So, on W8R1 i pulled a calf muscle. I'm trying to rest it but it is tricky as I'm a movement director/ choreographer. What I'd like to ask though is is there any other sort of exercise I can do without using my legs? I'm worried that my fitness levels will drop - it's been two weeks now since my last attempt at running . i'm still struggling to walk normally. Anybody got any ideas?
missing running: So, on W8R1 i pulled a calf... - Couch to 5K
missing running

What about a range of upper body stuff? Windmills, arm cycling, punches, pretending to use your arms to turn a skipping rope - you probably know lots of upper body moves as part of your work? Even using hand weights perhaps?

What about walking/running in water? Even though you're still using your legs it's lower impact than running.
If you're struggling to walk then you should check with your physio/GP first before trying a different exercise. But patience might be the answer here and waiting until the calf settles down. Lots of us sustained injuries during the programme (it took me six months!) but there is no hurry, the running will be there waiting and you won't lose too much fitness as your body will remember what to do! Good luck 😊

Runners definitely benefit from good core strength, so anything to contribute to that will be useful.

I'm so sorry to hear that....have you pulled a calf muscle as in its spamsed up ot torn? If it is a spasm I strongly recommend a sports massage. I had a terrible spasm after my first post-graduate run....thought I'd gone and torn oy! I did RICE for two days. Then was fortunate to meet a physio trained in sports massage so she gave me one every day for the next 4 days ( I am very lucky....daily may not be possible or even necessary but get one at least!) Then started calf strengthening and also did warm soaks with Epsom salts stretches and self massages. 10 days on...have had two runs completely pain free. First of all get it properly diagnosed is what I suggest! All the best....keep us posted
Thanks all. I will do RICE tonight, it isn't getting any better :(. It is tricky because my work is physical and I can't rest as such, but am trying not to work it too hard.
Maybe Drs on Friday!