I was rather dubious as I looked out the window at the end of the working day. At an elevated position it looked like we were actually in a blustery rain cloud "I'm really going to run in that?" I questioned myself. Having set myself the final hurdle (running after work) it seemed I was to tackle two. But that was as far as that old me self defeating attitude got. Sod the rain, could be quite cooling!
Running on grass across a near by estate it certainly wasn't the glorious vista I'd been hoping for. After halfway through I figured I could use my trusty headband to block about the piercing wind and sheets of rain. Didn't imagine it would be ear pain I'd need to alleviate on my third run!
After half way I was fully enjoying myself and feeling much more capable than I could have hoped only 5 days ago. I am looking forward to leveling up and actually running further than I'm walking!