Sorry for the late post - parkrun, carnival an... - Couch to 5K

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Sorry for the late post - parkrun, carnival and great run local

amateurwriter profile image
6 Replies

Hi everyone, really sorry for this really late post, I went to parkrun and then went and helped out on the carnival but ended up with heat/sun stroke so haven't been well since then, I managed to get well enough to go volunteer at great run local and meet the mayor, I also managed to meet the mayor during the carnival on the saturday :)

I remembered to get my barcode in my bag and everything else I needed in my bag before going to bed because saturday was going to be a pretty busy day with me getting home, showering, changing eating all within 2 hours of getting home, and getting out to the carnival,

I managed to have a decent breakfast I decided on boiled eggs and toast, with a vitamin and mineral drink and some fruit as well as my vitamin D supplement, I managed to get everything ready and leave at 7, well was ready before then because I made sure I had everything in my bag the night before so wasn't running around like a headless chicken trying to find things I'd forgot,

I got to the start of parkrun for 8, there was the usual pre-event setup team and a few new faces which was really nice to see more people turning up to help set up and make sure the course is safe for everyone we all don't stand around for long as the run director with the keys turned up pretty much after 8, I do my usual duty of putting out all the small cones around the track the starting 2 cones and the cones directing people off the track,

I go back to where the volunteers are and we chat until I realise what time it is so go and grab my things and nip toilet, this week there was no julie or bill or leanne but I got to see the lovely andy and denise who I helped around as tail runner plus I see denise at great run local on the sunday,

I then go and stand and listen to the briefing and then get to the start of the run, I saw liz and said hi to her have a good run and then we was off, I then ended up doing a run walk around the course, think part of it was psychological, this saturday I'm hoping to get a PB with the help of Will and Phil who I will be running with, here's hoping to get a PB for my 50th parkrun,

I came in with a time of 39:27 so this week I'm going to do a bit of work on my psychological side of running as well as running because I don't want to cause Phil and Will to stop just because of me but I find that running with someone else keeps me going for longer than if I was running on my own,

I got home after the parkrun and had a shower, changed and had a bite to eat, didn't take any water with me big mistake, I was in the sun for 3 hours, my face is now a lovely red colour as well as my neck and my arms, I also ended up nearly collapsing afterwards due to heat/sun stroke so when you go out running please remember to take some water with you, I was only walking with the parade but became dehydrated even after a friend bought me some water when we stopped from this corner shop which he was kind enough to pay for himself even after I offered him the money for it, I got to meet the mayor at the carnival as well as on the sunday so I was really happy about that,

I am including a picture of me with the certificate I was awarded for all the volunteering I've done over the last few months with I Will If You Will, it's a programme to try and get more girls and women in to exercise and sport but some of the activities men and children can join in,

In the picture I'm not wearing a cap, I'm the one kneeling down to your left of the mayor (to the mayor's right) just noticed you can see my cap on the grass in front of me :)

Hope everyone has had a great weekend, I'm heading to A&E now think I've broke my wrist oops, well once I've eaten something, hope you are all well, just glad it's not my leg I've hurt,

Take care,

Siobhan xx

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6 Replies
Ullyrunner profile image

Ooh Siobhan - you need to take more care of yourself! Heatstroke and a possible broken wrist is not great. Hope you feel better soon.

Great photo!

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Thank you :)

I'm feeling much better today thank you for asking, been drinking plenty of water and my wrist is now splinted up, got to wait 2 weeks to see if it's broke or not, I'm hoping it's not broke,

Take care,

Siobhan x

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Congratulations on your certificate Siobhan. That's pretty cool, meeting the mayor. The sun has been fierce for us fair skinned people. I think it the sudden onslaught, our skin just really isn't prepared for it. I am just thinking I should probably have a small tube or spray can of suntan lotion and carry it about with me. In fact I'll pick a couple up this afternoon when I go shopping. You keep so busy. Is everyone in your family as active as you?

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Thank you :)

Surpringsly I literally am more active than all my siblings, mum and step-dad put together, always on the go doing one thing or another, didn't like just sitting down as a kid either had to be doing something, reading, writing, sports, volunteering, helping people in the neighbourhood, helping my nan around the house whether that was mopping the kitchen floor or just finding the sewing needle she dropped on to the floor, helping around school and college, at different events with school and college, think that is what has helped me overcome my injuries in the past and why I'm still going strong :)

It's terrible isn't it being fair skinned in this weather, I used to get terrible sun burnt as a kid, the upside of being fair skinned is we look young for our ages, so silver linings :) plus I've now got some colour to my skin :)

Take care,

Siobhan x

poppypug profile image

Oh Siobhan ! What an eventful weekend ! Lovely that you got to meet the Mayor, but what happened to your wrist ? Did you fall ? Plus, the heat stroke sounds terrible !

I really hope youre okay , big hugs (( )))

Please let us know how you are once you are able to xxx

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thank you :)

(((bigs hugs to you to)))

The weekend has been pretty good, I got to meet the mayor twice, I now have quite good cooler in my face and my body is getting used to the onslaught of water I'm drinking now which since sunday it has been well over 2 litres a day :)

I'm doing a lot better than I was on saturday thank you for asking, The person I was volunteering with, who is part of the I Will If You Will team rang me up yesterday to make sure I was ok, I said to him I was doing about the same as I was on sunday but much better than saturday, then scared him half to death by saying I'd just been in the hospital for the last few hours, took me a few minutes to realise what I had said and that he had thought I meant because of the heat stroke, he didn't half breath a sigh of relief once I'd told him it was for my wrist and not my head,

I dropped a box of flyers on my wrist, well I was picking it up off the ground and my right hand was sweaty so couldn't grip it properly, the box was going to drop and have the flyers going everywhere so I rushed my hand beneath the box but bit lower than I had intended and the box landed straight on to my wrist, I'm severly lacking in vitamin D so got told by the rhemutologist that I could easily break a small bone in any part of my body until my level's go up, saturday I didn't notice it, sunday woke up and it was hurting, monday i woke up and it was hurting just as bad but couldn't move my thumb, it felt like the last time i had broke my scaphoid bone in my left wrist (broke that 3 times in the past) so felt just the same as the first 2 times as the 3rd time was different I knew straight away that I had broke my scaphoid bone, palm instantly started swelling up and went black and blue,

The main thing is I can still carry on running and I can still volunteer this weekend :D

Hope you are well as well, will send some virtual cake to everyone to celebrate my 50th in my run report on the saturday :) this thursday my article should be up on the parkrun news page :) eeek so excited,

Take care,

Siobhan xxx

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