Had a practice run W5R3, got to about 14 minutes. The "twist" was that I had decided to do my W5R3 as the start of a 5K trundle round my local ParkRun course (spied it out last Saturday). So when I reached the point where the practice run ended I carried on without stopping to complete the full 5K course in a mixture of slow jogging or (faster!) walking. Result was 5K in 48m23s. That would have put me at 253 of 269 at last week's local Parkrun. I think with folks around me and a bit more effort I can do better than I did today, so I'm tempted to give Parkrun a try this Saturday and if it's OK then build it into my programme somehow. What do you think guys? Advice please.
Another practice run, with a twist!: Had a... - Couch to 5K
Another practice run, with a twist!

Do it....! That's all....

Oooh what a brilliant twist! Really well done.
If your going to build it in, just make sure you have your rest days built in too and take things easy!😊

It's all in your head!
Remember a couple of weeks ago when 5 minutes felt like your absolute limit? You have got this.
If you go for Parkrun, just start very steadily and you will be just fine.

If you feel it is the right thing for you to try, then do it.
Just remember maybe, how you have felt previously, ( speed wise... ) and make sure you do not try to keep up with anyone!!!
You are doing so well, fighting the gremlins and making such great progress, it would be horrid if anything marred that
Okay.. I worry too much and am a bit of a wimp regarding Park Run.. x

Now that has made a great read, bet you feel terrific. Be proud of yourself!
Personally I would go out a few more times on your own, but no more than one of your weekly runs completing the extra ground. You do NOT want to take an overuse injury now, you have come so far!
When you do join the PR proper, make sure you go at your own speed!
Whatever you decide to do, good luck😃👍🏼
Sorry not been around much as I've had a lot on my plate over the last week. But I take my eye off you for 5 minutes and look what you've achieved. 14 minutes is really impressive, you should be very pleased. See - I said you'd be sailing past me
Thank you Sarah, you know me enough by now to understand that I get very hard on myself & I guess that's probably harder for me to stop even than my doing the runs. The really annoying thing today is that it was all mental ... if I could walk/jog the rest of 5K after I "gave up" (sorry, I mean finished practicing) then it clearly wasn't physical, so why did I bl***y well have to stop at 14 minutes. GRRR!! Can't do anything tomorrow or Friday so have 90% decided to do W5R3 again as the start of my first ever 5K Parkrun. When (if, still) I line up on this Saturday morning for the Parkrun it will be the first time I've done anything like that for 58 years .... SCARY!!!

Well done. Enjoy that parkrun!

Will look forward to your report on Saturday! You'll love it!

Best laid plans & all that ... can't now do Saturday Parkrun as I have a work emergency that morning. Never mind, they happen every Saturday, I'm registered now & I'll retry my W5R3 again on the Parkrun course later in the day on Saturday after I get back from work.