After graduating I've done a few runs, trying the stamina podcast but don't really like it. I need a Laura in my life for the structure she brings. I like the idea of a goal to aim for and feel to be floundering at the moment. I couldn't run over Christmas due to work and flooding in our area so went back to week 5. It was so nice to have Laura back! Is there any other c25k type podcasts out there? A 5 to 10k would be interesting and give me a goal
Missing Laura: After graduating I've done a few... - Couch to 5K
Missing Laura

I just graduated at ChristmAs time
I got the run keeper app on my phone (free version)
I walk for five mins to warm up
Then I set the runkeeper app for thirty minutes. It announces how far I've come every five minutes. After fifteen minutes have passed, I turn and run back the way I came. While I chug along it plays music from my Phone's memory.
Then when the thirty minutes is up, I do a fist pump and walk five mins to get back home.
Run keeper gives me stats, eg 'congratulations!! Your third fastest time!' And it gives me an alert
To remind me when it's time to go for a run.
It's working so far.

Like you i need the sound of Laura in my ear and i always run to week 9. I have tried using other music but it just doesn't work the same and once i went with nothing and i was all over the place. If you want to build up to 10k why not listen back to back to week 9. The cool down walk would give you a break before listening and running again. Just an idea.

Hi, there are quite a few "Bridge to 10k" apps that give you a similar structure to that of C25k. They are available on both the Google Play store and iTunes.
Have a look here:
Good luck

Hi. I also missed Laura! Do you have a smart phone or ipod? I downloaded the app as opposed to the podcast. That way I can hear Laura saying 5 minutes etc... but play my own music/listen to the radio underneath.
Happy running

I too didn't get on very well with the Stepping Stones etc. and went back to Laura. I still run to Week 9 - but when I'm up to it I run beyond the 30 mins until I've done 4K. Not only do I miss Laura otherwise, but I also really like the "Orriginal Salsa" track on the end of Week 9. He has such a cheeky, cheerful voice!!!

I would say that you should keep trying the C25k+ podcasts as they're good for you and will help you. You will grow to like them I feel sure. Mix them up with your other runs.
I gave recently downloaded the 'Bridge to 10k' app from iTunes as I too need a goal! Haven't tried it yet but I've signed up for a 10k in May so no excuses!

I have the 5K + podcasts, and much prefer the speed one, which mixes up faster and slower minutes of running. Laura is there all the way, ensuring that one runs at the correct pace. I use this with Endomondo in the background, which tells me how far I've gone, and gives me a time for each kilometre. So if I'm still feeling good, I continue running through the cool down, and do the whole thing through again. My goal is to get as close to running 5k in 30minutes as I can - my fastest is 32.04 so far.
But today, I'm just pleased I finally got out for my first run after Christmas, managed just over 3k - and that my knees are not protesting too much!!!
Good luck!