Defeated, Disappointed and Sad!: I was ok all... - Couch to 5K

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Defeated, Disappointed and Sad!

Mini13 profile image
27 Replies

I was ok all these days/weeks running just as Laura said and completing the run/walk. I have had some difficult days but I never gave up. Then today was my R3W6; I have been dreading this since I finished my R2W6 yesterday morning. I thought I would give it a go today in the evening as I did the previous run in the morning yesterday. I had a good lunch- a Curry which may not have helped as I did feel a bit heavy when I left home for the run. (I had the curry at 2pm and ran only at 6pm though) I started the 5 minute walk but noticed that I did not walk as much (not fast) as I usually do before the run. Never mind, I started my run, not too fast, slow and steady..but I was feeling so heavy and tired I had to stop! Not even 5 minutes running! I could not believe that I stopped. I have never done this in any of my runs, I have been too stubborn to give up but this time I did not even think about it, but just gave up, just like that! Ohh.. I feel so let down by my own self. Saying that I will try this again maybe tomorrow or day after..

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Mini13 profile image
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27 Replies
SBG356 profile image

Put it behind you as a bad run Mini. We all get them and you are lucky really to have come so far before having one. :) I personally think that maybe you didn't leave enough of a break between the runs. Give it another day or so and then go for it again, you will be fine I'm sure.


Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to SBG356

Thank you very much Sue, I am still sad though. As you say, maybe I was over confident in this run, I should have left some time in between. I sooo wanted to get it out of the way as I knew I was going to run soo long, saying that I was quite anxious about this too.

Oldgirl profile image

This is one of the hardest runs Mini so don't beat yourself up about it. You changed a few very important things one being the time you were running. Give yourself a day or two and try it again at your usual time. We all have had days like this, its not the first and perhaps won't be the last, but remember YOU DID NOT FAIL, to fail would be not to run at all. You have got to week 6 and will keep on going. When you next go out, try and relax, don't go too fast too soon. Wishing you all the best, you can and will do this so don't worry.

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

Thank you very much oldgirl as always..I will give this another go, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday after work. It is quite disappointing though when you stop. I was pretty angry with myself for giving up so easily, I have never been like that in my previous runs, I have been soo tired but never given up. I think more than being tired, I felt quite heavy (my Curry to be blamed!) even if I went for the run after about 4 hours after the meal.

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

...btw Oldgirl I felt 'failed' because I did not want to do it anymore so I turned back and returned home! That was after about 5 minutes warm up walk and about 4 minutes run and then again the next few minutes walk back home! I should have continued (do you think?) but was so disappointed did not want to do it any further!

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to Mini13

I feel your disappointment Mini but don't dwell on it cos you can't turn the clock back, just look forward to your next run.

I stopped on my run this morning. I'm recovering from an injury and this morning was my 3rd recovery run. I set out to do 5K, but for some daft reason changed my route a bit at the end. I was coming up to the 4.5K mark and realised the last .5K was nearly all slightly uphill!!! Stupid way to be heading home, leg was tired, not painful but I decided I could do some damage again if I pushed on, so I stopped and started walking. I looked ay my Garmin report after and thought "WHY DID I STOP"? I stopped because I felt I should. Your run was not going well from the start so instead of battling through perhaps hurting yourself because you would have been tense, you stopped and went home. In my opinion you did just the right thing. Now Mini look forward and not backwards and good luck.

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

Many thanks Oldgirl, you are very kind, so as all the others who took their time to make comments..I love you all!

I am sorry that you could not finish your run, but as you say you are wise to stop when your body said it cannot go on. I hope you are fine now, take good care of you!

I will try my run again on Tuesday. Shall blog here when I completed my run! I think I was too full (after the extra big lunch, greedy me!) for a run, I felt very heavy at the time, which I have never felt before. AND I tried to do the run too quick without resting properly. Well, those are the reasons I can think of, whatever it is, I am going to try again!

ancientrunner profile image

Agree with Sue - put it behind you. Leave it a few days and try again. If you read these blogs regularly - nobody gets through the programe without a hitch. It is disappoinitng when it happens but you'll bounce back.

Mini13 profile image

Thank you ancientrunner, I will leave it a couple of days and then try the minute of course I feel so lethargic!

Try not to look at this as a fail, its learning, maybe it was the food. Your body telling you it wasn't the right fuel.

You will try again and you will succeed.

Some days no matter how we feel runs just dont go how we want them to.

Think positively and I know the next time you try this, you'll be happily reporting back with a great success.

Good luck.

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to

Thank you 7-of-us..I will give it day or two and then try again. After the food I was just at home not doing much, so I think it may have been a bit too much. I am more angry with myself for giving up so easily!

Lynds profile image

There's no way I could run anything more than a bath just 4 hours after a big dinner! Put it down to experience!

Also, I don't think I would be able to motivate legs or will to do a 'harder' run just one day after another hard run... do you think you're asking too much of yourself? :-)

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to Lynds

Thank you Lynds,to be honest, I think I was a bit too pushy with myself today, I think I am trying too hard here; but then I am more angry because I just gave up, and then walked back home! How pathetic is that?!

(The weather was lovely today so I could not resist giving it a go.)

greenlegs profile image

It was a bad run - don't let it get to you. :) Everyone has them. Don't be hard on yourself, treat it as a learning experience and make sure you are well-rested before tough runs - waiting until Tuesday, and going at your usual time is probably a good idea. And maybe avoid big meals before your Race for Life day!

You will get past this, it's just a blip. Hugs! :)

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to greenlegs

Thank you greenlegs, I will wait until Tuesday, I will not do any running tomorrow and then try again on Tuesday after work. The curry really did not help, I am still full after 5 1/2 hours! As you say, this is a good lesson for big breakfast before Race for Life! I think I am trying to go a bit quicker because of my break in May after the surgery. I do worry that if I do not complete this I may not be able to have enough time to start training again.

Monemy profile image

Maybe you're putting too much pressure on yourself for this run: it's not as hard as it seems! Try and feel confident that you are going to make it... If you've got this far, of course you can!!! Maybe change your running course, or use your own music. Do something to take your mind of it ;)

When I run I like to think about all the things I'm planning to do that need fitness: I think about my hiking holiday, my running race, going climbing... Basically, I distract myself ;)

Please don't stop now, you've done great so far!

Good luck :)

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to Monemy

Thank you very much Monemy, As I have said above, I think I am putting too much pressure, wish I never knew how long I had to run! Like you, I also distract myself and think of all sorts and also concentrate on the music. When you have heard the music several times, you get bored though. I also think that it would help if I use my own music because Laura's music really does not help me as much as they did in my previous runs. I do feel sad to give her up though; I'd love to hear she encourages me at the last minute. I will keep her music for this run as well and then change it once I get through this BIG run. Thank you..

caz1_ca profile image

Mini, I know exactly how you feel because that happened to me in week7. We all have bad runs sometimes for no particular reason they just happen. Try not to think too hard about the run and if you have to repeat some of the runs so be it, not the end of the world. I didn't manage to complete any of the runs in week7 the first time around, and I was quite upset the second time I did't it,I really did feel very tearful. So the next time I went out I decided to just go for as long as I could and I managed 2 minites longer than the two previous runs. The next week I decided to listen to the 20 minute podcast and that was my goal and anything I did over that I would be happy with, well I did 26 minutes, the 2nd run I listend to the 20 minute podcast again and ran 25 minutes. The 3rd run I listened to week 7 and ran 25 minutes and sprinted for the last minute and a bit. So it is still possible you haven't failed you just missed one run. Take the pressure off don't think about it too much, try having a banana and a glass of water about 30 to 40 minutes before you go, it works for me. :-) So chin up and mark it up to experience and move on. :-)

Good luck, I'll be rooting for you. :-)

Mini13 profile image
Mini13Graduate in reply to caz1_ca

Many thanks caz1_ca, thanks for all what you have said...and folr your wishes...this is the best forum ever! I am going to try again on Tuesday after work, shall blog when I do it...

Mini, I think you made the right decision. I was having an awful W7R1 the other day and pushed on to the end regardless, I couldn't complete the cool down walk as I had to return home because I thought I was going to faint. This I'm sure knocked my confidence a bit more than had I just stopped and tried again another day when things were going better. Good luck for your next run. You've one fab to get this far. I'm out for w7R2 tonight and hoping for a better run ;-)

Mini13 profile image

Dear 5kbefoireim30, Many thanks for your comments..I am going to try again tomorrow and hopefully I will do it?! Goo dluck to you for your W7R2 tonight!!

Anniemurph profile image

As everyone else has said, don't worry too much about it. I hope you're feeling more positive today? You will get through this, and as some clever person said up above, it's not failing, it's learning :) I had to stop on several runs because for some reason it just wasn't working. The next run was invariably fine. All the very best with it, and let us know how it goes. We're all cheering you on!


Mini13 profile image

Thank you very much Annie, I do feel positive today and also less anxious, I think last time it meant to be a flop, (too early for the run-not enough rest, too much food in the tum, too anxious etc etc etc) as I was too anxious. I am going to give it a go again tomorrow, today is also a rest day as then I will be better for tomorrow's run. I feel better when I run after work, today I am off; so I shall do that tomorrow. All your cheering is needed please, many thanks!!

oldfogeyrunner profile image

I think its all been said. Just wanted to show my support. I'm an aged person only on R3W3 so very much admire your having got to the stage you have. Good Luck!

Mini13 profile image

Thank you oldfogeyrunner, Thank you for your kind support.Congrats for doing W3R3!!! You are great to come this far too. You know, when I used to do W3 I never thought I would last this long, but now when looked back, I am pround of myself, it is just that I was so sad that I could not do the run yesterday and gave up so easily, very unlike me! I will do it again tomorrow..

caj62 profile image

Let us know how you get on when you try again. I'm sure you will do it!

Mini13 profile image

I did try again and completed with 'flying' the 5.2k in 35 minutes 45 seconds...sorry I started a new blog on that, under 'Dit it, I did it, man I did it'!! Thank you very much for your wishes!

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