Keeping an eye on the weather has never been so important these last 9 weeks! And so far we’ve been relatively lucky. We’ve ran in fog, freezing fog, gales and snow, and also brilliant sunshine with not a breath of wind. This morning it was the latter, so we set off early as the forecast wasn’t great. I forgot to take a toke on my inhaler, and guess what, never coughed once – go figure !
Anyhoo, 30 minutes running all on the main road. Pound, pound, pound! Didn’t really notice the ‘Toxic Ten’, and have started taking an extra big breath in on the 3rd step which really seems to help. Thought I was starting to get a stitch! ‘Don’t you dare’! I actually said it out loud and started breathing my tummy out to compensate. The stitch didn’t materialise thank goodness.
It still isn’t easy! Well, I say that, considering I have seasonal asthma, amazingly my breathing is fine, it’s just my legs, they get so tired, and seem to get heavier and heavier. When I’ve shed another stone, that should make a real difference I think. Makes me wonder how different it would have been to take on the C25K a couple of stones lighter – chicken and egg I suppose ! Am I fitter because I have been carrying 6 (well 5 now
) stones too much? Hmmmmnnn I ponder….!
Poor Winny was a little uncomfortable because they’ve been braying the hedges back on the roadside and he was running on bits of twigs and thorns, but he kept going too! I think I’ll go back to the old route out in the wilds for Friday, don’t want him to be in IC when we graduate! Wonder if I can get Winston’s name on my certificate too? That would be so cool!
Good luck to all my ‘virtual’ running buddies for the last couple of runs before graduation. Hell's teeth!!!!!!! We’re NEARLY THERE …xx