeit that I tend to waddle along like a duck but as many have said on this forum (thank you), slowly, slowly at the beginning - I have to say I have no option but to go slowly at the moment and I barely lift my feet off the ground, not sure if this is 'normal', whatever that is - I'm guessing that everyone has their own way of jogging/running - dread to think what I look like but quite frankly, I don't give a rats doodah now, at least I'm off my bottom every other day doing this programme. I am so looking forward to reaching the end and I can say, for once in my life "I've done it"!!! Thanks to everyone on this forum - you're all so lovely and supportive it really is a great help and inspiration and gives me confidence that I may actually achieve my ultimate goal - running/jogging 5k non-stop and therefore running the entire Race for Life - what an achievement that will be. Sorry, I've been going on a bit here, ending now!!! Keep enjoying fellow C25K'ers.
Week 3 Day 1 ...: ... and I managed it... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 Day 1 ...

Go you! You've got this.

You just carry on waddling.. you are looking good!
And.. with the weather here in North Wales this afternoon, you would fit right in
Well done! Keep it slow and keep it steady...
If you think that is, "going on a bit", best give my posts a miss!

Waddling is EXACTLY the right word, I feel like I do this as well! In the beginning my jogging was barely faster than running! Keep up the good work, I'm sure sometime soon we can move on from waddling to something resembling a trot!
Jogging faster than running? Am I missing something! Thanks for your kind and lovely words resolution 😁
Are there different programmes? I had to run 3 mins on week 3, not 2.5... ??
Perhaps the three minutes stint happens later in the week - I am on week 3 day 1
It is three mins...are you following the NHS C25K podcasts? This from the link...
Week three
Begin with a brisk five-minute walk, then two repetitions of 90 seconds of running, 90 seconds of walking, three minutes of running and three minutes of walking.
Doing just fine anyway
My week three was the same each time. Maybe you're using a slightly different app? x
Yes, I'm using Couch Potatoe to 5k runner - thought i was using the NHS one (Doh, I'm so blonde sometimes - well, actually, all the time .....) but this is quite good and has good reviews - you get encouragement as you go along and this American guy (or woman) tells you to 'start running' and 'slow down and walk' and that's what i need. Does the NHS one do that too or are they just written instructions? I hope you're enjoying it. I'm currently on 2.5 min run/1.5 walk twice and then 1.5 min run, 1.5 min walk 4 times.
It sounds vert similar to be fair, you get someone who encourages you and tells you when to walk or when to run and stuff. I guess they are all working towards the same purpose
I'm kind of enjoying but had a little set back. I'll get over it lol x
Reminds me of the song by Danny Kaye "There once was an ugly duckling ....." Anyway at the end of the song he discovers he is a swan !!
So by week 9 you'll be gliding like a swan !!
Well done ! remember think swan not duck !!

Thanks joepublic- ..."with feathers all dirty and brown" ..... not sure if they're the right words but hey ho!! Thanks for the vote of confidence for week 9!!
Methinks someone is showing their age !!!

Who.... me! I'm only 19 ..... plus a decade or 3!!
Who.... me! I'm only 19 ..... plus a decade or 3!!
Sorry your a mere youngster ! I'm 21 plus 4 decades !!
Anyway well done. Don't worry about style. Running nearly a year now. God knows what sort of creature I resemble ?
Main thing is getting out and doing the time. Found that gradually without trying my speed increased. I'm still concentrating on increasing my time to about one hour and my distance should be just over 8K or 5 mile by time of Running Anniversary.
Main thing is being happy and the great sense of achievement which I still get. and a good habit that's good for me. Hopefully be same for you. Good luck.
I am such a dunderhead! I am using couch potato to 5K run trainer! It is an 8 Week program. I suspect they are all very similar.
Such an inspiration. I am doing Week2 Day3 tomorrow and the thought of doing week 3 is scaring me. I struggle keeping going 90 seconds never mind another 60 seconds on top of that. It doesn't sound a lot but OMG.
Thanks togetherforever. I am sure you will surprise yourself when you start to do week 3 - I did but before it, I didn't think I would. I am actually beginning to enjoy this running lark. There are so many lovely supportive people on this forum - they are all an inspiration and spur me on.
So, today was meant to be a 'rest' day but I've just done 5 mins cross trainer, 20 mins bike and 10 mins treadmill and am all sweaty, eeeooooouuuhh!!!! Hope this doesn't ruin tomorrow's scheduled jog?!!