After hitting my longest run of 12k about a month ago and regularly running 10ks, (including my first 10k event which I loved!) I feel as though I have hit the wall a bit with my running over the last couple of weeks. โน๏ธ At first I thought it was the weather but now I'm not so sure? I have also started to feel a tightness in my left hip and buttock (only when I run) . Have been rolling and stretching and think it may be my piriformus but have decided to go and see the very lovely physio who helped me last year when I had a nasty calf tear. Dropped my long run plan for this weekend and had a rest through the week. Ran an ok 5.5k yesterday but still feeling tight in the hip, which left me feeling a little deflated afterwards. Anyway, will make an appointment tomorrow and see what the physio says but feel as though I am going through a bit of a poor patch with my running after being on such a high and feeling such progress. I had hoped to do a 10 mile event in October but now quite glad that I haven't entered yet! Am also trying to refocus on strength and flexibility which maybe I have let slip a bit. Anyone else had similar dips in fitness and what helped? I love my running โค๏ธ๐๐ป and it doesn't usually feel this hard!! ๐ฎ
Dips in fitness and how to manage them? โน๏ธ๐๐ป - Couch to 5K
Dips in fitness and how to manage them? โน๏ธ๐๐ป

Oh I'm sorry to read that Sandra but I think you're being very sensible in seeing a physio sooner rather than later. Let's hope it's something that's easily fixed.
Hitting a wall is something us runners are prone to sometimes as we do expect a lot from our bodies don't we? It happened to me last year and I took a whole week off with no running at all. I think I had been overdoing things as I had mouth ulcers too and other physical symptons and I couldn't run for toffee. The chemist recommended a dose of zinc and vitamin C to boost the immune system and, with the rest, that seemed to do the trick.
Fingers crossed you can return to happy, ache free running ๐

I'm feeling the same thing right now. I haven't really got my mojo back since the HM in May. The physio will help even if there is nothing wrong just talking about running solidly for your whole appointment will help, I always find that my physio makes me feel like a runner again and all I want to do is get back out there. I hope it all goes well.
Hope you get it all sorted Sandra, good to seek advice. Don't lose hope for GSR yet, good few months away. .. you've been through alot this year and have done so well to keep up with your running. Big hugs for a quick recovery ๐ x

I hit a slump in February after my longest run to date. It hit hard and I'm still not as active as before, though I'm not beating myself up for it. Is there a route or a speed you enjoy? Or another activity to spend some time in? Taking a break from needing to see 'progress' was what I needed.
Thank you, I do need to be more positive(!) as I have a tendency to beat myself up at the slightest thing! I know we all have these slumps and I am definately due one, after a tricky few months with 2 family bereavements. Frustrated more than anything, but also optimistic that things will pick up over the summer when I have time off.๐

Ah sorry to hear this Sandra xxx
Yes I agree, you have had a tough time and it might be all the " fall out "from that . I only run twice a week now, I finally accepted that 3 times a week was too much for me and I was getting too many overuse injuries . Sometimes you just know when you need to take it down a notch and take a bit of time off .
When I had that hip bursitis last year, my physio told me that it is caused by over use and weak glutes ( Its all in the glutes ! ) I had some time off and did the exercises religiously and it sorted it . Even now , I will take extra rest days if I feel like I need them.
I think its all part and parcel of being a runner , highs and sometimes lows , all ebbs and flows.
Good Luck with the physio and you are still the one and only Flying Sandra ! xxx
Oh, poppy, you always make me smile! I think my physio might tell me the same about it being overuse and weak glutes. I do vary the number of times I run in a week. I was pounding along at three a week for a while but have eased this down to 2 more regularly. How did your 14k go? Off to look for your post now.....๐x

Aw I am glad I make you smile Sandra ! Smile whilst you've still got teeth, that's my motto Ha ha
I did it ! Yee -haw ! I'm going to put a post up in a bit xxx

I think our bodies are maybe not entirely strong enough or evenly strong enough to comfortably do all we ask of them. I am sure weak glutes are a big problem for all new runners. I dug out my old callisthenics book because I remembered there were some very effectual exercises in there, however I don't do them often. I wonder if it is a case of other muscles compensating for our weak glutes and then feeling overly strained and maybe that is why we have these discouraging dips. I know my body is not equally strong throughout, the legs are much stronger than the arms and the entire upper body has been neglected, if I am honest. My core is also weak and so are the glutes.
I can't be bothered working out in a gym or with weights at home but I've signed up for some swimming lessons. I can swim ok but don't have the best technique and I'd like to get into some swimming again. It is supposed to be good for your arms, shoulders, back and stomach muscles as well as the legs so should be an overall strengthener. Also of course the water prevents any pressure on your skeletal frame. Do you fancy trying a bit of swimming too?
Agree with everything you say and I know I need to work on a few key areas! Not though swimming sadly though - I really hate swimming!!
I know chlorine, right? I start next week but did really have to psyche myself up to it because I don't like putting my head under water and getting chlorine in my eyes.
Hope your physio has some advice for you, it may just be to take ah rest which would be frustrating but you have had an enormous amount of stress with 2 bereavements and a new position at work, this all has to be taking a toll.

I'd recommend a planned break from running for a week or two. Sometimes I think we just need a break/rest.
Seeing the physio might well help, but so will a break from your normal work routine with the school holiday coming up soon(ish).
Don't beat yourself up, you're doing brilliantly. Plenty of time to train for a race in the autumn.
Hope the physio is able to give you some good advice, and that you have caught a niggle before it becomes an injury.

Yes , definitely don't give up hope for the race in October Sandra !
You've lots of time yet
boptillyoudrop49 , you have raised some excellent points there and I really need to work on my glutes and core. I'm not too keen on swimming too tbh.
I do a sort of pick and mix from exercises on YouTube , and I really must dig out the exercises the physio gave me xxx

Yes that is so true , We are all going to hell in an handcart !
I do struggle doing strength exercises consistently , very much hit and miss for me xxx