This Summer has been a bit all over with my running this year, hay fever being the bane of my running life. Last night Mr Rfc came home to tell me we had a nail in one of our tyres and he was getting up early to go get it sorted,. So I bit the bullet and said drop me off at the park, it'll make it the perfect timing to go to Park Run. My last one in June was a DNF. (Did not finish), and I really haven't had a good 5km since.
So this morning up I got and went. The one thing I'm not ecstatic about my park run is that it is three laps. Lap one is always tough as your getting going. Then on to lap two, today as I was going round lap two all that was going through my head was, "I'm not having fun". " Why am I doing this" " even if I get a PB it won't be worth all this".
Then lap 3 came, "I cant quit again". " Am I last". ( I was third from the last, I'm happy at the back of the pack) " I must finish this, this time".
It took everything I had to push myself up the funnel and get my token, I felt like I was on my last legs, It had been a hard and slow parkrun but I had done it.
Turned my Garmin off "NEW RECORD". I got a Pb,. 10 min faster than my training time. My treadmill speed work must be working. I was on a high, best run for ages and it was all worth it I think I will go and join them again for the 27th for Team GB.
The things that go through your head, you would swear I was two different people during and after a run 😀. There are still some days when my brain hates pushing my body and my mind is fighting it every step but I've felt such an accomplishment for the rest of the day it really was worth it and I can't wait for my next run. Also On the plus side I have been so much more productive today as my head felt so much clearer, I have sat down and designed half a new website for our bowls club, all in all a very positive day.
Happy healthy running to you all.
Rfc X.