parkrun :) what's the weirdest conversation yo... - Couch to 5K

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parkrun :) what's the weirdest conversation you've had at parkrun?

amateurwriter profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone, I was absolutely shattered yesterday ended up nearly falling asleep at 6 stayed awake long enough to eat some tea and then went bed at 9 I must have been tired I didn't wake up this morning until almost 8, I just about managed to get to great run local for volunteering and I'm glad I did as I found out that the mayor of bury is going to be coming down to burrs next sunday for a presentation for all the volunteers so I've put my name down for next week,

I remembered to put my barcode in my bag the night before on the friday but still ended up making sure it didn't sneak out for a holiday on the saturday before I set off, I got to the parkrun for 8, and there was quite a few other volunteers that had turned up, I set out most of the cones, I did all the samll cones around the track, and the 2 starting cones, someone else had put out the cones for directing people off the track,

I had finished putting the cones out and everything else had been finished so I went and put the last few cones back in to the wheelbarrow, I should mention that I have a rubbish perception of space and it was mettle and so I went and hit my knee on it oops, it will teach me to not get so close to the wheelbarrow in future,

I go back to the volunteers and have a great chat with Bill, don't remember much about what though but I'm sure it was a good chat and we had a laugh, I think it's the only place you can meet other people and chat about losing socks in the washing machine, stood there for around 5 minutes chatting to volunteers about losing socks in the washing machine it just made it such a funny parkrun, I enjoy the weird conversations because it makes me feel more relaxed as I'm usually having weird conversations with other people, I do chat about oridinary things as well though :)

I nip toilet, grab my barcode and phone and water bottle and go back to where the volunteers are, then I spot leanne and julie and we all chat and then we have the briefing, I chat to a few people but sometimes I don't know what to say or what my brain will get me to say, sometimes parkrun is a little bit overwhelming for me, hence the picture that I included on this post,

We go to the start and me and leanne go near the back of the runners as we ain't that quick, we wait for the 3,2,1 and then we are off well once all the runners in front start then we are off, we get round the track quite well but leanne runs too fast for me at the start, we come off the track and we run through the 2 gates and turn left going past the yellow foamed blocks covered the small tree stumps, and down the first hill to where my friend Bill was marshalling, we turned right and we carried on following the path, we went past the river and up to the bottom of the hill which we call cruella de hill :)

We walk up the hill, I wasn't feeling 100% so was good to walk up the hill instead of running up it, so we get to the top of the hill and start running again, we go past a children's playground with a zip wire which the big kid in me comes out and is always wanting to have a go on the zip wire but try to say no to myself so far I haven't had a go,

We travel down the 3rd hill and head on to the 2nd loop around the paths, up the hill again and down the 3rd hill to go back up the 1st hill, you get back to the top, past the yellow foam covered tree stumps and you see the track think it's finished or in my case on saturday hoped it was that and then back on to the track but nope, we still had the out and back, we ran/walk down and then again coming back towards the track, we get on to the track and keep at a steadish pace until right near the end, there was this woman right behind me and leanne who had stopped once on the track with only a little bit to go, so I slowed down a little bit and helped her the last little bit, telling her only little bit further and I managed to help her cross the finish line,

We all finished, I finished in a time of 40:17, really pleased with that since I wasn't feeling 100% and neither was leanne with her asthma, I'm really pleased it went well,

I am going to hopefully have an article wrote about my 50th parkrun in the parkrun newsletter due to be released on the 9th june, 2 days before my 50th parkrun takes place, I'm writing about it now with around 2 weeks til then, my 50th parkrun takes place on the 11th june at bolton parkrun, I'm trying to get as many brain injury survivor's down to the parkrun but anyone is invited as it'd be nice to get a lot of people down to the parkrun, if you fancy coming down to run or volunteer at the event, but no pressure on coming down, I will be baking a couple of cakes and a few other friends (still can't believe I can say that after losing so many friends after my first brain injury) at parkrun have also said they will bake a cake but if you fancy coming down with cakes then that's fine as well, more the merrier,

I know that some of you live to far away so it will be too far to travel all the way for a few hours at bolton parkrun, then I understand you won't be able to come up for the parkrun but the invitation is open to everyone if you fancy coming up, either running or volunteering or just spectating and just enjoying cake,

I hope everyone has a great week, hope you all have had a great weekend, hope if you are on the injury couch hope you heal soon,

Take care everyone,

Siobhan xx

P.S. I've been chosen for this year's headway christmas cards so my face will be plastered on the back of the cards as I'm now classed as an ambassodar (yep still can't spell properly) I help by raising money by doing different events, but more importanly I raise awareness of the charity and also how people cope with a brain injury, what it is like to have a brain injury etc, so I'm really proud of that beaming from ear to ear and yesterday before the parkrun started I had a professional photo shoot outside for the pictures for the christmas cards :D

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amateurwriter profile image
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12 Replies
davelinks profile image

Great Siobhan! I sympathise with you for having that tornado in your head, thought mine were bad enough! All that going on in the mind will make you tired, doe's me!..😴

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to davelinks

Thank you :)

It doesn't usually effect me that much at parkrun, lately it has though but wasn't feeling to good, glad I'm not the only one with a tornado in my head

Take care,

Siobhan x

heavyhorse profile image

inspiring as always, I wish I could come to your Bolton parkrun but its a bit far, maybe next year for your 100 th!!

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to heavyhorse

Thank you :)

It's ok, it will be to far for most people on here, just thought I'd put the invite up just in case anyone fancies coming along and enjoying some cake after running or volunteering during the parkrun :)

Take care,

Siobhan x

IannodaTruffe profile image

Great stuff, Siobhan. You are a brilliant ambassador and your posts here really help to get your message across.

Keep running, keep smiling.

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you :)

I couldn't believe it when they called me an ambassador, didn't even know what it meant so had to ask people well didn't really ask anyone but put it up on a facebook post and people told me what it meant, I'm really proud of that, I'm not just spreading the word of brain injuries to parkrunners and other people I'm spreading the word of parkrun to brain injury survivor's and to other people about how much parkrun can help people :)

Take care,

Siobhan x

sparky66 profile image

You are such a wonderful insperation.. and such a talented baker of cake.. I wish I wasn't so far..ide come to sample some and be part of a parkrun.. which is on my ' want to do list' once I graduate x

Thankyou for sharing and making it sound so enjoyable..

Look forward to your post after mayor event :)

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to sparky66

Thank you :)

It's ok, a lot of people on here live to far away, thought I'd put the invite out just in case anyone fancies popping along, I'm sure you will have a great time at your first parkrun and many more parkruns :) will try to put up a picture of either the cakes or me during the parkrun or both in less than 2 weeks time :)

I can honestly say that going to my first parkrun is one of the best decision's of my life, I haven't looked back since and I can't believe how much I have improved over the months since going, not just in my fitness but other areas of my life and more importantly I have some great friends now who don't care about my brain injuries, they like me for me,

Take care,

Siobhan x

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

It is going to be a really special day by the sounds of things. Unfortunately as I'm overseas I can't be there for it but I look forward to reading your report. Isn't that amazing having your face on the Christmas cards?!

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Thank you :)

It's ok, I will put up a write of it and include some pictures of a cake or me or both during the parkrun :) I'm gobsmacked that they chose me for the christmas cards this year, I feel very honoured and can't wait for them to come out, one of the run director's who is at bolton parkrun has already said he'd buy some when they come out :)

Take care,

Siobhan x

poppypug profile image

Oh Siobhan this is amazing ! Sounds like you have got the recognition for all your hard work and commitment to helping others by being an ambassador for Headway. That is such an honour, and I can imagine how pleased you are !

I was hoping to get up to your parkrun, but I have no transport as hubby is in the Lakes that weekend , but I will be there in spirit , cheering you on ! What a special day it will be and you so deserve it !

Have a good week ! xxx

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriterGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thank you :) I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner,

I am really honoured about that, never expected to be an ambassador, I just do things because I enjoy helping people and reaching out to more people about things not just brain injuries but also about parkrun and other things as well :) I don't think I'd be anywhere close to where I am today without all you fantastic wonderful people from here who introduced me to parkrun in the first place and it's just escalated from there, in a good way of course :)

It's ok, I know you will be thinking and cheering me on, I will post a few pictures from the day, maybe next year for my 100th? I hope your hubby has a great time, I'm going to love baking the cakes :)

Take care and enjoy the rest of your week :)

Siobhan xxx

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