Hello, I have just joined! : After having been... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Hello, I have just joined!

12 Replies

After having been reading the very encouraging posts on here, I thought I would say hello.

I started the C25K two weeks ago and have just completed week two. I have enjoyed the challenge so far, but when I look ahead at future weeks it looks quite daunting! Our village is not flat at all ....gentle rolling hills everywhere, which is a bit hard at times.

Many years ago at school I was a reasonable sprinter, but whenever I tried to run longer distances I failed dismally. Looking back, it was because I set off too fast and tried to keep the pace up. I ended up worn out and aching and gave up.

Now that I have reached the ripe old age of 58, have had several injuries over the last couple of years, have put on a couple of stones and have asthma, I think I am ready to try to go more steadily.

I want to lose the weight I have put on and get fitter. I am on a calorie controlled diet and C25K seems a brilliant idea. It must be so much easier to keep going with all the support from this group.

Right now, I am wondering if I will cope with three minutes of running at a time next week!

I am looking forward to getting to know the lovely people in this community.


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12 Replies
Dunder2004 profile image

Well done on a great start.

Hills at this stage are far from ideal but if you can't avoid them, just take it very easy. I am sure you will be fine with week 3, slow and steady and those 3 minute intervals will whizz by.

Lauracorin profile image

Welcome! I just completed W3R1 and it worked surprisingly well. The progression in the programme seems to be really well designed.

AnneDroid profile image

Welcome aboard! Getting started - both with the running and the diet - is the hardest part and you've done that. Just take it slowly and hang out here for encouragement.

Oldfloss profile image

You just took the hardest step...you posted on here that you are starting:)

Slow and steady... you will hear it all the time, especially from me, 'cos I am a ripe old 66:)

I too, was a sprinter, and you will be surprised, as you move through the programme, how the transition comes so easily, and suddenly you are able to run longer distances, happily.

Hills... ? Many of us suffer from hills, and they get everywhere , the pesky things..but, like the weather in the UK, you will learn to embrace them :) Honestly.

So.. start the programme, follow it carefully. Take your rest days and take an extra one if you feel you need it. Make sure you have your asthma meds with you if necessary too.

Exercise on the rest days can be really useful in the early days.. strength and flex and swimming or cycling or walking :) Link for the strength and flex below.. I did them on my rest days when I started C25K:)


Keep posting, the support is incredible, really incredible, advice, encouragement and friendship.( Plus, the odd shove if needed... Post successes and setbacks and do not be afraid to ask anything.. we have all been there and know what it is like !

Welcome to one of the best things ever.

" Trust the magic of new beginnings"!

Hello Claire . Well I'm 59 and my village is rolling hills ! Inclines and rolling potholes! So I understand what you mean. However this programme is great and listening to Laura really spurs you on .So keep the progress going and enjoy the runs and the achievements! 😄😄

in reply to

Hi Claire again I am a runner but not a sprinter .However due to back injury at Xmas I have been unable to run until now so started C25K to build up my confidence again . I'm onto W5R3 today so that will be telling I'm sure. Anyway just take easy and don't rush the programme just enjoy!😄😄

Joolez profile image
JoolezGraduate in reply to

Good luck with your run today peggy59 - you've got this!

in reply to Joolez

Welcome joolez! and thank you for your kind words. Hope you are enjoying your runs and getting lots of encouragement from everyone Well I have done it ! Without stopping all be it on the treadmill today as the weather here is very stormy ,wet and windy. I managed to run for the full 20minutes at speeds of 6.5 a very comfortable pace and then the last 5 minutes of running at 6.9 a bit faster.

I dont doubt that when I try this again outside,(which I will ) it will probably be harder with the hilly terrain where I live .However I am a bit chuffed with myself .

Is running on a treadmill good as well as running outside? I prefer to run outside I must admit but the tread comes in handy when the weather is rubbish.

How's things with you joolez are you having fun and keeping it nice and steady? Look forward to reading more of your posts . Keep good work up😄😄

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Welcome! You have come to the right place. If you keep posting on here we will make a runner of you! You seem to be enjoying it already which is a very good sign and don't worry about the weeks ahead, just keep going. If you need to repeat a week or two that is no problem, many strong runners here were in the same position when they started. There's also a good weight loss forum here somewhere if you want to get support on that aspect of your journey! Good luck and enjoy!

Claireisrunning profile image

Hi Claire, welcome to the forum! Everyone is so supportive on here, they make you feel like you can conquer anything - and we can! You've come to the right place 😊

I've also just finished w2 and feeling good - and amazed that I can do it! I also have asthma but I'm actually finding that the exercise is helping things. Let's do it!!

From another novice runner Claire xx

Katie204 profile image

Hi Lisianthus - well done for starting C25K! I did it last year and am up to running 10K now.

As the other posters have said, "slow and steady" is the name of the game here. The programme is really well structured and pushes you only a little bit each time. Just think of the 3-minute runs as "2 x 90 seconds" - that might help it seem a bit less daunting. Go as slowly as you need to go, even if that feels really slow - the point is to stay in "running" mode for the full amount of time.

Best of luck - you can do this!

Thank you all for your replies! They were very encouraging. It is nice to know that there is another Claire at the same stage as me!

I usually run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and have two rest days at the weekend. I always walk my dog for one to two hours everyday as well. Yesterday we went to a barn dance and joined in every dance. Today I have very aches knees and was thinking that I might run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week. Would three rest days in a row be too many?

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