Well what a disaster, Tuesday night set of with Laura for week 8 run 1, I just got to the end of the five minute warm up and Laura stopped. She just wasn't there, on investigation the player was FLAT!! I'd only plugged one end in to charge. So checked the gadget for the time and of I went,. It was so weird with no music never mind Laura whispering to me. I was trying to work out the time, where half way would be etc. and failed the timing part miserably.
I ran for 28 minutes even though I had to sort of double back on myself to give me five minutes walk.
I should have run last night but I'd had a bad day at work, and loads of shoulder pain and had to give in to pain killers so I was really tired when I got home. I had tea and went to bed at nine thirty.
Woke up at four this morning, no it's too early to get up yet, gave it another hour then sneaked out so's not to wake hubby. I was just tying my shoes "and what do you think you're doing" He'd snuck down stairs and made me jump, but he was dressed ready for his bike ride!!
Off we went slightly different route, over the road bridge wow it was a lot steeper on the way back!! Ran for 28 mins..... 4.29km average speed 5.5mph, really chuffed with that . It felt good, it was nice and fresh not heavy like it has been some nights. I think I'm converting to mornings!!