Got run 3 in as planned! I was struggling to get off the couch (it is such an appropriate name for the programme!) and was debating about waiting till tomorrow morning as it was so hot tonight, but since I am running in a air-conditioned gym, that excuse wouldn't wash. I read a few posts on here to motivate myself and got on with it. Used my walk to the gym as part of my warm-up and did the same for the cool-down. Seemed to go OK so my plan is to start Week 3 on Friday.... Hope everyone else is having a good week.
Week 2 completed!: Got run 3 in as planned! I... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 completed!

Yay well done!

Good for you Those early weeks are the hardest - still trying to build some stamina, still wondering if the programme will work for YOU, still a bit bewildered by how it works etc
Slow and steady does it and everytime you go out that front door you have beaten the Couch
Thank you! It's building the habit that is hard for me. I was exercising before I started the programme, but it's been erratic because of elbow problems. Plus I am very good at finding reasons not to go to classes (Aqua, Pilates etc) when I get busy at work, and the classes I want to go to book up quickly.
So the stamina part has been reasonably OK so far; I just need to tell myself that because I can run whenever it suits me, there is no possible reason (short of injury, illness or, God forbid, family crisis) that I can't spare 3 hours a week to get ready and run! Work is quiet at the moment, so if I can form good habits now, it will be much easier in 6 weeks time, when it won't be!
I've found that a lot of people get very enthusiastic about a particular thing and then are really eager to incorporate a lot of it.
An example is people who quit smoking and have some success and then decide to also quit drinking/overeating/gambling/whatever. It is putting a heck of a burden on oneself and the domino effect of 'I failed at one so will fail at the rest' is potentially very real.
Of, and this happened me with swimming, you feel so darn good at a certain point you feel indestructible and way overdo it which leads to injury or not enjoying it as much and you quit.
I have kept it all very simple - three times a week I'll run. that is it. No 'watching what I eat because I am a Runner' or anything like that and if I miss a day, oh well...I did not run for 56 years so one day won't destroy me
I do religiously observe the Rest days though - I am amazed, given my physical bad hand of cards, that I have not injured myself long before now. I give all credit to strictly observing the Rest days and time limits etc
I'm a Master Black Belt at excuses But it's darn hard to find an excuse not to simply put on a teeshirt, running pants and shoes and walk out the door. As of now, I haven't turned around immediately and gone back in the door without running some distance at least
Seriously - I am amazed at my progress and utterly grateful that this programme exists. It is a deal changer on so many levels. I do hope you stay and run with us

I couldn't agree more! I am determined to succeed, but equally determined to be kind to myself and sensible about this. No beating myself up if I don't run when I planned to, as long as there is a good reason or I make sure to do it at the next available opportunity. I think it's important for me to be honest with myself about why I didn't run when planned, and to be realistic enough to know that sometimes I just won't go when I should, but that doesn't mean I should give up altogether. Exactly as you said!
I got very good at always concentrating on other people's needs professionally, and after hitting a really low point, last year decided I was going to be a bit more selfish and pursue my own ambitions a little more - nothing major, just taking some time to write applications for some professional recognitions. No one died as a result (not that I work in the health service!), and I am now in a role which will suit me and my employers better as a result of my efforts and really reflecting on my priorities. So I have proved I can make time for things I really want. Running won't take more time than those applications did, and the benefits are significantly greater.
I'm in it for the long haul - thanks for the support. It means a lot. 😀 When I was hesitating this afternoon, I could almost hear everyone telling me to go for it!! For me, the forum is as much of a deal changer as the programme.

Excellent, well done to you. 🌟