I want to say thank you for kindly accepting my participation in this forum. After starting a free Run a 5K App, I stumbled upon this community. I wish I had known of this c25K first but I didn't and I don't like going backwards, so I have stuck with what I stared. I have been encouraged and accepted here even though I am on a different 5K training app. For that I am impressed and grateful. So, thank you for your graciousness, to all who have interacted with me and encouraged me.
My left femoris seems to be healed. I started back where I left off at WK4R1. I had to run slow but I completed it with energy to spare!
I had maintained a jogging program while nursing that femoris. As I felt improvement, I was able to jog & run some for 26 and then for 29 minutes nonstop. A huge threshold for me after struggling with 3:00 jogs!.
Today's Run a 5K training App workout called for:
Warm up 4:00
Run 4:00 walk 2:00
Run 5:00 Walk 2:00
Run 3:00 Walk 2:00
Run 3:00 Walk 2:00
Cool down 5:00
2.09 miles not including the extra 300 yards I did and the 1 mile to and from the track I walk each time.
During cool down today, feeling like I needed to do more, I decided to run at about 70% of all out for 220 yards. Wow! That felt wonderful! After that I did three 100 yard sprints at about 60% to 70% of my capacity. That's slow generally but for me it is a milestone at 22, 22, and 20 seconds.
(I know y'all use meters but I am on a track at a football field in America and the markings correspond to the goal lines at 100 yards. I am accustomed to the old high school distances of 100, 220, 330 and 440 yards so I still think in those terms.)
After these runs, I did two bleacher stairs, one single step at a time and one double step at a time. Just 29 steps but fairly steep.
I still wanted to do more! But, I stopped while could do so willingly.
If my body lets me, I will push like this Sunday, and Tuesday, then do normal on Thursday to be ready for Saturday's 5K Run at Climax Canyon in Raton, New Mexico. Lots of steep ascent on this trail. I am not racing obviously, but I would like to not be the last one to the finish line.