With Graduation 3 runs away, was just wondering what sort of distance do people get? I am very slow so don't expect too far but I am still so amazed at the thought that I CAN RUN for 30 minutes non stop no matter what the distance!! So so grateful for all the supportive and encouraging posts that I've read along my journey!
Graduation distance?: With Graduation 3 runs... - Couch to 5K
Graduation distance?

As long as you run for 30 minutes, you did it. I graduated and kept doing 30 minutes and on a good day, kept going for 43 minutes and a 5k! All the work you have done has built a lot of strength and being slow is a very positive thing too, it has got you through without injury. Fantastic to get to this stage, enjoy it

As long as you run for 30 minutes then you will graduate.
Distance will come with time
!! Congratulations !!
*** Finished the Program AND ABLE to Run for 30min NON-STOP ***
*** The "Distance", IS NOT the Question of the Program !!
>>> IF 5km takes you 5 HOURS, then SO-BE-IT !!
What was MAXIMUM that you DREAMED you could Achieve ??!!??
*** IF you wish to "Run" Faster/Further,
you need OTHER Training !! ***
***********Sample Training ************
>>?? Repeat Program with
Run Changed to Sprint, and Walk Changed to Run !!??!!
>>?? Repeat Program with
Times changed to Distances ??!!??
>>?? Development Programs, FOR ATHLETES !!??!! (!! WOW !!)
>>?? 15-5 minute Program !!??!!
>>?? 10-4 minute Program !!??!!
>>?? Regular Race Improvement !!??!!

Distance is not the aim only running for 30 mins. I love the fact I can run for 30 mins but more interestingly I really love how my recovery time is so much quicker now showing I am fitter. I used to take ages to stop puffing, panting , Getting my heart rate down and coming back from my red beetroot look now I recover much quicker and that makes me feel great
I graduated a couple of months ago absolutely chuffed I could run for thirty minutes but to be honest dissappointed I wasn't even at four k then. Since then I have increaesd the times slowly and can now run 5k which takes me Between 38.5 and 44 mins . It's hard work and sometimes I don't do as much but it a huge difference to March when I started and struggled with the one minute runs. I wouldn't worry about distance at this stage, just celebrate the fact you can run for THIRTY minutes then build up if you want to after graduation. Good luck for the last week!
That's so encouraging as I am so chuffed with being able to RUN for 30 minutes and I know I am way off 5km, but my goal was to be able to RUN and that is certainly an achievement I never thought I would be able to do. Thanks for all the encouragement

2 years after graduating I was pleased last week to get a little over 4K in 30 mins...I think a lot of people are around there when they graduate, most get faster - I haven't really. Do I care? What do you think? You can see a lot of pretty things over 4K!

From reading other posts I don't think many of us reach 5k when we graduate. I think I am about 4.3k varying on whether good or bad day. On advice from here I am going to try stepping stones etc because I tried just to increase the distance myself using the w9 podcasts and just adding five minutes initial walking and then running for 35 minutes with five minute warm down, but I don't think it is a long term plan.
Isn't amazing that we can have this conversation? A couple of months ago I couldn't run for one minute.
Good luck whatever you choose to do.
I agree with your last comment, who would think we could discuss our running programme 😉😉 1 minute running in w1 was soooo sooooo hard and now I contemplating 30 mins running 😄

The thirty minute is all it takes... distance and speed can come later..if you want it to
Go you!